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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted October 08, 2009 06:40 PM bonus applied by Mytical on 21 Oct 2009.
Edited by B-E-T-A at 21:50, 09 Oct 2009.

One Piece RP (IC)

Grand Line, the most vile ocean in the world. It was in the second part of this ocean - New World, that both of the two Pirate Kings in history rose. The first one leading the way to the grand age of pirates, and the other one to prove that the world of dreams was yet not over.

11 after the rise of the second Pirate King, Monkey D. Luffy, the World Goverment, which was facing utter destruction because of a series of events like the war with the renowned Yonkou Whitebeard, has finally managed to become the proud organization it once was.

Grand Line - Jashka Island

Mark was walking through the one single city there was on the farmer island. He had no real target in mind. Because of some random pirate brawl in the bar had left it in need of some serious fixing, and Mark without work for the day.

Mark sighed "Guess I go for a drink after all. Well, the bar is in ruin, guess the Tavern is up then."

((OOC: Just post some introduction post ))
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted October 08, 2009 07:21 PM
Edited by Geny at 19:26, 08 Oct 2009.

John Daylett turned the helm a bit, adjusting his newly acquired sloop to the change in wind direction. That salty wind that became an irreplaceable part of his life. He looked back. No one seemed to be chasing him. He was very tired since he had no one to help him with the ship, but he couldn't afford to rest yet. If there indeed was someone in pursuit, which John was sure there was, he needed to buy himself as much time as he could now because there's no telling how long he'll have to stay on the island. John looked at the map. The island of Jashka was just ahead. A small, quiet island in the beginning of the Grand Line, filled with promising pirates. It was just what he needed. And it wasn't long before he got there.

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Legendary Hero
posted October 08, 2009 09:43 PM

Another day at work, really borin' it was. Really. Ma' Chevan bossed around as usual, and another bunch of bored faces came in and rolled up some coins for more wine. It tastes bad! How come so many drink it?
Anyho', a few of them ordered ale and some ordered food.
Ma' Chevan addressed everybody who worked here as youn'ster, guess she had a right so since she was as old as the antic oaks. It took just a look at her to tell that. And mi mom always told me that you should respect old people, they know more than you will image. Mi dad? I' would not knew, mom always talked about him being far into the past. Hes either dead as rocks, or somewhere bein' miserable. She only told me his last name was Arceneau, but not much more.

Like most poor sods in this worlds i got a story, a long one. To make it short, mi mother was a bounty hunter. She hunted down random people she came across and turned them or their heads in for money. Apparently, a person is only worth their heads anyho'.
So, one day she chased some crew of worth nothin' pirates, while they sailed over to the grand line. There was 2 peoples with bounties on the ship, so it was worth a lot. The captein was really worth nothin', he went down like a falling piece of wood. But there was this monster on the ship, mi mom shot him. Something smokes on him, and the piece of wood of the floor started to give of smoke like it was starting to take fire. In moments he had turning into a sort of cloud like human whom radiated of greenyellow color, and ended after a little fightin' with mi mom to destroy'd the ships in some sort acid and sent me into the ragin' ocean, i still have nightmares 'bout it.
I' floated, as mi mom said to never give up I' never gave up. So sometimes later I' got picked up by a bunch of really nice people. They threw me of their ship once we got to this il'e(island), and screamed that i was to nosy whatever that meant. They also had a nice flag raised up, some sort of white skull on a black background. Still wonder what its used for. So i starved over here, until Ma' Chevan found me. She muttered "Je always need peopl' any'ow", when she hired me.

So today I' was sent to buy some thin's, we was apparently on short storage of food of sorts. While doin' that around, and getting them to send the bill to the tavern, there was this really weird geezer in the one street that shouted: "DOOM is at 'and! The big metal 'and in the sky 'as spoken!", and I' asked him "Whats wrong with yer mister?" and that rude person told me to bugger of. Besides, what is the "big metal hand in the sky" i asked, and he told me i was "nuts". Wish I' knew what that word meant.

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Known Hero
posted October 08, 2009 10:55 PM
Edited by Sir_Dragon at 21:55, 09 Oct 2009.

It was a day like all the rest that had passed. Boring sunny days with nothing to do except the regular trainig, routine inspections and maintenance of equipment, ships and fortifications. And there was endless patroling and report too be written. Except for that nothing out of the ordinary ever changed or happened at the base at Jashka Island.

