
Tavern Dweller
posted May 07, 2013 06:24 PM |
Quote: any neutral guards are splitted according to 2 main factors:
1) army power rating. not sure about exact formula. something like "if army power is higher then guards' power then there will be 1 stack"
2) depends on specific cell of map. specific cell can add 0 , +1, +2 stacks
What if "army power lower than guards' power", which is usually how it happens? Or, in order to better put it, how many more times better will make it 3 stacks or more?
If it only depends to hexes that sucks...
Neutral guards create their stacks as plenty as possible but also in order to kill at least one unit of your average stack. So the default is 7 stacks, supposing there are at least 7 creatures. If each one of the stacks cannot kill at least one creature of your average stack then the stacks are reduced and their number increases to reach objective 2, up to a single stack even if the objective is not yet met.

Famous Hero
the Bobler
posted May 07, 2013 07:33 PM |
No, just depends on army strenght. Imagine going into battle with 70000 Pikeman against 7 Azure Dragons. Every single dragon is able to kill one Pikeman, still you face 1-3 Stacks.
Please tell me about the map in which you start with 40 fully built cities day 1, 3000 Eyes week 4 would be nice


Hired Hero
posted May 07, 2013 07:48 PM |


Hired Hero
posted May 16, 2013 11:39 AM |
Biobob is right, it is depending on the line of the army strength, total.

Tavern Dweller
posted May 29, 2013 10:42 PM |
please what tactic use with Tower ? I dont know how to use Frank's tower tactic on
Balance L
Starting with Neela
What to build in 1st week and with how many hero start ?

Known Hero
posted June 11, 2013 11:35 AM |
8 to 10 heroes, if you could get a 2nd town day 1 - 1st week you go for the giants if you use WT, else u have 2 paths - upg. gremlins day 1, or skip it and do the castle
so to make sure you get it - 1st thing is you buy a 2nd hero, get his army and start scouting down the road - don't get anything - just scout
get another hero - and get all gold you can that is close to the road
get another hero and send him in another direction - repeat until you used 5-6 heroes this way.
when needed get army to clear a guard on the road, with the remaining 2-3 heroes you'll have to kill as many creeps as possible - only get off the road for VERY ipmortant things.
keep 9th hero in town to bring army - don't hesitate to dismiss a hero
building: as they come - get all creature buildings and the citadel/castle

Supreme Hero
WCL owner
posted June 14, 2013 12:05 PM |
Quote: One more question: when you attack archers in early weeks, is it a way of knowing how they are arranged?
more precise answer:
army strength (by Fight Value):
Tile type 1:
0-50%-->6 stacks, 50-67%-->5 stacks, 67-100%-->4 stacks, 100-150%-->3 stacks, 150-200%-->2 stacks and >200%-->1 stack.
Tile type 2:
0-50%-->7 stacks, 50-67%-->6 stacks, 67-100%-->5 stacks, 100-150%-->4 stacks, 150-200%-->3 stacks and >200%-->2 stacks.
Tile type 3:
0-50%-->7 stacks, 50-67%-->7 stacks, 67-100%-->6 stacks, 100-150%-->5 stacks, 150-200%-->4 stacks and >200%-->3 stacks.
I play HoMM3 at www.heroes-

Adventuring Hero
Flying High
posted August 02, 2013 10:31 PM |
We should revive the tactics post - compile a list of posted tactics, re-play these tactics and post videos/pictures. So many pages to go through


Hired Hero
posted August 13, 2013 08:44 PM |
Alright guys I can join in here too right? 
I hope I can help somehow I've been playing only homm3 for about 4-5 years I think. My childhood shortly. If someone wants to know my fav town is Dungeon but I think I have best strategy with dungeon and necropolis they are pretty good for me.

