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Thread: HOMM3 Tactics This thread is 71 pages long: 1 10 20 ... 27 28 29 30 31 ... 40 50 60 70 71 · «PREV / NEXT»

Known Hero
posted March 08, 2011 06:55 PM

Just play the map called "Ocean" (from AB) and you gonna get everything possible

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Tavern Dweller
posted May 27, 2011 05:24 PM

I repeat, it's only little funny trick.

You need: 1) at least Basic Tactics; 2) Berserk; 3) 20 mana points; 4) ammo cart.

Divide your elves: 9 + 1 + 1, 911
Place 9 elves to the upper corner, shelter them with 2 others. When dragons kill 1 elf do as shown (fire and fire again):

It doesn't work! I tried but the azure dragons kill fist the group of 9 elves and then the rest of the army...it impossible..


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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 28, 2011 03:37 AM
Edited by Salamandre at 03:38, 28 May 2011.

They can't reach the 9 elves if you know how to block the path.
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Tavern Dweller
posted May 28, 2011 11:48 AM

I've understood Thanks
It's only a very long battle...

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Tavern Dweller
posted May 28, 2011 09:02 PM

Hello Heroes Community!
Bare with me now, since this is my new post, and english isn't my first language~
I have been visiting this forum for a couple of years now, and I've decided to register here and see how it is to be inside the community.

So, I still play Heroes 3. Yea, its a great game! The only person that plays it that I know of is my brother. Neither of us play online, just some HotSeat action. We usualy grab XL Easy + Computer players. He gets Tower and Theodorus ( the bearded guy whose speciality is the catapult). His plan is to have Capitol by day 7, and have titans by the end of the month ( he studied ecomony, so he thinks about ressources more then in-fight tactics.) He then strives for Fire, Air, Water and Earth magic along with Wisdom. I see that as a bad strategy, and I play with anytown and try to get level 7 units as fast as possible, and I get more Heroes ( he only has 2 through out the game, one being a scout with one unit)...
I have only beaten him 1% of the time. Although I am cheating by asking proffesional help, I just decided to actualy see what you people think of both my way of countering him ( getting might heroes with any spell countering artifact I can find, like the Orb that makes you unable to cast X spells) and if his strategy is actualy good ( or if I'm just terrible). To add on, hes also very weak in fights ( and so am I, actualy). Thank you for taking the time to read this block of text, and if you can help me out in anyway, I'd appreicate it ( even if you're not the best, you're still probably better then me ).

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 28, 2011 09:08 PM

You are at right place. Browse the forum and read carefully all threads about tactics, capitol vs creatures, best heros and such. Soon your brother will be history.
Era II mods and utilities

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Known Hero
posted June 01, 2011 03:19 AM

Tower faction requires massive resources so u have to plan your economic strategy with them very well but they are also one of the most powerful when fully developed. Titans (not giants) by end of month seems reasonable depending on map richness. I think battle strategy is critical because on a map where resources arent just freely available, u have to be able to defeat tough opponents early to get the resources u need for your economic strategy. I agree, generally getting that lvl 7 as soon as possible helps a lot but with tower, unless theres enough gold sitting around on the map I go for capitol before giants because its such an expensive town.

I agree with you about heroes. I dont think just 2 is enough unless its a tiny map. 2 is enough in the first few days but having more heroes can improve your efficiency and productivity immensely if you know how to use them and free up ur main hero to do more important tasks. One thing I do is have the main hero clear the way (on tough fights) and then have another hero come follow up and clean up the loot. Dont waste main heroes time picking up gold and resources unless absolutely necessary.

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Hired Hero
posted June 01, 2011 10:14 PM

IF u could get giants in week 1 u WILL do it :-)

if u could reach them in w2 u could build cap before giants. but ONLY if u are 100% sure to reach the giants in w2 too.

after all giantdwell is the cheapest lvl7 dwell in the game!

often u cant build cap in w2, there are SO much other things to do (and to buy :-)) which are much more important than the cap. this means heros, skills for the main, UNITS, evtl. upped units and much more. and as is said, giants are MUCH more important than cap.

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Adventuring Hero
posted June 01, 2011 11:44 PM
Edited by grendal at 23:49, 01 Jun 2011.

