
Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted January 02, 2010 09:54 PM |
"Fortune Pirates, I like it! Hey, hey, mates, I have an awesome name for this beauty!" John waves his arms around to indicate he's talking about the ship, "Let's call her Lady Luck! I always knew that Lady Luck will get me far and now she will! Literally! Get it? Cause we'll actually be riding a ship called Lady Luck? Get it? Awesome, right?!"
John takes another sip of wine, ignoring the looks he's getting from the rest and then continues.
"As for me being resp... resp... you know what I mean, you don't know me very well do you? All I want to do most of the time is drink, eat and sing... oh, and sleep in between. But since you seem to insist, I'll tell you what. When I was still a marine we always had to obey the orders of the ociffer... ummm... officer in charge, but when he was not around we'd put things to vote. So since we don't have a captain yet, I propose we vote on three things: the captain, out name, and the ship's name. I vote for Fortune Pirates, Lady Luck and ..." John looks around and finally stops his gaze on Mark, "Mark. Yeah, why not, he looks like a nice guy and he knows what it's like to be the captain at least as good as me... which is absolutely nothing. So come on, get to voting, before I dose off *hic*."

Legendary Hero
who am I?
posted January 02, 2010 10:26 PM |
Edited by veco at 22:28, 02 Jan 2010.
-Voting? On a pirate ship? Gimme a break! Yer ship - yer rules, that's how it's always been and for good reason. But have you seen the cannons on this ship? And she's as fast as a whip. I say her name should be Floggin' Molly! - he stopped for a moment to let the name soak in a little - Doesn't really matter what we're called, Fortune Pirates works, but I'm curious what'll the government call us after we stir up some trouble, haha! For now we're prolly "Daylett's turncoat group" or something, hehe.
Erster turned around and noticed a little kid sitting silently without moving. From what the dwarf could tell from the look on the kid's face, he or she was feeling a bit uneasy. "Well, it must be a tad stresful to be on a pirate ship" he thought and tried to easen the situation with a little joke.
-Hey who's that little stalker behind me? What's a child doing on a pirate ship anyway? Emergency food supply perhaps? Ha ha ha! - he smiled with his wide mouth towards the kid revealing all his teeth from beneath the fiery red beard.
none of my business.

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted January 02, 2010 10:47 PM |
Mark looked at John Daylett who had just voted for him as the captain. He sat down and thought about it for awhile and figured that it could be a good idea. Cause it meant he got to order people around. But then again...it would also mean that it would be harder to ditch them should a ditching be needed to save himself. In the end the conclusion was:
"Heck why not." Mark said "I vote myself for captain, name fortune pirates. And the ship as....well...it's owned by John so he should be naming it, but 'Lady Luck' seems... I don't like making my luck into a vessel..."
Mark then turned to Erster who made a joke about the kid.
"What the kid is doing here is something you must ask John about. But he is NOT emergency food supply. We're not cannibals! Not yet atleast. I tell you that food cooked on human meat tastes terrible! And it is not exactly healthy for you either!" Mark told the food half-way in a joke, half-way serious, as he spoke from experience.
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Legendary Hero
posted January 02, 2010 10:49 PM |
*Desu screams and then faints*

Legendary Hero
who am I?
posted January 02, 2010 11:12 PM |
Edited by veco at 23:13, 02 Jan 2010.
-Look at what you've done, you scared the living snow out of the lad... or is it a lass? Now that I think of it I can't really tell... So what's this kid doing aboard, John? he was at the table so I guess it's no coincidence.
Erster came closer to the kid attempting to wake him/her up. Since poking didn't work, he started shaking the shoulders.
-Wake up, it was just a joke, it's not.. like you're gonna die!
none of my business.

