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Heroes Community > Library of Enlightenment > Thread: HOMM3 Tactics
Thread: HOMM3 Tactics This thread is 71 pages long: 1 10 ... 18 19 20 21 22 ... 30 40 50 60 70 71 · «PREV / NEXT»

Known Hero
posted April 24, 2009 02:56 PM

against tower on impossible - you should have no problems at all
against a mage hero - you should have no problems at all
on 200% - play Rampart, Castle or Fortress - fastest creeping and cheapest development (to some extend) - how to use those 2 wyverns/20 elfs - figure it : )
and last - why don't you consider 130% or 160%, like everybody does?

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Supreme Hero
Accidental Hero
posted April 24, 2009 03:32 PM

Certainly I sometimes play 130, 160% but the questions was for 200% because I have problems with 200%.

Last time I played against Solmyr and I had no mass haste. I had -5 hydras for first round from chain lightning and with the advantage of ~+4attack +7defense, having offense and armorer(solmyr had only armorer) I lost that battle. So they are some problems.  Had I to atack more earlier before he gained spell power ~20?

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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted April 24, 2009 06:54 PM

200%, poor map?

Stronghold and Gurnisson will kick ass..
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

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Tavern Dweller
posted May 02, 2009 11:42 AM
Edited by martosss at 11:51, 02 May 2009.

I recreated Archie's fight as i think this tactic is brilliant and can be used in much more variated situations.Here is the original post to which i have made some small corrections.

page 14...

I tried it, it worked... with one BUT... when the dragons are fewer, let's say 3 black and 4 gold, the gold dragons attack the elves ! I thought that is very nasty so I figured(I think) a tactic that is universal, i.e. works with ALL kinds of utopias on ALL difficulty levels(I tested it),I played with Ivor. Here it is:

Beware, you should place the units exactly as shown. Even if the groups 40 and 45 are switched the dragons may attack the elves !

Here we go, the dragons strike first, they kill one or both groups of centaurs, that is 45 and 40.

Now we cast Haste, run cowardly in the upper left corner and next turn cast Force field. With that the cycle is complete, now you can use bless(very useful to keep your spellpoints at a good rate) and first kill gold and blacks, then just force field will do the job. In the end with those lots of bastards I used approximately 80 spell points, so I'd say 90 will be the best choise.
As you can see the result of the battle, we lost only 87 centaurs. I tried it with 80 grand elves with no oher changes - the result's the same, so enjoy

P.P. Ivor's got expert archery/air/earth and basic wisdom with spells haste, force field and bless and an ammo cart as described from tigris. In the experiments I also used expert logistics, but this doesn't change the outcome of the battle.

I guess that's all I have to say, keep up the great thread(I read all posts and learned a lot, I haven't playeed online so you ,guys , changed the whole game for me, thanks

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Tavern Dweller
posted May 03, 2009 07:11 PM
Edited by martosss at 19:22, 03 May 2009.

I tried it in a real game(with PC-s) with a 15-level Ivor and 60 or 65 Grand elves and it actually worked

Though before entering an Utopia one can click cancel and check and see whether it's guarded by pack of creatures(cases 1 or 2 blacks) or lots of creatures(3 blacks) and that's deffinately useful to know :]

I was thinking that for different kinds of Utopias(depending on the number of blacks, whether 1, 2 or 3) there may be even better approaches where you lose less centaurs, let's say 15-20 but I'm too lazy to try all the different kinds of Utopias and besides, one tactic's enough, especially if it's universal


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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 04, 2009 07:53 AM

Guys...please do NOT use this great thread for simple basic questions or for simple basic advices. This is a thread for "outstanding" tactics in different situations, mainly with pictures underlined.

There are tons of threads refering to "Best town?", "What good tactic for this or that town?", "Gold or experience?", etc...

Some posts deleted.....
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

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Adventuring Hero
Flying High
posted May 12, 2009 08:46 PM

I tried that same thing as angelito posted, but I can't pull it off.
They will not follow the flies, instead they ll take on my gorgons, hydras etc. Could you elaborate on your strategy, angelito.

Tried same thing with like 240 grand elves.
Takes alot of mana.
18 mana per round to protect cart and the shooter
Started with 1200 mana, ended with like 600 smth not so rational solution.