Tavern Dweller
posted August 17, 2013 05:38 PM |
Edited by GrayHero at 18:05, 17 Aug 2013.
I'm currently playing 200% against 3 computers, who are on a team. XL map with underground. I've found this to be quite challanging.
This is my current setup with Conflux, with Grindan.
I choose him because he gives 350 gold per day, has Wisdon and Earth Magic as his starting skills.
I choose to have gold as starting resource, as Mercury is quite easily found in most of my cases.
I choose Conflux for other reasons, though I'll get into that a little later.
I start off scouting the area for gold for a Town Hall on Day 1 or Day 2 at the most.
I then purchase a scout from my own team, for a pixie dump to my main hero. I leave my scout with an air element to help the scouting. Same speed as my pixies and I have no use for air elements at this point.
I upgrade my pixies so after they attack, no attack can land back on them. Ontop of that, they're extremely high speed, so most creatures in the area are slower, so I can wait turns out, attack, fly away, repeat. Depending on the amount of creatures I VS, I may split my sprites into two groups. One can lure, while the other attacks.
I grab all free pixie dwellings for extra strength.
Upgrading these creatures is extremely cheap. 5 gold pieces per creature.
I flag wood and ore with my scout, though sometimes also with my main hero, depending on how far, etc it's been placed.
I purchase a mage guild for spells, as Expert Earth Magic isn't that far away and slow may appear there.
Going against stone golems is perfect, as there are many of them, slow speeds, so mass experience gained and higher chances of getting Expert Earth Magic sooner for mass slow, which is a spell I get 90% of the time.
I was a Level 1, with around 60-70 pixies, going against a horde of stone golems. Massive boost in level. 
I take down everything and anything that's slower than me, but also aren't high speed. If I have Expert Earth Magic and mass slow, I'll see what artifacts are around. Usually the good ones are heavily guarded. Sword +6 guarded by a horde of gorgans I once took down with mass slow. I focus on the resources that I need though, but if something close is in my path, I'll take it down too.
For Week 1, I aim for city hall with a castle. Week 2, I aim for a capital with firebirds. Usually if I can't get them by week 2, due to the random generated map, I usually get it by Week 3. No money, no creatures to buy, but the 350 a day kicks in and helps quite abit for the starting week.
I grab second bases for money, resource and mage guilds. I'll grab the 10% interest each week from Rampart bases too.
I aim to get town portal, ressurection and implosion, ontop of beserk and armageddon. Once ressurection is in my hand, I upgrade to phoenixes and switch to them instead.
As for my skills.
I'll buy Air Magic and Fire Magic from the Conflux base.
Nothing's worse than the computer using dimension door 2-3 times a day and I've noticed once they gain that or fly, all Hell breaks loose.
I grab Fire Magic for two reasons. The first is for mass armageddon, as phoenixs are immune to fire magic and mass beserk. It's seriously unlikely that they'll get a first turn on me. 
4 spots filled out of 8. I'll then grab logistics, pathfinding, intelligence and diplomacy. As I don't plan on purchasing my army from my base, I'll have enough cash saved to purchase just about anything out there. On the plus, I can build a second hero.
I try to get fly and dimension door, though I don't use it against the computer until I start seeing them use it. I feel it ruins the game.
As straight forward as that reads, it's not near always like that, but I get most of the skills I want. I'll usually have to skip on logistics and pathfinding at times however.
I do plan on switching to another team to try, but I'm not sure which one yet.
Edit: I forgot, I have monsters set to aggressive.

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted August 18, 2013 11:02 AM |
Edited by angelito at 11:04, 18 Aug 2013.
If you grab diplomacy, there is no need for a strategy anymore...
As for your strategy so far...NEVER gor for money buildings (maybe except townhall) in the first 2-3 weeks. Your army will earn you much more money than your town!!
With sprites/pixies and storm elementals, you will kill half the map! Don't forget to chain your troops to your other heroes aswell, so they can fight on the same days also! Don't worry about your "missing" experience points for your main hero. Those points in the first 2 weeks against wandering monsters are peanuts. You get your big points from boxes and special buildings.
If you like playing with Conflux, maybe try to use Monere as starting hero, because you do not need to worry about earth/air combo, you can buy those 2 in your town...
And playing 200% against 3(!!??) comp players on XL+U is not challenging, sorry.
Try playing against 7 comp players (as team) on a M map without U....THIS is quite challenging..
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Famous Hero
the Bobler
posted August 18, 2013 01:21 PM |