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted January 03, 2010 08:57 AM |
And they chatted away again... but atleast they were still somewhat making progress deciding the elemental questions. John was as uncomfortable with being captain as before but then again he had been drinking that aweful tasting beverage again which seemed to have no other effects than incapacitating both your mind and your body. Why would one volountarily put yourself in such a state? Maybe he shouldn't be captain afterall if that would prove to be habit of his. And now there was more noise and shouting and something about voting and ahh.... so much noise.
Anar leaned back again and tried to push out all the commotion going on in the cabine and listend to the sea again.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted January 03, 2010 08:26 PM |
John looked at Desu, then at the empty bottle in his own hand, then back at Desu.
"The kid didn't drink, right? So why did he pass out?" John smelled his breath using his palm and nearly fell out of his chair. "Ah, that must be it. My booze breath knocked him out."
He stood up and started walking to Desu, swaying from side to side as he goes.
"As for why he's here - because he wanted to come and the more the merrier, right?" He got to Desu and picked him up. "I'm going to take him to the sleeping quarters and take a nap myself. You know what I think, but if you still want me to be your captain, I'll do it. Let me know what you decided in the morning."
With that John walked towards the exit with Desu on his shoulder. He stopped at the door and turned to the others again:
"Just don't do it too loudly, my head will prolly hurt enough as it is."

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted January 08, 2010 06:13 PM |
Edited by Azagal at 18:29, 08 Jan 2010.
John had left the room. Finally seems like they've reached a conclusion. I guess I can leave now. Azagal looked at the others and since the talking hadn't cesed yet it seemed they were still argueing about the captain position. So troublesome...
Anar got up and made his way to the deck to watch the stars and ocean. On his way out he padded Mark on the shoulder.
"Take him".
Anar didn't really know any of them and for all he knew the others all had potential to be leaders or they could be about as much use as a leader as a 10 kg leg shackles could be for soru training (that is none at all if you want to perfect it. You'd need more to strengthen your tie and leg muscles for a good soru. Which reminded him he had to make himself some and check the ship for a practice area). But the Dwarf said he's profficient with Guns and the stranger said he'd be keeping the ship clean so all there were left without any real responsabilities were Mark and him, considering John was out and the kid would be a ridiculous choice. So it came down to him or Mark and Anar really couldn't be troubled with taking care of these people.
Anar left, figureing that he had done his part to the decision making progress.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Known Hero
posted January 09, 2010 01:20 AM |
Jashka Island Marine base a few hours earlier
-A Lieutenant?! But sir that's a bit..I mean i'm not...there are. Ensign Tourville now Lieutenant Tourville sturred almost speachless by the recent unexptected turn of events.
-What is it Lieutenant? Speak up man! Captain Brand said impatiantly.
-What I mean to say sir, is that being a Lieutenant is a lot responsibility to begin with, and then to been commisioned their own command. Lieutenant Tourville finally spoke clearly. I don't think I'm ready yet for such responsibility, nor worthy of being commisioned the rank of Lieutenant. There are other older, more experienced men and women who is more suited for this than I am. He paused to catch his breath. And to lead a pirate hunt, It's just too much for me. He finished quite proud of himself.
-Is that all you have to say Tourville? Captain Brand had leaned backwards while listening closely to the young officer's words. And after giving them some thought He leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table. Then let me tell you something. Indeed it's quite the responsibility what I'm offering you and I know I'm asking a lot of you. He sighed and smiled. But I have high expectations of you. You could be something big one day, and I know that you would do you's absolute best. Now about your XO Petty Officer Loraine. She has been prooted two ranks and are now Master Chief Petty Officer and wil be commisioned to your ship. He stopped for a moment to take a closer look on the young Lieutenant before continueing. Now I suggest you prepare yourself for the long journey ahead and get ready to set sail. That is all. Dismissed Lieuteant Tourville!
-Sir! Lieutenant Tourville left the office quite exited. A Lieutenant and commander of his own ship. He almost couldn't belive it. It was like a dream. And to think that he was entrusted with the command for the hunt of John Daulett and crew. He could almost cry out in pleasure. But fist there were more important things to take care of. His own celebration could wait. Now to prepare for the task ahead.