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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted June 02, 2009 06:12 PM

I tried that same thing as angelito posted, but I can't pull it off.
They will not follow the flies, instead they ll take on my gorgons, hydras etc. Could you elaborate on your strategy, angelito.

Tried same thing with like 240 grand elves.
Takes alot of mana.
18 mana per round to protect cart and the shooter
Started with 1200 mana, ended with like 600 smth not so rational solution.
Sorry, realized this post pretty late it seems. Not sure what you did wrong here, coz in my fight, they don't have time to take on the gorgons.
Maybe your spell casting order wasn't too good?

1. Mass slow
2. blind top stack
3. blind second stack

Now lurk the others around with your flies. Always put the flies (speed of hydra)+1 hexes away from the stacks.

As you can see, I used 84 spell points.
- Mass slow
- blinds
- mass bless

Nothing else....
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

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Supreme Hero
WCL owner
posted June 30, 2009 07:19 AM

well...it's obvious. He had Badge of Courage (moral +1). Undocumented, but well known fact that this pendant gives all mind-spell immunity (Blind, Berserk, Forgetfullness, Hypnotize, Mirth, Sorrow). That's why most players now disable this artifact (it's possible in HoMM3 TE version)

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Known Hero
posted August 21, 2009 03:27 PM

Don't use Psychic Elementals against creature unaffected by morale. They will only deal half of the normal damage.

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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted August 21, 2009 06:37 PM
Edited by angelito at 18:38, 21 Aug 2009.

Don't use Psychic Elementals against creature unaffected by morale. They will only deal half of the normal damage.
I don't think that's quite accurate.
It's not the moral which is important, but the "mind spell immunity". Psychics damage the "mind" of their opponents.
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

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Known Hero
posted August 21, 2009 06:58 PM

Don't use Psychic Elementals against creature unaffected by morale. They will only deal half of the normal damage.
I don't think that's quite accurate.
It's not the moral which is important, but the "mind spell immunity". Psychics damage the "mind" of their opponents.

Ah, okay. Played a random map recently and noticed that my psychics took extremly low damage against undead in crypts. I tested with a few other 'non-living' creatures and believed that was the reason, but the gargoyles received normal damage. Since they are affected by morale I came to that conclusion, but obviously I didn't think about the mind spell immunity which makes perfect sense.
Thanks for clearing that up!

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Adventuring Hero
posted August 23, 2009 12:12 PM

The Art of Sacrifice

Sacrifice is a very important part of Heroes III. Actually, I don't think the game can be mastered without it. Some may find this to be very simple stuff, but I think that there are some players who are alien to the thought of a sacrifice.

Generally speaking, a sacrifice can be broken down into three main types:

   * The garbage heroes used to gather resources and such have very weak armies and are expected to lose when they encounter the enemy.
   * Sometimes you want creatures in your army not for their fighting ability, but rather their lack thereof. Their main purpose is to get in the way.
   * Sacrificial heroes, are those, like the creatures mentioned above, whose sole purpose is to get in the way.

Creature Sacrifice
The most obvious reason for the garbage troops is to give them the role of whipping boy. That is to say, you can wait with your more important troops, while the lesser ones walk in and absorb the enemy retaliation. Another, albeit imaginative, use for the garbage troops is a spacer between your more important ones as a defense against the Chain Lightning spell or berserk (your strong troops will not hit each other)! If you are playing against the computer, troops with an area of effect attack (i.e. Liches and Magogs) love it when you group your troops together. Cram all your useless creatures in the center and the computer will pick on them, virtually ignoring your other creatures until they become more of a threat.