More information would be needed to answer your questions i think.  Like: "are your armies equal when you meet", "are your stats equal", "when are you meeting", "what secondary stats do you have" and possibly others.

About the "melee vs caster" (which is the scenerio you presented).

 The thing you have to remember about these forums is that its based on certain "rules".  From these rules everyone claims, correctly, that melee heroes (as you say you chose) is the best.   However, contrary to most peoples claims, this isnt the case when there are no "rules" implemented.

The main such rule is "dimension door" which is not allowed (or fly for most) in online games.  Unfortunetly for casters, this rule really makes them inferior to casters unless its a short 2 weekish game (where caster power can make a difference).

I mention this "rule" because its quite possible (without more information from you) that this alone is how he is beating you.  A melee class might get 100ish mana during a game (slightly more or slightly less).   Which means he can dimension door (dd) 4 times in a turn and then have to use town portal to regen the mana....or go without dd til a  regen well is found.   Whereas a caster can have upwards of 400 (with intel secondary skill) and dd virtually 4 times every single turn.   With this ability a caster can avoid guards...or kill them for xp and cover all the "good areas" in a couple of days.....getting all the ubber artifacts.

Personally if there was no dd rule, id take an intel specialty hero or even solymr on games that would be 2 months long (maybe even 6 weeks).

With all that said.....if you are meeting with equal stats and equal armies a melee hero should beat a caster one ( not counting short 2-3 week games).   Basically what you want to happen is to have all of your stacks of creatures attacking before his does. Its all about creature speed.  Since tower castles top speed creature is 11,not counting artifacts, this is rather easy to achieve against tower players.

For example if you are playing rampart castle....you just wait to attack with all your stacks (minus grand elves) until it comes back to your gold dragons.  At that time you cast mass slow on him and attack with dragons.  Next round your dragons will go first and you cast mass haste on your army.   This guarantees that every single stack of your army will attack before any of his.  As melee the game is over now cause you will destroy him.

Obviously this is just a basic scenerio since the opponent has a spell to cast as well, but the basic premise is set forth.  If they cast mass slow on you, or mass haste on them...counter it as soon as you can. ideally try to know the speed of all creatures in the battle and then look to time your spell cast to allow most of your creatures to attack one after the other and also use your spell for the round to prevent your opponent from doing the same to you.

With more info...like castle type and hero and stats and secondary skills, and his tendancy  as to which spell he casts first in an encounter (if its implosion he should lose every final battle) and when he casts it i can give more detail on how to beat him.   Because of giants slow speed for level 7 creatures (i think its 11), they are really handicapped in final battles.

One little tip fighting tower castle....they have 3 ranged attacks.  Expert water and the spell forgetfulness can eliminate all of these ranged attacks (badge of courage and a pendant negates this forgetfullness spell).  Also  recanters cloak allows only up to level 3 spells (its been a while so maybe its level 2) to be cast in battle.   This is ideal when a melee hero is fighting a caster hero.  Even better than the orb that stops any magic from being cast.  I say this because mass haste is more beneficial to a melee hero than a caster one.

Now expert fire and "beserk" is a whole new ball game.  I love badge of courage just for this spell.

There are soooo many different scenerios and then counters and counter counters that make this such an enjoyable game.  That and the rmg is probably why this game is still loved and played.
Life is full of frustrations, heroes should help release it!

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Hired Hero
posted June 02, 2011 12:28 AM

titans are immune to forgetfullness like against all other mindaffecting spells too.

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Tavern Dweller
posted June 02, 2011 02:17 AM

More information would be needed to answer your questions i think.  Like: "are your armies equal when you meet", "are your stats equal", "when are you meeting", "what secondary stats do you have" and possibly others.

I really enjoy playing might heroes, and when I play, I tend to random ( it seems to me that that strategy of his beats me when I play with any castle whatsoever. exept necro [ I cant amass enough skellies, just dont know how to, and inferno, since i dont like that town :[).
To add on to the info, the games we play are on XL maps, so we tend
to be equal when we do meet, which isnt until late month 4 to late month 6.
My secondary skills are really the usual. Depending on my spells, such as if I have haste, or cure, or the such, i would get one of these: Earth/Water/Air/Fire. Only one though. The rest are the usual offensive. I'm aware of which not to pick, so I dont have a "pick these for win ". I tend to pick depending what the game is based around and what towns I have. Always ofensive though.


