
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 20, 2013 03:45 PM |
Not need, blind will be replaced by attack and return for Hell difficulty. Or attack all around?
Era II mods and utilities

Famous Hero
posted April 20, 2013 03:47 PM |
Quote: Not need, blind will be replaced by attack and return for Hell difficulty.
So... Attack and Return for Demons?
Hell is still the current difficulty right?

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 20, 2013 04:10 PM |
No, Hell is much harder, never tested, not even sure can be done. But blind was replaced by attack all around, for HELL only.
I only need to configure text for difficulties to display in help section, then done.
Era II mods and utilities

Legendary Hero
walking to the library
posted April 20, 2013 04:49 PM |
Sal,all this talk about Arena not for other factions than MoE.
If you dodn't change the battlefield there,newbies require only tactic to win many battles.
If you want my screen,then I'll post it.
I haven't reached it yet with MoD though,I passed Daremyth just now.
"I heard the latest HD version disables playing Heroes. Please reconsider."-Salamandre

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 20, 2013 05:10 PM |
It is about Hell mode. Level 6 monsters will have something around 20 speed month 6-7 inside. Uploaded package, same link. Hell mode has attack all around instead of blind immunity/demons have internal fire immunity (you can only see ability it if you right click on them while in town garrison, as in hero army the click is modified to fix experience bug), added button displaying faction characteristics and difficulty settings, I think I am done?
Era II mods and utilities

Legendary Hero
walking to the library
posted April 20, 2013 05:19 PM |
alisapa had ideas about spoils from Arena and Dragon Cave,also to not fight the inferno faction in the Arena.
"I heard the latest HD version disables playing Heroes. Please reconsider."-Salamandre

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 20, 2013 05:38 PM |
Actually I pray to get inferno faction, because 4 of them don't get speed upgrades. About spoils, no, it leads to exploits unless I script differently regular battles from arena.
Era II mods and utilities

Famous Hero
posted April 21, 2013 01:22 AM |
Is there a way to see the Seer Hut's reward before completing it? This will make me know which Huts are important and which one can be finished later (or even ignored). Of course there are map editor but that is kinda inconvenient.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 21, 2013 01:53 AM |
Well, there is always a way, but I would need to script right-click on each seer hut and there are 50 of them, or make list with coordinates etc. A seer hut takes you one turn to reach (most of them), just save then look. Or editor, takes a few seconds.
Era II mods and utilities

Famous Hero
posted April 21, 2013 01:58 AM |
Yeah but some quests/seer huts are unnecessarily long. Like defeating Hero A => come to seer hut B for reward (gives C artifact) => now go to seer hut D and trade artifact C for something else (say artifact E) => now go to seer hut F and trade artifact E for the final reward, while the main purpose is still defeating hero A...

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 21, 2013 02:13 AM |
From what I recall there are only 4 seer huts sending to another one, out of 50. Ring of magi, then shield of deads. The others give instant reward. Just think at old good times when you had to scroll all XL map for hours to find not visited seers
Era II mods and utilities

Famous Hero
posted April 21, 2013 08:28 AM |
Already test the MoW town convert erm, works perfectly. This is actually more powerful change than I thought, with late game MoW I guess it is possible to convert every single town with the right condition, but I guess the little growth due to no dwelling bonus kinda balance it.

Legendary Hero
walking to the library
posted April 21, 2013 08:41 AM |
I think to play with the settings under the Hell difficulty for now.
Whole lotta changes,which I have no idea how the game look like with(runner packs,two casts from begining).
After winning the game with the current settings,I may try the Hell mode.
Hell Barons,runner packs,casting twice should be enough powerful to make Hell playable.
For MoW it could get rough,but it produces Mithril from start,so with proper planning could get into a playable game too.
"I heard the latest HD version disables playing Heroes. Please reconsider."-Salamandre

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 21, 2013 09:59 AM |
Give me one hour, struggling on last script for Hell mode. You can exchange abilities between your creatures at any time. It takes a bit longer than expected.
Thanks Alisapa, good to know it works, can't test everything.
Era II mods and utilities

Famous Hero
posted April 21, 2013 10:17 AM |
So you can give Implosion to AD/Baron and switch it with something else later? I guess it's possible to have AD with Resurrect and + Cast late game then.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 21, 2013 10:26 AM |
Not all of them, I had to select the best to switch, as there is not enough place for 18. But yes, now you can give implosion to efreets, and buy something else after Tazar, buy attack all around early for devils and give later to demons. Only Hell mode, and you must have one slot free on target creature or will be lost.
Btw, Hell mode gets a bonus, all CB give double mithril (month x 2). Not terrible but still you have to finish it before month 10 or you are dead. (100% growth from month 10)
Arena gives spoils of war in Hell mode as well. Will be huge. If you can defeat it, that's it.
Package uploaded with new graphics/script.

Era II mods and utilities

Legendary Hero
walking to the library
posted April 21, 2013 10:57 AM |
I begin to think to transfer unbought ability to another creature to avoid paying for it.
"I heard the latest HD version disables playing Heroes. Please reconsider."-Salamandre

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 21, 2013 11:00 AM |

Famous Hero
posted April 21, 2013 11:11 AM |
Any costs for switching abilities around or is it all free ?!
And lol 100% growth, that's like double the army if you are 1 day late.
Also how does MoS Mithril accumulation work now? Assume this is month 1 is it 2-4-6-8-10-12 or 2-3-4-5-6? The latter is too meh and doesn't change much but the former is too strong I assume, messed up.

Legendary Hero
walking to the library
posted April 21, 2013 12:10 PM |
alisapa,why would you think it's for free?
Sal will place a price of 1000 mithril just for opening the transfer box and another 5000 mithril for an ability exchange.
Bad,bad alisapa.
"I heard the latest HD version disables playing Heroes. Please reconsider."-Salamandre