The creatures to pick for a sacrifice
Anything low-level is a perfect choice for a creature sacrifice, especially since large hordes of them are actually an effect fighting force in themselves (single units are good as well, absorbing retaliation blocking shooters and such). Computer heroes love to pick on them. Also, any creature with a special ability is a prime choice. Some examples are:

   * Efreet Sultans - The 30% fire shield can be a truly devastating attack against large stacks. For example, let's say a stack of 15 Black Dragons (Attack 25, 40-50 damage) attacks your group of Efreet Sultans (Defense 14). On average, they're going to dish out over 1000 damage, meaning that around 300 is getting returned to them. One Black Dragon just killed itself.
   * Serpent Flies - Use their dispelling attack to your advantage! If you have a Warlock or other powerful spellcasting hero, use the Serpent Flies to ''cast'' Dispel Magic, leaving your hero available to dole out any high damage spells in his/her arsenal. Also their weakness ability makes these cratures freat for a sacrifice.
   * Mighty Gorgons - The death stare is by far one of the most effective special attacks in the game. The more you have in one stack the better your chances of randomly killing off some of the creatures you attack. It's really great when you can kill off 3 or 4 Dragons with one attack.
   * Wraiths - This is a creature you want to split up into as many stacks as possible. Each one drains enemy spell points, and if your goal is to run your enemy out of spell points before he can dish out his biggest spells, this is the preferred, and clearly the simplest, way to do it. Works even better together with a high speed creature because then you can reach to cast haste, meaning that your wright will all go before enemy and drain lots of spell points

Hero Sacrifice
Generally, the goal with a sacrificial hero is to whittle away at your opponent's army, cutting it down to a size where your stronger hero (conveniently waiting nearby) can finish it off. An alternate approach is to attempt to run that hero out of spell points, forcing your opponent to fight on brute strength while you have plenty of spell points giving you an enormous advantage.

It's clever using this strategy in several situations.
In the start of the game, taking over a town early can make a huge difference in the long run. Use a two-part attack to make the job easier. As the game wears on, your opponents will usually have one big hero that you'll have to fight eventually, and as in any key fight, the easier the better. Particularly against Dungeon enemies, you'll find heroes with Black Dragon armies looking to unleash an Armageddon spell upon you. Use a sacrificial hero to run him/her out of spell points, or potentially kill a dragon or two. Also, if you have tons of gold, you can use an extreme tactic of hiring lots of heroes and having them make suicide attacks (only if you can reach to bye some troops in addition to their starting ones). Any option is effective; knowing the proper choice comes from experience and depends on the situation.

Preparation: The most important part of the sacrifice attack is whether or not you want the hero back. If the army is worth saving, and you have the funds, then a surrender is your best option (anyway a little contradicting, I prefer using retreat). Otherwise, retreat right before you are defeated. It is always difficult fighting an army which isn't scared of loosing! Spell casters who have gained a few levels are perfect choices. In any case, you need to have your superhero nearby to pounce on the weakened enemy immediately, lest he get away to replenish his army and spell points.

Troop selection: Creatures for your sacrificial hero need to be cheap, have lots of hit points, and otherwise be rather useless. Slow melee troops, such as Dwarves, Dendroids, Golems, Zombies, etc., tend to appear in big numbers and make excellent choices. You'll need two big stacks to ensure that you don't lose in the first turn at the hands of a bunch of fast creatures. This leaves five spaces with which to place ''harassment'' troops. Choose wisely.

How to fight against Black Dragons and similar power creatures
Getting properly prepared for an effective sacrifice battle is one thing. Actually fighting it effectively is a different story. Especially against Dragons and the Armageddon spell, it's going to be difficult to inflict any damage. Sending seven strong stacks to go toe to toe with the Dragons is counterproductive, and will only lead to frustration. You need a more imaginative, less obvious approach:

   * You can have one stack of high powered troops (Mighty gorgons are very useful), combined with the Anti-Magic spell. To back it up, and to absorb retaliation, you have several stacks of weaker creatures (high speed creatures like pegasi, dragon fly etc... are good choices). One of these troops must be faster than the Dragons to get in the Anti-Magic spell before the enemy can cast anything. The first move in these battles is the most important.
   * Using a bunch of small stacks of Wraiths (as explained above) can work well too. Draining spell points is one of the main goals of the sacrifice, so the more the better. Of course, you need one stack of durable creatures to ensure you live past turn one so the Wraiths can do their job.
   * If you have access to them, you can make your enemy hate your guts by throwing a bunch of Flame Shielded creatures, or better still, Efreet Sultans. The enemy's big powerful troops will hurt themselves from the Flame Shield, and if he tries Dragons + Armageddon, the Efreet Sultans are immune to it. The opponent will have to use tons of spell points to save his Dragons, which is precisely the idea.