About the "melee vs caster" (which is the scenerio you presented).

 The thing you have to remember about these forums is that its based on certain "rules".  From these rules everyone claims, correctly, that melee heroes (as you say you chose) is the best.   However, contrary to most peoples claims, this isnt the case when there are no "rules" implemented.

The main such rule is "dimension door" which is not allowed (or fly for most) in online games.  Unfortunetly for casters, this rule really makes them inferior to casters unless its a short 2 weekish game (where caster power can make a difference).

We use both door and fly, although he doesnt tend to use them to have an advantage of epic proportions


With all that said.....if you are meeting with equal stats and equal armies a melee hero should beat a caster one ( not counting short 2-3 week games).   Basically what you want to happen is to have all of your stacks of creatures attacking before his does. Its all about creature speed.  Since tower castles top speed creature is 11,not counting artifacts, this is rather easy to achieve against tower players.

For example if you are playing rampart castle....you just wait to attack with all your stacks (minus grand elves) until it comes back to your gold dragons.  At that time you cast mass slow on him and attack with dragons.  Next round your dragons will go first and you cast mass haste on your army.   This guarantees that every single stack of your army will attack before any of his.  As melee the game is over now cause you will destroy him.

Obviously this is just a basic scenerio since the opponent has a spell to cast as well, but the basic premise is set forth.  If they cast mass slow on you, or mass haste on them...counter it as soon as you can. ideally try to know the speed of all creatures in the battle and then look to time your spell cast to allow most of your creatures to attack one after the other and also use your spell for the round to prevent your opponent from doing the same to you.

With more info...like castle type and hero and stats and secondary skills, and his tendancy  as to which spell he casts first in an encounter (if its implosion he should lose every final battle) and when he casts it i can give more detail on how to beat him.   Because of giants slow speed for level 7 creatures (i think its 11), they are really handicapped in final battles.

One little tip fighting tower castle....they have 3 ranged attacks.  Expert water and the spell forgetfulness can eliminate all of these ranged attacks (badge of courage and a pendant negates this forgetfullness spell).  Also  recanters cloak allows only up to level 3 spells (its been a while so maybe its level 2) to be cast in battle.   This is ideal when a melee hero is fighting a caster hero.  Even better than the orb that stops any magic from being cast.  I say this because mass haste is more beneficial to a melee hero than a caster one.

Now expert fire and "beserk" is a whole new ball game.  I love badge of courage just for this spell.

There are soooo many different scenerios and then counters and counter counters that make this such an enjoyable game.  That and the rmg is probably why this game is still loved and played.

Although he spends his mana point ( or spell points? Whatever its called) to spamm Implosion ( with mass earth). Maybe a haste here and there, but he doesnt have a set strategy to win battles either. I will keep this post in mind, and well see how our next game goes this weekend
Thank you for your (large) imput , and I realise it must have taken a long time to do, and I appreiciate that
Have a good night!

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Known Hero
posted June 02, 2011 04:28 AM


Although he spends his mana point ( or spell points? Whatever its called) to spamm Implosion ( with mass earth). Maybe a haste here and there, but he doesnt have a set strategy to win battles either. I will keep this post in mind, and well see how our next game goes this weekend
Thank you for your (large) imput , and I realise it must have taken a long time to do, and I appreiciate that
Have a good night!

Implosion shouldnt have that much effect in a 5 to 7 month end battle. There is a serious problem in the way you are going about the tactics in your final battle. Like Grendal said almost every other faction has a speed advantage over tower and used properly it can be massivly destructive. Also if he is spamming implosion then that means he is not dealing with ur mass haste/slow. Generally melee attacks from a superior stack of creatures such as the ones a might hero would have (because of stats and specialties) is more effective than an implosion spell. Would have to see what one of ur end battles looks like to be able to help u with specifics. U should record one and post it online somewhere.

