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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted March 12, 2010 10:32 PM

Since John assured everyone that they are in no immediate danger where they are and Mark was certain that they have enough food to last for a bit, the Fortune Pirates decided to take another day to familiarize themselves with Lady Luck and with each other. As soon as that was decided Anar went and locked himself in the training room, bringing the Devil Fruit with him. Some of the pirates tried to catch a peek of what is going on there, but the door was well locked and no sound came from inside.

John, on the other hand, spent most of his time in the navigation room. Since the helm itself was outside on the deck, this more of a storage room for navigational equipment. The room was quite small. Maps to many important locations and some other islands lay on the shelves, describing a big part of the known world. In the middle of the room stood a desk and a chair. A couple of Eternal Logposes to major Marine bases for quicker travel were here as well. However, the most important thing John found was a small manual book that explained the purpose of a very strange contraption situated near the helm. On their way here John couldn't take his eyes off it knowing what it was for, but couldn't understand how it works. The contraption was in fact several Eternal Logposes set on heightened surface near the helm in a certain position. After reading the manual it became clear that based on the relative position of the Logposes, a skilled navigator who is familiar with the system could easily determine the direction he was headed. In other words, they function sort of like a compass that works on the Grand Line and let the crew sail easily from island to island using only maps.

When John finally figured out how to work the Eternal Compass he took out the map of their current region, placed it on the table and sat down. Upon a thorough observation of the drawers, he found all the tools needed for proper usage and correction of maps. Before the day's end he was already familiar with the seas that surrounded them and told the captain about their options for the next target island.

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Legendary Hero
posted March 20, 2010 12:17 AM

So after quite some time the dishes was done, and the captain was not back to finish em. Quite sad, not so good.
So after that little thingy was done, it was down into the cargo hold.
Sadly everyone had left, but there was still loads of crates down there. After some searching: a box hidden underneath a box was found. There was many others like it, but this was the box that I actually managed to dig out.
The box was not locked, and the inside just contained a bunch of papers. Nothing interisting. After going trough several boxes:
*A small creepy supercomplex item emitting darkness, it was creepy so the box was sealed again
*A small item which pushed back anything that touched it with several times the power, useless!
*Papers............ why so many?
*Something halfway constructed, obviously the craftsmenn was not skilled
*5 pairs of normal standard gloves, adult size
*A box that removed itself when attempting to be opened
*A star made from a shiny metal, quite shiny
*A box that removed another box when lifted up, creating a black mass that disappered in the blink of an eye
*Papers, why papers? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?????????!?!?!?
*A cardbox box, with random letters on it. Painted pink.
So after more searching and screaming I found a yellow bracelet like glow, which did not seem out of place. So I toddled upstairs.

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Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted March 22, 2010 06:18 PM

Anar sat in the training room with a little book liying on his lap and the Devil Fruit lying on the floor in front of him. He had the found the Training room to be a room of medium capacity. That the ship had training facilities at all came as no little surprise considering that this was a ship designed for stealth and speed. It wasn't neccesary for the crew to further their martial prowess like on more battle orientated ships. Judging from the state of the art training equipment Anar came to the conclusion that this room had been specifically placed here for the use of the captain of the ship. Atleast for the person who was supposed to be it's captain... Never the less Anar had all he needed and much more for a normal training session. The question was though how long his session would stay "normal".
He had placed the fruit in front of a light so it's outlines were plainly visible to him and he stared at it.
"...Toka Toka no Mi, eh?"
After John had read the paper to him he had gone back into the storage room to look for further info. After searching for a little time he had found a small book with the simple title "The Chamaeleonidae". He'd been reading it ever since he came to the training room. Chameleons were curious creatures. Apart from being able to melt seamless into their surroundings, they had an extendable tongue that seemed like a build in gun. Chameleon tongues were often longer than the animals body and traveled at a speed of 26 bodylengths per second which would usually result in the tongue reaching it's target within about 30 thousandths of a second. That was fast... really fast. They had didactyl feet which would enable him to climb surfaces which earlier had been physically impossible for him to climb, he would sprout horns, have a crest on his head, possibly be deaf in his complete transformation (Chameleons apparently had no normal ears. They were however able to perceive vibrations). Those were the pros and cons of the ability itself, together with the Devil Fruit induced higher physical regeneration of his body due to it's zoan nature and the fact that he'd be a hammer for the rest of his life it left Anar with a choice.