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Tavern Dweller
posted September 09, 2009 11:06 AM

Thanks for all strategies, I found them very useful.

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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted October 17, 2009 11:45 AM

As i posted earlier already, this is not a thread for basic gameplay. It is a place where people share outstanding tactics which most others never would have thought of. And to keep it on that high level, we will remove posts like the ones above.

There are tons of thread here refering to "Money or Creatures" and similar. Please read there and post your strategies there.
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

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Supreme Hero
posted October 21, 2009 08:57 AM

Please watch this video. It's a really good example of the hit and run tactics


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Legendary Hero
posted October 21, 2009 12:34 PM
Edited by ohforfsake at 12:37, 21 Oct 2009.

As i posted earlier already, this is not a thread for basic gameplay. It is a place where people share outstanding tactics which most others never would have thought of. And to keep it on that high level, we will remove posts like the ones above.

I think that's a very good policy, but I do also think that this thread maybe needs a little bit of clean up then (most likely including this post, as nothing new comes of it).

Please watch this video. It's a really good example of the hit and run tactics


Yes that works against the AI, but if the AI had used proper spells, he'd have lost no doubt, eventhough he has the initiatve.

Wouldn't it have been better, to buy some cheaper stacks, and including 1 efreet sultan for the speed, and then divide it into 7 stacks.

As Angelic Alliance first casts prayers on Tbirds turn, he'd get initiate, be able to cast berzerk, then his opponent have 1 round to remove 7 stacks using artillery and 3 creatures + spells, where the creatures can only get there through morale.

Which means unless he has a high damaging mass spell (being a barb I find that unlikely, but then again, this far in the game it's hard to tell), the person could probably do a lot of hit&runs (see how close the opponent is to his castle) (we know he doesn't have shackles, because he just retreated from a bigger battle).

So attack, cast berzerk, let them damage eachother, surrender, repeat until run out of movement and then buy the army ready to deal with the opponent.

I think he could very well remove the Tbirds before the battle, which means he could cast anti magic first round on the Adevils, and then use Berzerk to destory the catapult, from then on, it being a hit&run + remembering to refresh anti magic.

Of course he has to act quick so his opponent won't get the upper hand through haste+prayer on his units to get initiative (if that's possible), or he'd at least have to be ready for mass slow.

This is assuming he has expert earth and his opponent does not have expert water magic, to dispel the anti magic (and even so, it'll still just be hit&run I believe, due to having initiative, always).

I always do the money tactic that i have said and i win about 85% on normal. My sister on the other hand goes for strength but gets very poor and finds out that is can't afford buying 7th creatures. She wins about 70% of her games. When we go allies,we send each other resources quite commonly so we never run out of resources. Making her tactic more effective.So I guess it depends on the situation.

I think pretty much all tactics works against the CPU, in my experience all you really need to do, is to get your heroes stats up, and then you're most likely going to win.

I remember playing a map, where I was dungeon against 7 cpu's on 130% (Hard), they all started just around me (or at least so many that when I'd thought the first few, the next couple attacked, etc.)

Anyway, it went great to begin with, I'd a lot of troglodytes due to shakti and had them upped and had got both bless and haste from the mage guild, so I took down 2 of the CPU's in the first week, however they still got me pressured down, the map was to small for me to get to develop more heroes (I started to late), and I couldn't keep up with their attacks, and eventhough I got castle the arrow towers could not finish up my opponent before they was over me (I got about 5 towns early, didn't hold long).

Anyway, being attacked form all directions, I ended up being cornered in my own starting town, luckily, my dungeon, had got Armageddon, sadly, I'd not enough money to upgrade to Black Dragons yet, and I did only have town hall in my starting town, so I only got 1000 gold pr. day.

So it ended up with me, town sitting (the computer attacked twice with superioer armies, loosing due to it being the AI again, the last battle was quite remarkable, because I ended up surviving, with 1 red dragon having 6 hit points left, flying around, while my towers where shooting at the computers units (I had destroyed the catapult) and these units where too slow (and the computer did not corner my dragon by letting 1 unit stay in the castle, and the other outside of the castle), so I simply won through fleeing with my dragon).
At that time I'd upped to black dragons, but I could not afford to buy any black dragons, 1-2 rounds later I recall, I however had a black dragon, and then all I did was to simply attack, shoot armageddon, and continue.