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Supreme Hero
WCL owner
posted June 02, 2011 09:36 AM

To add on to the info, the games we play are on XL maps, so we tend
to be equal when we do meet, which isnt until late month 4 to late month 6.

It's normal to finish XL game on week 2 - 4, not month 4 , even if we speak about XL+under map size.
I strongly recommend you to:
1)study information about random map templates http://www.heroes-iii.com/template.htm

read, download and study popular templates: http://www.heroes-iii.com/indrantempnd.htm

if you like XL maps then I would recommend Jebus Cross and 8MM6 templates.

2) "No rules" games are often boring to skilled players, because "no rules" games depend too much on luck and not on knowledge/experience of players. For example, you can get Wings artifact on day 5 in Tomb and get control over all XL map in 3-4 days. Will it be interesting?

More or less "standard" rules for multiplayer games are listed here:

Don't forget about map settings (at the bottom of Rules page)

3) Study saves from interesting games. You will know how you can develop hero to level 25 and get 50+ monsters of level 6 into your army on week 2...
For example:

archive can be opened by http://www.7-zip.org/
then copy saves to <your heroes 3>\GAMES folder
then open them one-by-one in Hot seat mode

More saves here: http://www.heroes-iii.com/indhallbestnd.htm
I play HoMM3 at www.heroes-

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Tavern Dweller
posted June 02, 2011 09:25 PM
Edited by osur at 21:26, 02 Jun 2011.


Implosion shouldnt have that much effect in a 5 to 7 month end battle. There is a serious problem in the way you are going about the tactics in your final battle. Like Grendal said almost every other faction has a speed advantage over tower and used properly it can be massivly destructive. Also if he is spamming implosion then that means he is not dealing with ur mass haste/slow. Generally melee attacks from a superior stack of creatures such as the ones a might hero would have (because of stats and specialties) is more effective than an implosion spell. Would have to see what one of ur end battles looks like to be able to help u with specifics. U should record one and post it online somewhere.

I would usualy let him cast a spell first, just in case I don't mess up and get caught in a mass slow. When he does have the first spell, he would cast a high-damage spell, which usualy happens to be implosion.
I'll be sure to look into that .
We rarely play random maps though, as we tend to have a game around once every two months ( this month being an exeption). We usualy play an XL SoD map with AI,and tend to agree to elemintae the computer first, depending on our location on the map.
I'll look into the 25level on week 2 theory, since it really takes long for me to reach level 20.
Thank you again on your input and wish me luck

EDIT: What is the Jebus Cross map/template? Are these the equaly balanced maps made just to prove skills on 1on1?

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Adventuring Hero
posted June 02, 2011 09:33 PM

Sag:  I don't understand how you can get such a powerful hero so early on with a lot of troops.  Can you please explain?  

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Known Hero
posted June 03, 2011 12:09 AM


I would usualy let him cast a spell first, just in case I don't mess up and get caught in a mass slow. When he does have the first spell, he would cast a high-damage spell, which usualy happens to be implosion.

Ok well he should really only be able to get one implosion off before your troops are all over him. With a might hero vs tower you need to be offensive. 1. your troops have better stats than his and dish out a lot more damage 2. Tower has a lot of shooters and will pick you off easily if you sit around and wait.

You need to deal with those shooters asap and that means getting your troops in there quickly and taking them out. A good spell for you is expert prayer.

Jebus cross is a template thats very popular in online games. Its fairly easy to play on and is balanced so people like it.

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Supreme Hero
WCL owner
posted June 03, 2011 08:59 AM

We rarely play random maps though, as we tend to have a game around once every two months ( this month being an exeption). We usualy play an XL SoD map with AI,and tend to agree to elemintae the computer first, depending on our location on the map.

most regular players play random maps because:
1) there is not many well balanced fixed maps (maybe 5-7 really good maps)
2) regular player can play 100-150 games per year. That means that if he would play fixed maps then he would have to play each map 30-50 times. For most regular players it's boring to play the same map 50 times. Also, keep in mind that fixed map players are allowed to study map in the Map Editor; believe me that such players know each cell of fixed map and best possible strategy for it. It's not allowed to watch random maps in Editor and is considered cheating. Thus random maps offer much more variety of tactics and strategies from player, ability to think creatively and make difficult decisions.