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted January 13, 2010 04:33 PM |
"So..." Mark looked at the dwarf and the other guy "The votes of you two decided who's going to be a captain.."
((I'll post the three Islands I made up as soon as we finnish electing captain))
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Known Hero
posted January 17, 2010 01:52 AM |
Marines singing
Lieutenant Tourville stood on the ship's bridge overlooking the ship as it was made ready for departure. 200 marines carrying supploies, ammunition, weapons and medicine abord and placing it in the cargo hold. Ropes, sails and chains and other neccesities. Master Chief Petty Officer Loraine was supervising the whole operation.
- "Baskerville" is now fully equipet and supplied and all crewmen are aboard. "Dónner" will be need another 45 minutes before she is ready. Ans as you can see "Liberty Star" will be ready in about 30 minutes. A woman's voice came from behind. We should be ready to leave in about 1 hour, sir! Tourville nodded as the status report was brought.
Tourville turned around facing the group of officers accompanying him on the bridge. There were several other officers standing around a table looking at the map that was layed out. Each of them holding their own stack of reports in their hands. Most of the were Junior Lieutenants and Ensigns given platoon command. But two of them were Lieutenants with command of the other ships taking part in this hunt.

Legendary Hero
who am I?
posted January 19, 2010 11:08 AM |
Erster started to get a little annoyed by Mark's stare.
-Well..? Since he's staying silent, so there you have it - you won the, hmpf, voting. And it looks like the party's over too so I'm gonna go sleep.
He grabbed some food on his way.
-G'nite. ...oh and try not to scare little children anymore.
none of my business.

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted January 22, 2010 08:23 PM |
Anar had spent the nigh on deck. He'd seen the ocean before but still being on boat with nothing arround you for miles but water and whatever creatures there in it... was a new experience. He haid laid down watching the sky and thinking about all the things he had heared of the Grand Line on the very few occasions his mentor had talked to him about her travels. The night spent faster than he had exspected when he was musing about his new life. The sunrise was quite beautiful but Anar didn't really give it much thought he was doing sit ups since the ship left him with little room to do his morning running and he had no weights to lift. When the had been up for a few hours he heard some movement in the cabine.
...when do these people get up? Sunrise was hours ago. What a bunch I ended up with. Oh well He couldn't hear any talking yet which he was actually quite thankful for. Anar stoped with the sit ups to just lay down and enjoy the rest of peace and quiet he would have before comotion of a new day would start. He didn't really know what to exspect but remembering their last meeting he exspected a lot more talking.
...I wonder if they decided on a captain. I sure hope so...
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted January 22, 2010 09:25 PM |
John carried the kid to the sleeping quarters and put him on the bed. He then walked to another bed and collapsed on it as he usually does. However, unlike most nights he had real trouble sleeping this time. Thoughts of captaincy occupied his mind. This was a disturbing development. And just when he found a crew and thought that everything would be fine. The last thought that passed through his mind before he drifted to the dream world was: "I wonder if the others will find the sleeping quarters?.."
This night was indeed strange for John "Skipper" Daylett. His usual peaceful, alcohol-induced slumber was interrupted by disturbing dreams. He saw himself on a ship sailing the open seas. His hair grew enough to reach his shoulders and was waving freely in the wind. He raised his hand to brush it and was surprised to find a captain's hat on his head. Suddenly, he was in the middle of a battle. Cannonballs were roaring above his head. People around him were dying from rifle fire. One of the cannonballs hit the ship in the middle and split it in half. He saw a little kid standing next to him and crying: "Please, don't eat me!". The sides of the ship suddenly grew huge, pointy teeth and instead of just sinking the ship's halves closed on each other like a huge carnivore plant, crushing everyone on board, and plunged into the sea.
John woke up. His head was humming, but he knew it would pass shortly - he didn't drink much last night. He looked at the cabin ceiling above him without moving his head, waiting for the headache to calm down. He didn't even know if there was someone else sleeping near him. Thin rays of sunlight that pierced the boards above his head indicated that it was morning already... at least. John wondered what decision did the others made last night. He hoped he didn't wake up as captain.