Getting the towns around me first, so I could get enough money to be able to rebuy after an eventual surrender, then I continued going from battle to battle, however like before 1 hero was not enough, it seemed most like a stalemate, though I focused on buying mage guilds so I could get town portal and win through that.

Then it happened the computer found the grail and placed it in a conflux, I took the conflux (with my little army of dragons and my armageddon + implosion spells + surrendering, etc.), and then I did not only get all spells, I did also get phoenixes, from then on, it was very easy to win.

So eventhough I failed misserably against the CPU to begin with, was cornered down and would probably have lost, I still won, simply because it's the AI, it's not smart enough.

Another game, where I also got Armageddon, I ended up having one of my heroes with expert earth ressurection together with a few AA, BD's and GD's, the black orb, and about 30 in all stats. The computer went against me with its entire army, on heroes having 1/3/2/2 or something like that in stats, I took them down, also blinding them (the computer never removes blind, it may blind itself, but then I just used anti magic), then when there was only 1 blinded unit left, I'd ressurect my troops, and then attack the blinded unit, being slower than all my stacks I'd get a few hit in, always frenzying one of the dragons when there was no retaliation anymore, and often taking the computer down.

I think the computers greatest weakness is that it doesn't try to save great stats, it tries to save artifacts, true these often come together, but if you remember to visit the proper +stat location, you'll often end very high even without (I remember having luna clearing out most of the map via fire wall, and forgetfullness, both on expert level, and getting up to an extreme level of power eventhough I never found any really good artifacts).

So as long as you remember to surrender/retreat, and use your spells properly, you've a major advantage against the computer already, so big that playing 1vs7 is still in your favor, especially as the computer doesn't seem to plan anything, it just goes for what it closest to it, in my experience.

Edit: Oh and unlike against other players, against the AI, I think it's more important that you make certain to not go into battles that are to big for you early, in stead of clearing out the map as fast as possible.

At least, against other players, if you didn't do it, you'd have a setback, if you didn't do it against the computer, you'd be at status quo most likely (it seems to very seldom visit those locations, such as topias, crypts, treasuries, conservatories, banks, however it often visits hives).

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 21, 2009 01:22 PM
Edited by Salamandre at 13:24, 21 Oct 2009.

As i posted earlier already, this is not a thread for basic gameplay. It is a place where people share outstanding tactics which most others never would have thought of.

Then the post above would fit in the category. It contains tactics which most others would never have thought of, like getting guild level 4 before upgrading dragons. Maybe refine the conditions?

Oops, I missed "outstanding".
Era II mods and utilities

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Legendary Hero
posted October 21, 2009 01:33 PM

As i posted earlier already, this is not a thread for basic gameplay. It is a place where people share outstanding tactics which most others never would have thought of.

Then the post above would fit in the category. It contains tactics which most others would never have thought of, like getting guild level 4 before upgrading dragons. Maybe refine the conditions?

Oops, I missed "outstanding".

I lacked gold a lot, and could afford it (had plenty of sulfur), I also wanted berzerk as that works very good against the AI, since I was town sitting anyway.

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Tavern Dweller
posted October 21, 2009 01:51 PM
Edited by Jmaculas at 13:52, 21 Oct 2009.


I have a small but not quite outstanding tactic. When you find you have a Castle unguarded and small army coming your way to capture, I buy a hero and split its creatures into stacks of 1 and one big stack of the excess monsters. More targets makes you last longer. Just keep on defending and flee from monsters and make your arrow towers do the damage. If they do penetrate walls. Don't attack just flee out of there range or just defend and miss your turn. Using spells like slow, haste blind or even berserk (if you hire a spell caster with adv. wisdom) can lengthen the battle. So in this tactic your main objective is to survive as long as you can. With this tactic you have a fighting chance to defend you castle well. With this tactic and all three arrow towers. you should last about 5+ rounds for you arrow towers to do damage against small army doing 550hp damage+. Don't bother against a gargantuan army if you did you would last a max of 2 rounds. I tried it def not worth the 2.5k. Armies like 50goblins, 25 wolf riders, 10orcs and 10ogres you should have a good chance of defending you castle successfully.

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