What is the Jebus Cross map/template? Are these the equaly balanced maps made just to prove skills on 1on1?

Jebus is a "template" - special file with generic settings for random map (50-60 settings). Read about it on the links above.
"Template" allows to create balanced and interesting 1:1 random maps. Random maps created with Jebus template are rich.
Sag:  I don't understand how you can get such a powerful hero so early on with a lot of troops.  Can you please explain?  

Open my saves then ask which day movement you don't understand. E.g. : "you had 1 angel on day 5 and you had 4 angels on day 6. Tell me where did you get these 3 additional angels."
But you will not have questions like this I guess, as saves are pretty obviuos...
I play HoMM3 at www.heroes-

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Adventuring Hero
posted June 03, 2011 08:48 PM

OK, and I thought there was some secret to getting high level heroes fast.  The player juts went through Pandora Boxes for exp, as well as fight guarded buildings.  

I'm more used to playing pre-installed maps as well as custom maps.  

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Tavern Dweller
posted June 08, 2011 12:30 AM

Well, we've been playing for quite a while now:
Going into 4th mounth in the AB map "Meeting in Muzgob". We've agreed not to learn the map beforehand, sionce none of us played it.
I picked green, Necro, Skele Speicality, Artefact ( its set on Normal).
Red is vanquished, so is purple and brown.
He is Tower with the usual idea ( blue color though.)
He has ~10 upg gremlins , 160 gargs, and 20 genies, nagas and titans.
We're equal levels (17), he has d. door, 4 weak castles. I also have 4castles, fully upg-d except magic.
Unfortunatly I onlly have 5 weeks worth of units minus vamps and skellies.
The "waiting game" is working fine, even though we haven't met yet.
None of us is fighting except the occasinal scout on a boat here and there.

Since I realise this isn't really tactics material, ill probably make a new topic if I haveany specific qs. I replied to let the people who helped me know that its working and i an gracefull for their help .

THe only question here is how to regain skellies with only  +4 level creeps ( the "growth has doubled pegasi"), and no heroes coming. I dont have any units to sacrifice in my town either, but I do have expert necromancy.

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Supreme Hero
Supreme Noobolator
posted June 08, 2011 05:59 PM


You seem pretty clued up,judging by your language however I think you are missing the point on a few levels here.

I don't play Necro all that much but let me just go through what I would do in a normal game.
Week 1, I'd go all out building creature buildings+ castle( I would aim for castle+necromancy amplifier+vampires at least, liches if possible)I would take gold instead of XP from every treasure chest and explore as much as I can of the map with my heroes( probably between 5 to 8 heroes in the first week).
I would avoid fighting unless needed the groups of lvl 1-3 monsters because horde centaurs will become throng in a few weeks so why kill them day 1 and lose some of my troops, when I can kill them later when I have exp necro and I won't lose anything at all.
I would however fight the block guards in order to expand quick and discover secondary castles.
If you are not very confident just wait don't attack.
Week 2 you upgrade your vampires to vampire lords and you start collecting skeletons.I would try and give my Vampires to one hero( maybe a few wights at the start for fodder and skeletons+ liches+ black nights to another necro hero and start collecting with both.
12 vampire lords will win you alot of fights, like dwarf treasureries for exemple.against shooters be smart,if you have an army of 6 liches, 150 skeletons and 2 black knights against lots night elves, just give your liches and skeletons to another hero and attack with the 2 knights only in 2 slots.Wait first round then advance and kill.
After week 3 has arrived you shouldn't lose any more troups on a map like that especially with the setting on normal monster strength.Start attacking dragon hives with your vampire lords,and collect as many viverns as you can.
Walk your heroes in 2's..one is the fighter, the other is the skelleton carrier.
You should boost your heroes stats now with every chance you get,scout and learn where your opponent is.
If he's tower and you are not that confident to attack him in castle, get a gameplan(something like expert water and teleport maybe)I'm sure 1000 skeletons between his walls will be a surprise.
Anyways, you should go on youtube and watch some full gameplays, see how people play and hopefully speed up your game.
check out this link..and then just watch every day until the final which is week 2 or 3 i think

Good luck

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