Ensign Tomy Tourville let out a sigh there he layed on the roof enjoying the sunlight. This wasn't exactly what he had expected when he joined the Marines. To be stationed at a remote island in the beginning of Grand Line where nothing ever happened. The pirates that did came by were all to frightened by the island guard and Marines to ever do anything. Still some incidents like the bar brawl earlier this day could do as entertainment.

-well then. Guess it's time for my regular patrol around town. Tomy said to himself and jumped down from the roof. Petty Officer Loraine! Assemble the men we're moving out!
-Sir! came the answer almost immediately. Petty officer Loraine was a redhaired woman in her early 20's with fierce temper and a love for battles and brawling. But she was an excellent soldier and obidient to her superiors so they let her be.
As the patrol was moving towards the city a sudden gust of wind blew by lifting the Petty officer's skirt revealing her underwear to the joy of the men who soon after turned their eyes elsewhere faced by Loraine's furious fists. But all this went unnoticed by Ensign Tourville who pulled the cloak thighter around his shoulders and stared up at the sky with a deeply concerned look in his eyes. "Just maybe.." he thought to himself before shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders.
-All right men! Let's move forward and get this over with. And the patrol continued on course. But the uneasiness he felt didn't disappear.

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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted October 09, 2009 10:32 PM

On his way to the tavern Mark came past good old master Cal. He was as usal shouting out prophecies of doom about some big metal hand which would bring upon armageddon.

As Mark passed he wave to Cal and shouted "Yo Cal, want a drink? The bar is in ruin and I'm heading for the tavern to get a bottle of good old red wine. Should I bring one for you to? It's on me."
The ragged short old man looked up at Mark and smiled "Well, personally I prefer tea, but just a bring a bottle for yourself and we can have a drink together."
Mark nodded "Sure old nut." he said with a small grin.

To avoid hearing the series of curses that Cal would throw at him for calling him a crazy man, Mark started to increase his walkin pace.

After getting out of "cursing range" Mark stopped and looked up the sky, he spotted a few seagulls flying around the sun. Mark then sat down on a barrel, which was incredible perfectly placed in the middle of the road, and started daydreaming about being a bird.

"Would really be nice being a bird." Mark thought "Not carring for a thing in life, just flying around in the ultimate freedom..." Mark's thought wandered on for quite awhile.
After awhile(about 5-10min) Mark remembered Old man Cal and the red wine. "Better get that drink. Cal's stories about mytical creatures from the book of the hands are alwayss intresting, even if they are not true."
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted October 09, 2009 11:17 PM

After having traveled for a few days now Anar had reached the outskirts of a town. Or atleast what he thought to be a town. On the rare occasion that his Mentor had actually told him about a journey of his he had mentioned placed with lots of houses and people and referred to them as towns. Aran was hungry and since he figured that not all the people in the town would walk to the forest and look for food he decided to look for food in the town.
Walking out of the forest and down the slopes he was a peculiar sight for most pedestrians. A dark skinned finely muscled young man carrying a huge pack of stones on his back was walking towards the city dressed in nothing but a skirt. Apart from that after 3 days of traveling he looked and smelled like it.
Since this was all new to him he decided it would be wise to ask where there was food. It would be a lot more efficient than just walking around. He found a man on the street looking at him as if he was some sort of bear. Not minding the look he decided to ask the man for directions.
A:"Where can I find something to eat besides the forest?"
x:"The Forest?"
x:"Well at the Tavern of course"
A:"What's a Tavern?"
The man gave him a surprised look. x:"A place where you eat and drink. It's just down the road, there's usually always a ruckus going on just follow the noise and the smell of alcohol.
A:"What's alcohol?"
x:"You don't know an awful lot do you boy?"
A:"Not about Towns, no."
x:"Just walk down the road you'll see what I mean, but if you're not looking for trouble I'd... you know dress up? At least lose the skirt and the rocks you're carrying. What are they for anyways?" The man pointed at his skirt of wolf skin and gave his basic stamina training weights a weird look.
x:"The skirt and the boulders. You don't walk arround like that boy"
A:"The stones are for basic stamina training when walking, it's good training for you leg and back muscles. And my skirt is my skirt. It provides maximum agility and maneuverability." Anar said redundantly.
Without giving the man further notice he left him now knowing where to find food and needing to know more.
Watching Anar walk in the direction of the Tavern the man couldn't help but shake his head "The youth nowadays... oh boy.".
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

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Legendary Hero
who am I?
posted October 10, 2009 12:51 AM
Edited by veco at 00:52, 10 Oct 2009.