After a moment he took the fruit and ate it. It tastet absolutely disgusting.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

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Legendary Hero
who am I?
posted March 22, 2010 07:16 PM

Erster took residence on the cannon deck which consisted of 2 gun sections with 2 rifled cannons on both starboard and port side, a big but empty gunport on the bow and an ammunition storage in the middle, near the stern. Aside from the standard and smokescreen cannonballs lying in the corners near the guns the storage hold much more interesting pieces of specialized equipment. Fused explosive canisters, high velocity cone-shaped bullets, flares and barrels filled with explosives. At first Erster thought that those were emergency gunpowder supplies but there was enough for a full sized marine galleon and this little ship didn't hold nearly enough firearms to ever hope to use it all. The second thought was that maybe it's just cargo but then he noticed a catapult-like device which looked able to toss those barrels horizontally.
-Ah, this must go to the gunport on the bow since the others are way too small. Well, it looks too heavy for me to move so I'll need some help to test it later. Now, all I need is some paint to make this place nice and cosy.
And so he left to scout out the ship for paint, preferably red. After going through several rooms he stumbled upon the training area.
-Hey there! Did you turn into a reptile yet? And more importantly do you have any paint in here?
none of my business.

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Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted March 23, 2010 06:05 PM

First Anar wanted to simply ignore the dwarf considering he had more important things to do right now (figureing out how his abilities worked) but since he was now more or less a crew member a little socialising was practically mandatory...

"Yes I'm a ate the fruit. No I don't know where there is paint. Great weather today. John is most likely to know where paint is on this ship since he has spent the most time on it. Thank you."

There from what he had heared and seen so far that should have been very social the dwarf had to be content with that answer. Hoping that the dwarf was satisfied and would start looking for John Anar resumed his experiments.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

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Legendary Hero
who am I?
posted March 23, 2010 06:33 PM

-Oh so you ate it? Then show me what you can do and after that I'd be more than happy to take you with me as help in the search for some paint. And then there is some stuff I need moved below the deck.

Erster then paused for a moment seeing that Anar's face started showing first signs of disapproval but he knew that he had to press on. Because if this guy wouldn't help him with moving the catapult, probably noone would.
-You're the second gunner ain't ya? Then it is mandatory for you to be there! - he grinned widely
none of my business.

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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted March 23, 2010 07:10 PM

When the others left the storage room, Mark went in search to see if he could find anything new and usefull. So he started opening the crates. He mostly found paper, but he also found some things like cannonballs of diffrent size and shapes, gunpowder, rifles and pistols. For some reason, there were a crate that contained some weird metal bars((Note: Sea stone. Mark has never seen it before)). The metal was probably there to be transported to a weaponsmith or something, but for Mark, they seemed to be useless so he decided to dump it.
Mark first tried to lift the crate, but it was simply to heavy for him. He then saw a wheelbarrow he could use. He loaded as much as he could manage onto the wheelbarrow before departing up to the ships deck. Once there, he lifted the quite heavy metal and figured he could use this opportunity to train a bit. So he lifted one bar with his left arm, aimed and threw the bar as far as he could. It was not so far. So he lifted the second, this time with his right arm and tried to see if how far he could throw it. That one went an even shorter distance then the first one.((Mark is left-handed))
Mark smiled as he figured how good training this would be for him, so he started throwing them one after another. When he finally ran out of bars, he decided to go get another load.
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Legendary Hero
posted March 23, 2010 09:18 PM

Going exploring the ship the cap was making some quite big noises throwing something, after he ran out after him down as he was going to fetch another crate asking: "Can i throw some too?"