Tavern Dweller
posted August 18, 2013 07:10 PM |
angelito said: If you grab diplomacy, there is no need for a strategy anymore...
Of course there could be. 
You won't always be lucky to get second bases fast or even holding onto them for long, depending what's been generated around your area. Sometimes you're road is blocked off by lots of sharp shooters, which may turn into a horde in no time. They're not exactly going to fear most of a Conflux army that early into the game and VSing 7 computer players without a road blocked, I think diplo will serve you well to help you out. 
angelito said: As for your strategy so far...NEVER gor for money buildings (maybe except townhall) in the first 2-3 weeks. Your army will earn you much more money than your town!!
I usually build on the money over men first with Conflux, as the men double in numbers per week compared to other dwellings, but I know I'll never get firebirds in week 1 on 200%.
angelito said: With sprites/pixies and storm elementals, you will kill half the map!
angelito said: Don't forget to chain your troops to your other heroes aswell, so they can fight on the same days also! Don't worry about your "missing" experience points for your main hero. Those points in the first 2 weeks against wandering monsters are peanuts. You get your big points from boxes and special buildings.
On 200%?! You can't honestly tell me that the resources found always complete what you are going to buy. On 200% I never choose EXP over gold in chests at the start. Not until I've got a capital, then I start choosing EXP over cash.
How you're chaining troops on 200% makes no sense to me either. Not for the start of things. 2500 gold per hero, upgrading buildings and not selecting cash from chests on 200%?! Your random generation must favor you well. 
angelito said: If you like playing with Conflux, maybe try to use Monere as starting hero, because you do not need to worry about earth/air combo, you can buy those 2 in your town...
The air combo for me comes later on. Earth always as a first for me for the mass slow spell. Plus, that building costs 5K plus 2K per skill and on 200%?!
As for Monere, simple little stats for one creature isn't something I would choose. How on earth you would plan on doing what you've said with Monere, on 200%, choosing no cash from chests, some how purchasing upgraded buildings, multiple heroes and not building towards cash is something that sounds ludicrous to me. 
angelito said: And playing 200% against 3(!!??) comp players on XL+U is not challenging, sorry.
Try playing against 7 comp players (as team) on a M map without U....THIS is quite challenging..
I hate rush maps and at times the computer will show up in week 2 in my land, but I honestly don't see anyone being able to beat 7 computer players on a team, set as random teams, given resource as their start and winning on a XL map with U, with aggressive monsters set, with Monere from Conflux, doing everything you just said and on 200%. If you ever get the time, I'd like to see a video of you doing exactly this please, or any team and character of your choice, but as long as the other things are set in place. and remember, you're not allowed to use fly or DD until they use it first. I also forgot to mention that I don't view the whole map from paying 1K either, for above ground or underground. I also change the random map if the map generated started without creatures guarding things, as I hate deserted maps.
I can see these things you say being done on a lower difficulty setting, but never on 200%. I've noticed the mid difficulty setting when set, the computer doesn't play at the best of it's ability compared to 200%. Taking buildings, movement, etc are far worse when I teamed with a computer player to see this. I don't know if this is true or not, but it's what I've noticed through 5-7 games worth starting them all with different teams.
Biobob said: Choose Luna as starting hero and you can empty the whole map 
I definitely don't see this happening on my settings.

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted August 18, 2013 08:36 PM |
Edited by angelito at 20:37, 18 Aug 2013.
I bet you rarely have played against human opponents in your H3 "career", right?
You may be lucky and win against your 3 computer players with your settings..and your "strategy", but against a human player, your won't win 1 game out of 20...
You learn the game when you get under pressure...this is what happens on a M map against 7 computer palyers...what kind of skill you need on a Xl+U map with diplomacy against 3 computer palyers? Can you even lose that?
Edit: When did I say you should chose experience over money when opening a chest???
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted August 18, 2013 09:16 PM |

Famous Hero
the Bobler
posted August 18, 2013 09:21 PM |
Winning against teamed coms is easier than you Might think. AI is so Slow and tends to Do inutile circles and such all over the Plage. If you play on 200%, the AI is strenger for the First week at Most, then brain outruns the Engine.
Why would you ever take exp over Gold? 1500 Exp are so quickly gained, but 2000 Gold May be one third of one days income.
Honestly, on 200% with streng guards (and possibly poor template), Luna is your hero of choice. She comes with spellbook and Best damage spellbook, you can kill Most walkers from Day in. Your "starten hero" Circus wont be your Main, and Thats where Luna comes into play, as She is capable of Winning Most with 1 Faerie...
Greets, Biobob
The Mapmaker's Thread


Hired Hero
posted August 18, 2013 09:55 PM |
I almost forgot 
A week ago I started WOG single player. I don't know the maps name but it is in shape of America. I chosed Necropolis as my hometown because my brother always brags about it. So I decided to go on with it! I have 1 allie and I think 5 enemies, I play on hard and it is 3 month I think for now. I have a quite decent army. I have 3 heroes but the strongest one has like this:
About 400 skeletons
Around 150 zombies
About 120 wraiths
About 100 vampire lords
Around 70 power liches
About 30 or 40 dread knights
And 20 blood dragons (WOG third upgrade for ghost dragons)
I will soon make my own opinion about every castle! Can I do that? BTW comment my army if you want

Famous Hero
the Bobler
posted August 18, 2013 09:57 PM |
I don't play WoG too often (~never}, but shouldn't your skeletons numbers be around 10 times higher? 
Greets, Biobob
The Mapmaker's Thread


Hired Hero
posted August 18, 2013 10:54 PM |
Thank you for your opinion! Yes, it should be. I guess it is my necromancy skill it is to low. Also I have 3 castles with Necromancy amplifier but it is still useles. I guess i have to assemble Dead mans cloak for extra necromancy skill. Also I don't go to battles so often so I dont get much skeletons after battle. Also it is just one hero but thank you again!