It was four months since Erster assigned to this mercenary gunship which was now lying at the bottom of the ocean. It played many roles varying from covering pirates, convoying freighters to assisting marine navy, depending on who paid better. As the gunsmith Erster never had to show his face to the clients which suited him just right. However this time the captain took more than his crew could chew.
-'tleast we ain't got hired by pirates dis time else I'd sittin' in a slammer now.. or rather on them gallows. - said to himself while climbing up the cliff.
As he dragged himself up the hill he took a few deep breaths and took a look around. He saw two marine frigates fending of a pirate ship, the remnants of his ship and the freighter they were protecting.
-Seems that them pirates fled before they got a chance to plunder some, hehe. They better catch'em or I'll have a marine eye and nose up my bottom anywhere I go.. Oh, this looks like a port.
Before heading to the town Erster needs to make preparations. You don't see a dwarf outside of South Blue very often.
-Unless it be me wanted poster. Hmm, I dun have a cape to cover up, maybe I'll 'tleast put some ash on me damn flashy beard. Drats, the gunpowder s'all wet. Stuffin mud in me face will have to do.
And so he headed down proceeding with utmost caution fearing he'd be recognised as soon as he passes the first house. Luckily here on the Grand Line rarely anyone remembers 10 year old wanted posters. The dwarf automaticaly enters the most crowded area where people sell whatever they can, listen to old nuts preaching about no salvation or starvation, gossip some and...
-Whoa, marines are onto me already?!- Erster quikly hid behind a fishstand.
-On a second thought they dun look very vigi... vilig.. dammit, sharp! - Erster always grows frustrated when his vocabulary reaches it's limit.
As the marine patrol passed by he took a tip from his stomach and started looking for a tavern.
none of my business.

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Known Hero
posted October 10, 2009 02:17 AM

Ensign Tourville stood at the top of the hill and looked out to the sea. There he could see the battle between the pirates and the marines while two other ships went for shelter in the harbor.
-Oh well, nothing to be concerned about. Let's move on!

When the patrol reached the town he could see nothing had changed. Old Cal was still preaching about doomsday and the townsfolk rushed up and down attending their duties.
-Seems like nothing is unusual sir! Petty officer Loraine stated.
-Well of course not. What did you expect? Let's just inspect the harbor and check on the tavern, shall we?! Ensign Tourville replied as he walked down the street. What was that? In the corner of his eye Ensign Tourville could almost swear he saw something or someone hiding. He took a quick look around at the surroundings. Nothing. Was he imaginig things..or was it something else? "i have a bad feeling about this" He thought to himself as he went to the harbor.

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted October 10, 2009 02:40 PM

John Daylett woke up in a small inn on the Jashka island. He wasn't sure how long he slept, but at least he felt well rested. He sat down on the bed and reflected on his current situation. The ship he stole from the marines was hidden... as much as he could hide it on his own in such short time. Which wasn't much, so he needed to find a crew as fast as possible, gather some essential resources and set out to sea again. Once he leaves this island he'll be much harder to track, since even he didn't know where he would go from here. And when the marines are no longer on his tail, he can finally concentrate on bringing down this corrupted and twisted organization... But first thing's first - he needed a crew.

Soon after that John was walking across town in a a new short-sleeved shirt that he left completely unbuttoned and loose shorts - the clothes of a free spirit that he could never afford wearing as a marine. He decided to mix business and pleasure by looking for pirates in a place where he could also get a drink. The innkeeper said that the bar was closed at the moment and that the tavern would be his best guess. John whistled some tune that was stuck in his mind in joyful anticipation of tasting the famous Jashkan wine... and finding a good crew off course... but never forgetting the wine.

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted October 11, 2009 12:04 PM

the high loon's prow docked on the Island, it's hyena figurehead looking down at the shore below it. the many Jashka crabs scuttled away, their many eyes looking around weildly. the captain of the ship, tall, lanky and green haired, lept down and picked up a crab. with a tiny yelp, the crab transformed in his hand into a frissbee, which he tossed away.
"Another Island, another town, another load of fun to have!" he muttered, the horrific grin on his face. he whistled, the slave driver, Bostark, ordered the slaves to start pulling the ship onto the land. the first mate, Astrad, and the sharp shooter, Jeklam, started the ritual that they allways did on a new Island, pouring out barrels of oil onto the beach. their captain merely hummed a little tune.