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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted March 23, 2010 09:31 PM

Mark was so busy training that he didn't notice the little kid sneaking up on him before the kid spoke.
Mark jumped and quickly turned, but being a bit mentally prepared he didn't automatically kick or punch the kid. He just stared down on him and said "Sure, go right ahead." trying to fake a smile in an attempt to hide the fact that he had been startled
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Legendary Hero
posted March 23, 2010 10:26 PM

I was not standing there, with a bigger grin than most would have. I just followed him in excitement!

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Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted March 24, 2010 10:49 PM
Edited by Azagal at 22:57, 24 Mar 2010.

...Persistance must be a key feature of his species. Anar thought to himself while making no effort to hide his annoyance. He thought about staying here and continueing his "research" but then it occured to him that he might have a wrong idea of things. Perhaps this was an opportunity and not a random annoying insident? Maybe he couldn't force the fruits abilities to manifest? Maybe he should let the fruit get use to him first and see what happens? Too bad that they didn't have any other experienced Devil Fruit users on board he could ask about their experiences... The cleaning person... what was his name again? Didn't seem like a prime suspect for questioning either since his powers were also recently aquired. He simply started to... eat things. He was probably even more clueless than he was from the looks of it.
Well just letting it come to him wasn't a particularily good plan, nor did it really to appeal to Anars nature to simply wait for something to come to him but how was he to plan something he knew next to nothing about? He would try.
He stood up and walked over to the Dwarf who was still grinning at him.
"Lead the way... and when did I become second Gunner? I do not remember volounteering and I have no experience with heavy ranged weaponery."
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

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Supreme Hero
Talk to the hand
posted March 26, 2010 06:44 PM

The kitchen needed cleaning, but Jeb was pre-occupied with staring at his hands. Who knows, they could turn into wood any time soon. Jeb did feel dryness on his fingertips, but nothing special. Clearly disappointed by the results of his staring, Jeb decided to get to work before anyone noticed him spacing out on his hands. Jeb cleared the dishes off the table and was about to sweep the table, but then he was blessed with the king of all ideas. He could eat his rags and mop! He'd be done with his cleaning in no time if he could turn his body into what he eats!

Jeb rushed to the cleaning equipments closet and started chowing down on rags, sponges, mops and buckets. Once Jeb had his fill, he closed his eyes and concentrated. He summoned all the willpower and directed it to churning the contents of his stomach into the tools he needed. Jeb felt tingly as he opened his eyes. That's when it happened. The sudden realization that all of the cleaning equipment was gone and he had just been holding his breath for half a minute struck him like lightning. "ARGH!"
Noone shall pass, but no one besides him shall pass.

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Legendary Hero
posted April 07, 2010 09:37 AM
Edited by del_diablo at 09:39, 07 Apr 2010.

Meanwhile far away from the ship of the darned lucky pirates:
A marine grunt assigned to the third ship who was under Tourville stretched after a normal breakfast and enjoyed the morning air. It was the same grub as always, and who knew who was sailing where? Of course the higher officers knew, those lucky snows. Joining the navi was not as imaged, there was no fights ever and you could easly get randomly transferred to places close by.
"Huh?" A fellow grunted, "What is that?" the guy pointed with a almost magnetic finger towards a small boatlike thing getting closer. Another fellow got to the first fellow, but he had some sort of  binoculars. I was going towards the reeling with firm steps, what the heck was this? The guy with the binoculars said firmly: "Strange barshirted man with red eyes and green hair, somewhat tall. Hold on a second, ain't that the pirate "Chuckles"?" another nervous fellow who has come to them and was now one of the small crowd on the reeling grabbed the binoculars and then said: "Now that looks like Chuckles, what an ass he was. But that ain't Chuckles, i remember the darned nightname day from back then. The guy got the wrong proportions and wrong style, and where is his crew? The guy must have a too big ego to be rowing a boat like that!" Another guy ran and fished up a bunch of fresh bounties, and after a quick skim with another fellow he ran over to the reeling and the crowd and said in sort of panic, with a nice paper piece in his hand: "That is the criminal Ode 'Brawler' Venter! With a bounty of an entire 9 million belly!" He flashed up the poster and passed it quickly around.
A officer came along, and asked with a annoying voice: "What is this mess? Why are you standing here like a bunch of morons?" The fellow who had spotted the rowboat first was the one who replied: "Bandit sir, in that darned boat over there!" He pointed again with his magnetic finger, and then opened his mouth again: "The bandit is Ode 'Brawler' Venter! Bounty of 9 million belly!"
The officer shifted tone from annoyed to rash, and said quietly "snow.", he then turned up his voice and got serious: "Get the word up in the ranks, get the ships on alert, and get the word to our commander and ask him if we can open fire. This could get nasty."

