Supreme Hero
Heroes 3 Fan
posted May 10, 2020 05:20 PM |
Just right click on shield button.
Tavern Dweller
posted May 14, 2020 12:23 AM |
zmudziak22 said: Just right click on shield button.
Dude. Thank you so much.
I've been pulling my hair out over how frustrating that was. I would build a melee commander, then my hero would pick up an item that would grant the commander the Shooting ability, so I'd just dismiss them and get a new one.
You've allowed job security for countless highly trained. Thank you.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 14, 2020 09:38 AM |
The best way to get rid of is to add a 2 lines erm script which removes shooting ability before very battle. Ask in erm help thread if interested.
Tavern Dweller
posted April 29, 2021 09:02 PM |
I'm quite noobish and just enjoy playing the AI (wouldn't have time to play with other humans).
However, my games ALWAYS end up like this:
- all my power is in a single hero, there is not enough money or creatures available to make other good armies
- the AI always has multiple armies that only my main hero can take, if I split or try to have multiple armies I get crushed because the AI will have multiple heroes that can obliterate mine
- I end up chasing and chasing, always trying to intercept an enemy from getting to one of my castles and get very limited opportunities to explore, secondary armies are too weak to stop them
- in large maps, it's pretty much mandatory for me to have Shackles of War and expert town portal. If I don't have those the game never ends. Fly/water walk is almost as important too.
- if I don't get shackles of war, the AI pretty much always finds a way to flee on the last creatures and I end up with a devastated army and no artifacts, this is VERY frustrating.
How do I avoid this cycle? How to win faster?
Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted April 29, 2021 09:59 PM |
Be more offensive, take the enemies towns ASAP, secure economy and defend your towns well. Also try to learn the good control and combat spells.
If you have Earth Magic and the cheat known as Town Portal losing seems very hard.
To avoid the AI fleeing you can use Blind, Hypnotize, Tactics, Mass Slow/Haste/Prayer etc., but Shackles as you said is the best way.
Famous Hero
posted May 02, 2021 08:58 PM |
Bauab said:
- I end up chasing and chasing, always trying to intercept an enemy from getting to one of my castles and get very limited opportunities to explore, secondary armies are too weak to stop them
- in large maps, it's pretty much mandatory for me to have Shackles of War and expert town portal. If I don't have those the game never ends.
They can not flee while inside a City (except stronghold). So just let them take one and attack.
Known Hero
posted September 21, 2021 07:16 PM |
Poor Man's TP on AAs and ADs
Let's say you want to use Poor Man's Town Portal (retreat) on 7 stacks of Archangels or Archdevils, but you don't have anything faster than them, don't have Tactics and don't want to use a stack that could survive a hit. Let's also say you have some Anti-Moral Artifact(s) or you're willing to take the risk. How do you survive that without using too much army?
Archdevils: Put a low priority target in the first slot. For example, you could put 1 Skeleton in stack 1 and 2 Skeletons in all the other stacks. The last stack of Archdevils will have to attack your first stack which is too far to reach.
Putting 2 Skeletons in the 6th stack and 1 in all other stacks might also work.
If you have some area effect spells, then you'll need a 2-hex creature (or maybe some shooters would've also done the trick) to give the Archdevils more space in the middle. Otherwise, they'll avoid one of the middle stacks to avoid putting 3 stacks next to each other. That would lead to one of the middle stacks getting killed last, which is bad because the bottom Archdevil can reach it. I tried with 6 Skeleton one-stacks and 1 Water Elemental in the middle and the top Skeleton survived.
If your surviving stack has 9+ speed, you might even be able to win such a battle with Mass Slow, Force Field and some damaging spell.
For Archangels, this setup will work if you don't have any area effect damaging spells (with tight formation or 2 more filler stacks on top and bottom):
1. Empty
2. Highest priority target, can be 1-hex or 2-hex, for example 4 Water Elementals or 1 Nix Warrior
3. Low priority shooter stack, for example 1 Storm Elemental or 1 Sorceress
4. 2nd priority 2-hex stack, for example 3 Water Elementals or 3 Assids
5. 3rd priority target, for example 2 Air Elementals or 4 Seamen
6. Low priority filler stack, for example 1 Sprite or Nymph
7. Empty
Not very optimized, but if you try it once, you can optimize the setup yourself. The general idea is that AI likes to block shooters while it's doing something else, such as hitting our high priority target, which leads to the Archangels moving closer to our shooter, giving it extra protection.
If your hero also has:
1. Spirit of Oppression (about 23% chance to fail without it, but you can check that first with another hero), Necklace of Swiftness,
2. 16 Power, 10 Knowledge,
3. Expert Earth and Intelligence,
4. Slow, Force Field, Antimagic, Death Ripple, no area effect spells,
5. and fights on native terrain (and is Casmetra in the second case),
then the setup above lets him or her win a fight against 7*3 Archangels.
Sure, that's quite a lot of Power and Knowledge and very specific Artifacts, but that's also Lots of Archangels, not a lot of army and no level 4 Spells. Also, the AAs can only catch a dangerous morale on the 1st turn on one of the 1st 3 stacks, so it's usually doable even without the Spirit of Oppression.
