Quote:Black has Black city - what's good about black city if you cant catch more pokemon?
This is important question if I have to buy the game
There are a few trainers you can battle, and you can buy items depending on which trainers are there (stuff like Evolutionary Stones that are hard to find).
____________ Adventures in Helnith has moved!
It is done, having beaten the elite four and the main storyline i am happy to say that pokemon white satisfied me.
But i really want to know what happened to N. he was such a satisfying character, you could really see his personality and motives evident in the gameplay. I hope pokemon grey delves deeper into this.
That could be a mistranslation/marketing ploy. My personal theory is that they're gearing up for something bigger though.
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Maybe finally they're doing a game that features all the current Pokemons.
Naaw, why isn't the "usual" Pokemon games made for PC? then it would be super easy to mod it...
____________ "You turn me on Jaba"
- Meroe
That just sound awfull So I really dont hope they make one.
I would rather have two more: No new pokemon, but the same idea as HS / SS
You start in the new region and then you can travel to another region ____________
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lead. Don't walk in front of me;
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beside me and be my friend.
I mean, If I would be 10 or 11 this game would cause severe damage in my mind. Almost all NPC's talk with you in this sick manner as the game is the reality. Even I at some point was really confused.
"This world will be nothing without Pokemons"
"Pokemons are great. I will never abandon them, theyre my partners, my family..."
Geez.. Nintendo brainwashes kids or Im missing sth ?
No kidding.
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Quote:"This world will be nothing without Pokemons"
Well it's true. Can you imagine going through the games if they didn't have Pokemon in them? You walk through the tall grass and...nothing happens! You go up to the Gym Leaders...and talk to them! You get these mysterious machines that don't do anything, and you can't win any Badges but it doesn't matter because there's nothing to listen to you anyway!
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- Higher difficulty
- AI uses combos (there are so many teams that can work together in a strategy, there are millions of them, and what gym leaders can do is mostly "hit strongest attack, repeat" which is pathetic
- All four lands. Why not? Would be pretty epic. And would be the best selling game for years.
- Definitively more mature approach, the most mature is still Red/Blue since it had pokemon graveyard and mentioned pokemon murder lol
We reached to the stars and everything is now ours
For duo battles I like the Earthquake/Levitate (or immune to ground) combo .. or the Surf/Fly combo. Just make sure the flying pokemon has higher speed then the surfing one.
Message received.
I think he's either talking about
1) pro tournament combos (though in my experience, that is most often using a high damage move, at least if you see the WC finals)
2) just moves that actually make pokemons work like a team
for 2) I think stuff like baton pass isn't used nearly enough. Likewise with reflect and actually changing pokemon if that is allowed. I haven't played much pokemon since gen II, though back then, the opponent would almost never change their pokemon.
Which is why I didn't as well.
You can set up some pretty great combinations, having 6 pokemons that individually are quite weak, but through their moves they make eachother very strong. Each having a defined purpose the others guarding every weakness for each single one you choose.
My own solution to this problem is letting people submit pkmn combinations to an online server, which then simulates battles versus expected trainers in a given area and will then make all tactics available together with a percentage indicating how difficult it makes the game (i.e. how many wins it got in the simulation).
Also, I'd like to include the problem of over/under leveled pokemons. It's kinda boring, in my opinion, that you'll often either hit a level way to high or way to low for your own tactics to actually be of much better use than the 'use best attack' strategy.
What good is using a round on putting up a reflect when 5 levels difference means 250% enhanced damage? 125% is probably still enough to take you down in one attack.
Rather, if you could accept a challenge, not making it forced and you could get to know a maximum experience for a pokemon and an average experience, equal to that of your opponent, and a top limit of what you could enter the battle with, you'd know if you had under/over trained!
Edit: I don't think red/blue is mature. I think the murder part is just sad and unnecessary. Pkmn's never ever dies, they faint and at most gets injured. Stupid franchise making one consider the morality of starting animal fights for entertainment!
Edit2: I have seen people using surf / fly combos before, and I don't understand the point. You force yourself into a specific attack next round, which your opponent knows and you can do nothing about it. Why not just use protect/detect?
- Higher difficulty
- AI uses combos (there are so many teams that can work together in a strategy, there are millions of them, and what gym leaders can do is mostly "hit strongest attack, repeat" which is pathetic
- All four lands. Why not? Would be pretty epic. And would be the best selling game for years.
- Definitively more mature approach, the most mature is still Red/Blue since it had pokemon graveyard and mentioned pokemon murder lol
Difficulty yup - maybe set it for normal, hard, pro ? So you cna choose?
AI uses COmbos - the AI has been improved, atleast in HS/SS if you ask me
I'm thinking two games: Pokemon Purple and Pokemon LImegreenyellowbeige (Just working titles) - You start in Ishhu or Sinnoh - Depending on yuor version Then after Elite four, you get to choose between the other remaining ones Mix it up . make it a new game everytime you start Would be awesome. then you add all the 550 pokemon and say: go crazy.
Mature approach - Where do pokemon Eggs come from?!?! OH gosh, I dont know- OMG like children dont know animals(pokemon) reproduct like sick twisted rabbits ____________
Don't walk behind me; I may not
lead. Don't walk in front of me;
I may not follow. Just walk
beside me and be my friend.
Quote:For duo battles I like the Earthquake/Levitate (or immune to ground) combo .. or the Surf/Fly combo. Just make sure the flying pokemon has higher speed then the surfing one.
Did that with Dig...didn't realize my leveling up had made my Samurott just a little bit faster than my Excadrill...whoops...
I for one would like to see more trainers with full teams. It's pretty sad when even THE ELITE FOUR only have four Pokemon and I have to get to the Champion to battle a full team of six.
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Legendary Hero
posted March 23, 2011 07:33 PM
What I've always wanted to see was something akin to how battles played out in the anime.
I like how the weather kind of affects battles but I think it would be awesome if terrain played a factor as well. Like when battling those trainers on the balance beams, what if your pokemon performs a kick attack or something and falls off the beam. Plus I've always wondered how some water attacks worked. I can understand attacks like water gun and bubblebeam since a water type can spit or shoot the attack but what about an attack like dive...when you're in tall grass. I guess I would just like a bit more realism out of the game.
Another big one that's already been mentioned is maturity level. I understand the game is for kids but at least allow the NPC adults to act like damn adults and not bumbling retards. Plus a change up in types of trainers would be nice. It's fine to have the Backpackers, bug catchers, young trainers, and all that but perhaps they could take some extra time and design a few different sprites instead of the same ones over and over. It's either that or this world is filled with A LOT of triplets, octuplets, whatever.
____________ Though I must still bow
in awe for the awesomeness that is
MightyMage. For he is all I could ever
want to be! - OhforfSake