"This always happened better at night!" he said, "You there!" he pointed at Astrad, "remember to always land at night, otherwise, I'll kill your family."
"yes, sir," the huge swordsman said meekly. done with the oil, they stood back whilst their captain threw a match onto it. it burst alight, catching one of the less quick slaves, setting her ablaze as well. the symbol on the beach was a skull, a jesters hat on its head, with two chains as crossbones. the symbol of the Every pirates.
"Come on, boys!" Jolly D. Every said, standing on the hill, looking over the town, "Let's have some fun!"
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted October 14, 2009 06:21 PM

Mark finally arrived at the tavern. He stopped infront of it and looked at it. "For some reason it feels like I have forgotten something, what can it be? Ohh well, I am here, time to get drunk!"

I entered the tavern and shouted "Yo, kiddo((Auto-piloted diablo back to the tavern, don't worry, he knows of it and agrees)), fetch me a bottle of wine!"
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Legendary Hero
who am I?
posted October 15, 2009 10:05 AM

-Whoooff, I'm finally here. Where's me gold? Not this pocket, oh, there is sum, it better be nuff.
Erster silently entered the tavern, took a slow good look around the place. It was rather calm at the moment with a few conversations going around and very occasional bursts of laughter. Seeing nothing really suspicious and noone looking too dangerous he headed straight for the barman.
-Oi bartend, a mug of something warm and a plate of mutton if ye have. If not then throw in some beef instead.
He began eating his meal on the edge of the counter.
none of my business.

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Legendary Hero
posted October 18, 2009 09:23 PM

There be a few more people inside the tavern now, most of em was lads, this tavern did not attract lasses for some reason. BUT there was a short person: A dwarf, I' ran out of the bar for a few seconds scarred like a potter about tax. Mi mom told me their race is evildoers who eat kids for dinner, when nubody is watchin'. And that they hide under the ground to dig up enou' gold to bribe the la'(law). And he looked scary, with his face covered in mud.
Outside of the tavern, there was a lad easy to the eyes was to assume. He smelled and almost looked like a barbarian, the lads hair was in a ponytail and the color was really dark. A bit of em stones on his back, wearing only somethin' meh mom might have call'd a skirt or a bizzaro trainin' cloth for some old master. But it looked more like a skirt than the other thin', due its shape and colors.
But this lad appeared hungry, it was not easy to spot unless you have been there yourself, I' had. And Ma' Chevan herself had said: "Je always force le people into the taverna if tu can." So I' walked up to him and attempted to persuade this strange lad to use some money in here.

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Known Hero
posted October 19, 2009 07:32 AM

When they arrived at the Harbour, the patrol couldn't detect anythiing unusual nor any difficulties or disagreements that could later on cause any uproars or conflicts. The everyday routine work went on without interferences and without the being affected by the finished battle at sea. Ships came and went, cargo was loaded and unloaded. Warehouses was filled and emptied while deckhands, sailors, and dockworkers walked all over the place, cerrying their load of the work.

Ensign Tourville walked over to the Harbour Master's Office for the daily report of the ships sailing in and out and the cargo that was either imported or exported. And of course, the usual small talk over a cup of tea.
-Petty Officer Loraine! Please continue to thoroughly inspect every ship thats docked and every warhouse before returning here. Is that understood? Not that he didn't need to give any instruction anyway but still. he grinned before turning his back to her and started to walk up the stairs.
-Yes sir! I'll get to it right away! She saluted before turning towards the men. All right men, lets get this over with quickly. Don't want the two of them drinking themselves under the table now, do we? She smiled and  made a "" towards the Ensign has he turned with a rather irritated look on his face. The man all laughed. Okey, thats enough fooling around Petty Officer. Now get Movin!! He Shouted before entering the Building.