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted January 26, 2010 03:23 PM |
Edited by B-E-T-A at 15:35, 26 Jan 2010.
Mark woke up early that morning, a little after sunrise to be exact. Not being sure when his friends is gonna wake up he decided to get started on breakfest, some cooked pasta, salat and bread would have to do. He also decided to make a cheese shandwhich for each and everyone of them.
After making food he wondered if the others had woken up, so he grabbed a frying pan and a fork, went outside and started slamming them together "Time to wake up everyone! Breakfest is served!" Mark shouted
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted January 26, 2010 04:32 PM |
Edited by Azagal at 16:34, 26 Jan 2010.
God what an aweful rucuss Anar thought at the sound coming from the kitchen guess the peace and quite is really over. He sigh. Breakfast was good news though, more interesting food to taste. And considering what Mark had said it would be some time before the others got up so he would probably be the first there, so there wouldn't be much talking. He entered the kitchen and the first thing that hit him was the smell of tomatoes ((I hope you made Pasta with Bolognese sauce )). Mark was standing near the stove cutting bread and putting on some cheese. He had made cheese himself when he was still living with his master so that wasn't something new. What was in the pan next to Mark on the stove looked a lot more interesting... He had to get some of that. But there were two pots with two different things in them... the one was filled with a semi-fluid redish...sauce? and the other one with limb pale-yellowish strings. ...Interesting.... He looked quizically at both the substances for a moment before he decided to ask how to eat this, considering the fact that some of his previous meals would only work to their full potential if combined with other meals, unlike others who'd cause you to have abysmal abdominal pain if eaten in combination with other things...
"So are those two seperate meals or do you eat them together? Like Periami leaves and Karanti fruits? Oh and did you solve the captain problem last night?"
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted January 26, 2010 04:58 PM |
((xD My thoughts of food exactly! But I decided to let one of you decide which pasta that I would make, and as you were first you got to pick ))
Mark was surprised when he heard the voice of Anar who suddenly was standing behind him and he turned around.
"Hmm? Ohh right, this-" Mark pointed at the bolognese sauce "is something that is called 'Bolognese sauce', it's made out of tomatoes and other stuff. But it's not really supposed to be eaten by itself, unless you have macarony in it or something else that fits." Mark then pointed at the spagetti "And this, my friend, is something called spagetti. It's made out of pasta, and is quite good I tell you. It is meant to be eaten with both the bolognese sauce and these meatballs..."
Mark finnished the cheese sandwhiches, before taking fourth a bag of meatballs which had in the now warmed frying pan
"...mixed within it. Do you want your cheese sandwhiches warmed, peppered, salted or want it with anything else?" he asked Anar before remembering Anar's last question "Ohh, and yes, the captain problem is solved. I was elected.." he sighed "...Not that it really matters. It only gives me a title and the authority to order you guys around, but it ain't that much of a big deal."
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Legendary Hero
posted January 26, 2010 06:48 PM |
What was Chevan making that noise for the young one wondered while lieing there silently in the bed? There was nothing to do yet, or something was what circulated. The inner watch in the body was working perfectly, it was to damn early in the morning. "No wait, I became a PIRATE last night!" the kid thought and jumped up wearing full clothing!
So a rush towards the kitchen was on, since it smelled good and a small bit of recalling ended up with the words being shouted had something to do with food.

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted January 26, 2010 11:03 PM |
Quote: "...Not that it really matters. It only gives me a title and the authority to order you guys around, but it ain't that much of a big deal."
Anar raised an eyebrow in disbelief... "Only...Only? Authority is not to be taken so lighty. Don't make me regret my suggestion."
Anar turned his attention from Mark to the the food.
...he better don't think I'm his errand boy...
Anar helped himself to what he had learned was Meatballs Bolognese sauce and... Spaghetti? He took himself a big helping and sat down in a corner of the room where he could watch the day unfold and hopefully not get too involved in anything unneccesary.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted February 03, 2010 01:55 PM |
Edited by Azagal at 13:56, 03 Feb 2010.
Anar got up to get his third helping of the Bolognese Noodles he had learned to love... man that was some good stuff. He was lucky since the others were taking quite a while to get up. They were probably still sleeping? It didn't matter much all he cared about that there was more food for him and a bit more peace and quite to enjoy before the day would start.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord