
Tavern Dweller
posted September 26, 2012 07:55 AM |

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 09, 2012 09:17 PM |
Updated. I only disabled rules to display at start. No matter how much I warn to not change them, people just don't read then have strange issues.
Era II mods and utilities


Hired Hero
posted October 10, 2012 10:06 AM |

What's this?

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 10, 2012 11:14 AM |


Hired Hero
posted October 10, 2012 11:46 AM |
Starting a new game or Loading, it shows (not only one message):
Error in FU3324 at x16=8301,
address=5881809; address contains 127.
The game is still playable, but these messages are annoying.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 10, 2012 11:52 AM |
Those are JimV's checks for game version. You either don't use Era or you use old version of tew3, for wog 3.58.
Era II mods and utilities

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 12, 2012 12:56 PM |
@EMPShockwave, I guess the chinese Era has different addresses, if you still get those messages after installing properly era and tew 3, you will need to disable the primary skills >99 patch. There is a plugin doing same thing, but I guess it won't work neither.
Era II mods and utilities


Hired Hero
posted October 12, 2012 01:10 PM |
You're right. I randomly enabled that Plugin, made troubles.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 12, 2012 01:26 PM |
Ah man, disable it for tew 3, that's why you get errors. Tew 3 has already the plugin erm coded so the second run will get already modified values.
Era II mods and utilities

Legendary Hero
walking to the library
posted October 12, 2012 09:16 PM |
Does it matter if I play the map on Era 2.3 or Era 2.4?
I ask because I explore the Rome area and creatures are not at ACE level.
"I heard the latest HD version disables playing Heroes. Please reconsider."-Salamandre

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 12, 2012 09:21 PM |
Is normal, neutrals will level with time. Ace will be awarded for every AI hero you meet. From third month, neutrals will also have it, so I did not bother to change natural settings.
Era II mods and utilities

Legendary Hero
walking to the library
posted October 14, 2012 08:15 PM |
Its nice to play it again after some time passed.
I got the conflux and saw the mitril pile!
Nice memories.
"I heard the latest HD version disables playing Heroes. Please reconsider."-Salamandre


Hired Hero
posted October 16, 2012 07:32 AM |
The Spell Bonus for defeat Torosar, though it shows Scuttle Boat, but I didn't get that it. And Town Portal didn't show while I got it. Assume that that Scuttle Boat is actually Town Portal?

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 16, 2012 08:00 AM |

Legendary Hero
walking to the library
posted October 20, 2012 01:39 PM |
If the catapult had experience,he would summon magi!

Edit:For me Thant with his nagas gave me trouble(had to reload),so does Turaxor with his cyclops.
Just after a victory vs Turaxor I had to reload because of the clone bug(my praetorians dissappeared)
"I heard the latest HD version disables playing Heroes. Please reconsider."-Salamandre

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 22, 2012 08:40 PM |

Legendary Hero
walking to the library
posted October 22, 2012 09:40 PM |
Well,it is the known bug when you cast clone,which dissapears somewhere and after the battle the real stack is gone.
I just ignored what might happen(and it did).
Pity that in the next battle my stack of heavy cavalry died on the gate without me able to ressurect it.
Bad day for my game.Maybe tomorrow will be better.
"I heard the latest HD version disables playing Heroes. Please reconsider."-Salamandre

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 23, 2012 06:20 PM |
Updated link. Fixed critical bug which changed one AI hero army in negative values on level up and could permanently froze the game.
Era II mods and utilities


Hired Hero
posted October 24, 2012 03:30 PM |
Will this be the end of the update for TEW3?

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 24, 2012 03:36 PM |