Tavern Dweller
posted August 19, 2013 12:47 AM |
angelito said: I bet you rarely have played against human opponents in your H3 "career", right?
I just play for fun.
I've seen all kinds of tactics used, but I rarely have come across anyone who wants to play a random XL with U, no water on 200% with 1 or 2 minute turns. The kind of tactics I've seen you use are those who play at the lowest difficulty settings, getting Angels with a castle in their first week on an already created map that they've studied back to front with 4+ minute turns.
angelito said: You may be lucky and win against your 3 computer players with your settings..and your "strategy", but against a human player, your won't win 1 game out of 20...
Well, it shows nothing about luck. Shows speed and non-retaliating attack over most creatures without having to lose parts of your army to get the necessities without having to over spend on your creatures as they're the cheapest, along with magic to help against the faster critters, but all my games are on 200%, so to collect money and start spending the way you claim, it makes no sense to me, as you'll never be able to chain your heroes that early in the game, so you'll be stuck with a scout or two at the most on 200% in the first week if you plan to build stuff and there are always going to be resource fields to collect too. Water wheels, etc.
angelito said: You learn the game when you get under pressure...this is what happens on a M map against 7 computer palyers...what kind of skill you need on a Xl+U map with diplomacy against 3 computer palyers? Can you even lose that?
Sure you can. Computer players have no rules. Once they learn fly and DD, that's when you're in trouble. They'll fly and DD to every dragon utopia, library, etc to build their stats and if they've got diplo too, that could be terrible for you, especially if they have town portal to mass build multiple armies together.
I used to play without diplo, but the only rule on choosing it for me then was only if it was a choice between that and navigation, as I play without water, but you're not always going to get the skills and spells that you want, let alone the right heroes you want to start building up. I don't know what settings, etc you use, but I simply just use the ones that are given on HoMM 3 Complete and that's it.
I've had the computer be Makaleth with 36 spell power, diplo, with four slots filled with 7th levels.
52 Arch Devils.
38 Ancient Behemoths.
21 Arch Angels.
32 Black Dragons.
72 cyclop kings.
158 wyvern monarchs.
It was something like that.
I had my Rampart base built with dwarves, elves and a castle by week one, capital week two with unicorns, green dragons by week three, gold dragons by week four which I was lucky to get. I took over two Necro dwellings, had expert Earth, Expert Intelligence, even doubled it in the Stronghold area with that water fountain. I got attacked behind castle walls with my army, most mana, but I got slaughtered. I wasn't able to blind due to the artifact, I had no beserk and one use of implosion from him was enough to show I had no chance.
I even opened the save slot, combined my two Necro bases with my Rampart, so I had gold dragons, unicorns, grand elves, trees, dread knights and power liches, but still lost, so yeah, you can lose against the computer and I had expert diplo, but everything that was willing to join was useless and it would've drained my gold, which was needed to purchase two dwellings worth of creatures for the most part. I only had around 30K left over and it took a while to get ressurection, not that it helped.
Not always your wood and ore will be an easy reach on a random map. You may have to go through three sets of creatures and if a naga bank is in the way of your road, good luck in getting past what's guarding it. I don't see anyone being able to win against 7 computer players on any of the sized maps provided on the Complete version on 200%, though if you can teach, I'm happy to learn. I really want to see a video of someone doing that though. I'm sure it's possible, but those random generated maps can be a pain, espeically the ones that have underground entrances to your land, a one way teleport exit to your land and a two way teleport on your land.
I also always use another hero to collect after I kill. Sometimes two heroes, depending on my movement.
angelito said: Edit: When did I say you should chose experience over money when opening a chest???
My mistake. I thought you meant chests, then I remembered pandora boxes. It's been a long day. 
Biobob said: Winning against teamed coms is easier than you Might think. AI is so Slow and tends to Do inutile circles and such all over the Plage. If you play on 200%, the AI is strenger for the First week at Most, then brain outruns the Engine.
Honestly, on 200% with streng guards (and possibly poor template), Luna is your hero of choice. She comes with spellbook and Best damage spellbook, you can kill Most walkers from Day in. Your "starten hero" Circus wont be your Main, and Thats where Luna comes into play, as She is capable of Winning Most with 1 Faerie...
Greets, Biobob
I've never seen the computer run circles. I notice they aim for wood and ore to flag at times and other times they just clear the road in search for another base. As for the rest, to me that depends on how many you choose to VS.
I do see the computer use multiple armies to clear things though, but I only clear what I need and on 200%, I don't have the resources at demand to do such things.
True about Luna in some things to me, but that all depends on what walkers. One faerie against skells and skell warriors, gremlins, imps, goblins, lots of pikeman, sure, but against familiars, upgraded gobs and pike, I don't see, along with other first level creatures. They'll all make it to you in two turns easy and you got no place to run, as they'll be within range, which is why I upgrade mine. I'm not sure what the term "walkers" refers to, so my response is just my guess. 
Salamandre said: Don't give up, GrayHero! Everyone here was a noob once. 