You could also try using Haste or Firewall instead of some of the Force Fields to save mana and maybe do the fight with a little lower stats (or fail in a funny way). For example adding Expert Fire with Firewall but leaving Power at 16 wins this fight with only 86 mana used (6 Knowledge with Expert Intelligence or 9 without it).
A more realistic example: Luna with exactly 8 Power can do the same thing with 120 mana used and she doesn't even need Force Field (but does need all the other things).
Adventuring Hero
posted September 23, 2021 12:59 AM |
This is exactly the kind of OCD stuff I come here for. Excellent
Tavern Dweller
posted September 27, 2021 08:49 AM |
Edited by HINCUTIN at 08:52, 27 Sep 2021.
How to unlock special heroes in single scenario ?
I have chosen map version is SOD, check all at Available heroes
But I cannot choose the heroes lile Gelu, Xeron
Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted September 27, 2021 09:30 AM |
The game only allows 16 selectable heroes per faction. Additional heroes can appear if you choose random starting hero or in taverns though.
Tavern Dweller
posted September 27, 2021 10:48 AM |
Phoenix4ever said: The game only allows 16 selectable heroes per faction. Additional heroes can appear if you choose random starting hero or in taverns though.
thank you
but some maps I can choose all heroes ?
Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted September 27, 2021 12:34 PM |
No I don't think so, at least I would like to know how too, if it is possible.
Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted September 28, 2021 07:00 AM |
maybe if you disable *other* heroes to only leave 16, you can choose Gelu by making it one of those 16.
Just a thought.
Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted September 28, 2021 07:32 AM |
Adventuring Hero
posted September 28, 2021 06:54 PM |
When you enable all heroes you can't choose Gelu, Dracon etc. but there is a chance they can show up in your tavern
Author of The Barbutilion Part 1 - War of the 7 Realms and The Barbutilion Part 2 - Leon's Redemption and The Barbutilion Part 3 - To be announced soon
Known Hero
posted September 28, 2021 08:14 PM |
Poor Man's TP on Firebirds
Here are some thoughts on retreating on Firebirds and Phoenixes (assuming 7 stacks and no Tactics):
If you put Ice Elementals or Medusas in slots 3 and 5 and something weak in slot 4, you give the AI a tempting option to attack one of the Ice Elementals/Medusas while blocking the other one. That's good because then AI will not want to use breath attack, because that would've put them 1 hex from the middle Firebird - at risk of friendly fire.
Now, if you put a weak stack (for example 1 Sprite) in slot 1 where the last Firebird can't reach it. So, the following army composition:
1 Sprite, 2 Sprites, 2 Ice Elementals, 2 Sprites, 2 Ice Elementals, 2 Sprites, 2 Sprites
survives turn 1 vs Firebirds unless obstacles, morale or area effect spells break something.
Let's now consider Phoenixes. They will always reach you, so the only chance (unless terrain helps) is to make them afraid of an area effect spell, so you will need that.
One way to do that is to put a weak shooter between your Ice Elementals/Medusas. Then the 1st stack of Phoenixes will go kill one shooter and block the other 2. The other Phoenixes will most likely not want to attack the middle stacks due to the fear of friendly fire and your Meteor Shower or whatever. Example of army composition that does this:
1 Sprite, 2 Sprites, 1 Ice Elemental, 1 Archer, 1 Ice Elemental, 2 Sprites, 2 Sprites
If you have +2 speed (not counting native terrain; you need more than slowed Phoenixes) and some spells, you might even win such a fight.
Another way is to put a yummy 1-hex stack in slot 2 and a 2-hex stack in slot 1. That makes them afraid of attacking your 2-hex stack because they're afraid of your area spell. Again, 11 Speed plus some spells to win this fight. Random example of an army that achieves this:
1 Scorpicore, 3 Minotaurs, 1 Troglodyte, 1 Troglodyte, 1 Troglodyte.
Tavern Dweller
posted October 07, 2021 05:44 AM |
Edited by HINCUTIN at 05:45, 07 Oct 2021.
Barbuta said: When you enable all heroes you can't choose Gelu, Dracon etc. but there is a chance they can show up in your tavern
I don't know why but in this map I can choose any heroes
Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted October 07, 2021 02:54 PM |
All? Like in more than 16 per faction?
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted October 07, 2021 03:31 PM |
Mapmaker should know how. I tried remember but I haven't found a pattern, ok my theory/knowhow thinks Lord Haart. Yes must be 16 heroes, if lesser than 16 heroes, you can choose a Lord Haart. I doubt I've tested. Because I wanted to remove him, it didn't worked, so I changed his face and Warrior Zealot, but same name. Then I disabled DK Lord Haart in the 3,58f. Why a two Haarts? I also doubt DK Lord Haart went to the heaven in the SoD, so.. He's also returned human to Erathia. I don't remember the last cmg than Town Portal. And I got a TP without visited m. guilds, etc Hidden prize/spell. I don't tried again, and AI gets/uses them?! HoMM..
Fight MWMs - stand teach
Legendary Hero
posted November 14, 2021 10:47 PM |
Is there a way for player to check how many resources an AI ally has? I ask this cause playing with one, every time one of my resources drops to 0 he sends me some but unless he asks for it (he almost always asks for gold), I don't know of any mean to get what he may need.
P.S. To the guys above, the problem is with the selection box only having 16 slots. If you put enough heroes of one faction in prison you can hire all the available and in the end have them all.