-Ah, Ensign Tourville. How's the day been? Harbour Master Steve Westham looked up from the paperwork on his desk, as he heard the door open. Hope you didn't have any troubles up in town or here at the harbour.
-Nothing more than usual anyway, thank you Steve. Tourville shaked hands with the now standing Harbour Master. Doing just fine, how 'bout you? Got plenty of work i see. He pointed at the stables of reports and logs on the desk.
-What this? Steve laughed. This is nothing compared to what i usually have. It's been a quiet day you might say. Here's the reports for the Captain. Come sit down have a cup of the or perhaps some brandy? Steve directed Tourville to a couple of chairs near a fireplace.
-Aren't all days quiet around here. Tourville mumbled. Thanks for the reports, anything out of the ordinary to report? And thanks but no. No drinks, just some tea.
-All right then. Suit yourself. And Except for the two ships that anchored here during the battle, there's little else to report. Now do you have any news? And just like that the two men started talking while the patrol did their routine inspection of the harbour.

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted October 19, 2009 04:20 PM

Every burst into the bar like a cannonball. his crew close behind him. grinning madly, he walked up to the bar.
"Your finest alcohol!" he said. the barman looked at him. a huge man with plenty of battlescars on his face.
"I don't take orders from punks," he said, turning away. Every sighed, he didn't want to do this...actually he did, alot. grabbing the nearest barfly, his smile widened.
"Ok, tough guy, hope your able to take a shot out of this!" the drunk staggered crazily whilst every took off his glove, "Toy Toy Happy time!" the bar flies face contorted, his body wrapping itself in on itself, turning itself into a bazooka. Every jumped back, catching the weapon and firing it at the bar tender. the bartender caught the cannonball and rocketted up into the air, before going back to serving drinks.
"Don't cause trouble in my bar!" he snarlled.
"Very well," Every said, "I thought it was you as soon as you decided to not serve me a drink. you were always a stingy sod even at the best of times." he cocked his head, the bartender looked at him, a worried looked on his face.
"Don't say it, Every! Don't say that name!"
"What name? Oh, right, "Monkey mad" Yura! oopsie, did I give away your secret?"
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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Known Hero
posted October 20, 2009 03:37 AM
Edited by Sir_Dragon at 03:38, 20 Oct 2009.

-Ensign Tourville, Sir! Petty Officer Loraine shouted as she ran into the office. There's trouble over at Yura's Bar. Some kind of Loco pirate causing a hell of a ruckus!
-Well I'll be damned! Steve said. Two fights in one day? Now that's really something, don't you think Ensign? He looked at Ensign Tourville who was on his feet and allready on the way out.
-Seems like we'll see some action today. Ensigns Tourville whispered to himself. See you tomorow Steve. Petty Officer Loraine! What are you still standing there for. Let's get a move on and stop the fight before it develops into an uproar! He shouted as he went outside and faced his men. And send a call to the base. We might need reinforcements, just in case!
-Yes sir! Petty Officer Loraine was soon right behind the Ensign and put her knuckle dusters on. Right  away!

As they rushed up towards the secene Ensign Tourville had a grim look on his face."Is this it?" He thought. "is this what has the bad feeling i've been carrying all day? Or is it just the beginning?". Tch, he gritted his teeth and readyed his shotgun for action. Whatever the reason for the fight, they had to put an end to it.

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted October 20, 2009 02:41 PM
Edited by Geny at 14:44, 20 Oct 2009.

Some people passed John shouting something about a big fight involving pirates at some bar. John stopped for a minute, strong pirates was just what he needed, maybe he should head there and check it out... He shook his head and continued walking towards the tavern. The commotion will undoubtedly draw the attention of the local marines and he did not want to bump into them, not just yet.

The tavern was not hard to find, it was a big building (for this little island) with a lot of different folk hanging about it. One of them stood in front of the entrance and talked to some kid. The strange thing was that he only wore a dress and carried a pile of stones on his back. John shrugged, entered the tavern, sat down and ordered a glass of their best wine. While he was waiting for his order he looked around trying figure out what his next move should be. There were plenty of people inside as well, some were clearly pirates too. John even thought he'd seen some of the faces on the wanted posters before, but he couldn't really remember anything about them. He tried to think how to approach the matter with caution when the waiter approched him.

"Your wine, mister."

"Thank you. I've been meaning to try the famous Jashkan wine for a while now."

John took the glass and emptied it in one shot. As he slammed the glass back on the table his vision blurred and his thoughts started jumping in his head, coming out of his mouths in no particular order. He stood up and began talking so loudly that even the people outside could hear him.

"Wheeew, that was some good wine! Best I had in a long time! Oi, you there, bring me a whole bottle of this! I want to enjoy this to the fullest!I tell you guys, you are lucky to live on an island with such wonderful beverages! I would love to stay here myself, but I have things to do. You see, I'm looking for a bunch of brave pirates who would accompany me on my journey. I have a ship and I can sail it, but I need help. So if there are those here that would like to go out to sea against the will of the World Government just follow me... I got the nicest little ship too. Fast, agile... brand new as well, I just got it myself... I got it from... Ah! Here's my bottle o' wine!"

John took the bottle from the waiter, sat back down and started drinking his wine, much slower this time - enjoying every sip.

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted October 20, 2009 03:21 PM

Yura ran at Every, who side stepped his charge.
"I was keeping that a secret!" he roared, his face becoming more and more monkey-like "I was trying to live the quiet life, and then you had to go and ruin it for me, clown!"
"Oh Wise up, Idiot grandpa! with your bounty, I don't know why you don't have half the worlds bounty hunters at your doorstep!" grabbing a barmaid, Every smiles as the girl transforms into a sword, screaming as she did so. Yura's tail came out of nowhere, Every dodged, laughed and cut down, severing the end off. Yura roared, grabbing tables, chairs and customers, throwing them at the grinning buccaneer. a couple of swift cuts, and the floor was littered with wood, glass and broken bodies.
"the Marines will be here any minute!" snarled Yura "You want to get caught!"
"I wouldn't worry about that," Every cackled, "More people for me to have fun with!" Yura ran at him, laying punches with all available hand, a veritable mealstrom of left hooks, right jabs and kicks. "I can't help feeling that your not getting into the swing of things, Yura. You need a bit move motivation."

there was a bang.
"What the devil?" said a local marine to his collegue. turning they saw the enormous monkey-man, covered in blood, with the grinning clown standing over him. behind them was the smoking wreckage of the "hoisted anchor" bar.
"Aryu-san!" shouted the marine whilst his friend mushied for help.
"nice touch, Yura!" Every said, picking up Yura, "soon the marines will be here, and then the fun really begins!"
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted October 20, 2009 05:59 PM
Edited by B-E-T-A at 18:34, 20 Oct 2009.

Mark sat down and took a sip from the bottle of redwine which he had ordered. He had ordered another one as well as some "today's speciality" when he figured he had grown hungry.
He looked at the entrance and saw a dwarf clad in some weird armor come in. Many people did come to this town, but the dwarfs, longnecks, longarms, giants and those alike usually came to be part of the town militia, and they usually kept their distance. Guess this was a new guy.
Mark then took a look out of the window and saw the kid he had given his order too, who now was outside talking to one of the strangest dressed man mark had ever seen. He was wearing nothing but a monk's skirt((Am I correct??)), and was caring a large bag of rocks on his back. Ohh well, stranger people do exist, and Mark had heard stories of monks training in some strange ways.

Mark had to quickly change his attention as a guy suddenly started shouting in the tavern. Something about wine, pirates, world goverment, and more wine. Mark didn't quite catch all of it as the man obviously had some wine in his mouth while talking, as he made grugling sounds while talking. But the man was shouting and he looked suspiciously well dressed, like the kind who got hordes of bloodthirsty underlings to massacre a village((Exagurated by a suspicious Mark )). Could this be the pirate who had made the commossion at the bar earlier today? Mark had to investigate.

Mark stood up and walked over to the man and kindly said "Excuse me good sir, is this seat taken?" The man shaked his head and Mark sat down. "Sorry to bother you, but I didn't quite hear you the first time from across the room, but what did you say?"
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted October 20, 2009 06:14 PM

John was happy to have some company, it's always better to drink with someone rather than alone.

"Ah, sit down, sit down, my friend! I see you have a drink with you too. Good! Let's drink!"

Without waiting for the stranger's response John banged his own bottle with the one the stranger held in his arm and drank some more. He put the bottle back on the table and looked at the stranger in a drunken haze.

"You want to now my plans?" John smiled, put his hand over the man's shoulder, drew himself closer to his newfound 'friend' and continued in a hushed voice, "I just came here from a remote marine base. And guess what? I sailed here on their fastest ship. That's right, I stole a marine ship to get here. And now I want to keep sailing on it free like a bird, free to stop the World Government from the atrocities it commits in the name of justice. All I need are some good men to sail with me... so what do you say, friend? Wanna live a life that's free on the blue wide sea?"

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