On the small rowboat there was a tad unlucky fellow, he had just had raw fish for breakfast, there was a fishingpole on the floating vehicle for no particular reason. He had wondered what those boats was for, maybe he could get a ride to the closest island`? Oh wait, navy sails.............. This was sure going in a good direction, they had ought to have an entire stock of bountyposters and his one too.  He focused and spotted a entire crows standing on the reeling, and was they pointing at this very boat? snow that was, not good at all.
Then one guy who looked importent got over to them and after what i assume was small chit-chat they scattered, it was time to prepeare for the worst.

OOC: I am declering war on sir dragon, lets get this on with! And yes i am multicharactering of sorts.
The guy is equipped with a devilfruit whos abilities is too create a small barrier who stops anything who enters it, usefull against smaller objects as longer objects is too long for the barrier to stop(it only stops what enters it completely).... Just to do something about those cannonballs, skilled meele fighter as the epithit implies.

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted April 17, 2010 11:13 AM

The sun was starting to set when John finally got out of the navigator's room. He stood there stretching for a bit and then went to look for Mark. Surprisingly enough he found him right away as he and the kid were standing on the deck and staring into the sea. A couple of empty boxes lay beside them.

"What's going on, mates?" Asked John as he approached the two.

"I found some weird metal bars in the storage room and decided to clear the place up a bit. We were throwing the bars overboard as practice, trying to see how far we can toss them." Mark answered casually.

"It was fun!" Desu's  excited smile filled most of his face.

"Fun is good. I wish I was here too. Next time you're having fun, make sure to call me as well. By the way, Cap'n, I finally figured out how Lady Luck's navigational system works. I won't bore you with the details, but using the contraption there near the wheel and a map, I can tell where we are at any given moment and move us around without any need in Log Posses as if we weren't even in the Grand Line! Anyway, I looked at the map and I found three islands close enough to our location to get to them one go. Here, hold this, kiddo." John took out a map, opened it giving one end to Desu and used the free hand to point, "This is where we are, those are the islands close enough to us. I don't know much about the Grand Line, but I did here a couple of things about the closer islands like these three from other Marines. Those islands are:

Ildajiri - It is a country under World Government that used to be a monarchy. They say, that it is currently lead by a cruel senate and the land is split in a great civil war. With the senate on one side, rebels who want to bring back the royal family on another and Dragon and his revolution army on a third side. The world government is not sure which of the two none revolution sides it want to support, so it sends soldiers to those countries that only fight against the revolutionists.

Odderland - As you can see it lies very closely to the Calm Belt. Because of it's location, there lives nothing but wild animals, which means there's no place there to fill our alcohol supplies, so I see no reason to go there. There were also some rumors running in my Marine base about a secret Marine base on the island, but I don't know if that's true.

Ulderslan - A volcanic island that lies right under the water surface, with only the top of the volcano over it. The volcano has large eruptions each 15 years or so, and all the lava it spits out has laid itself on the water and became hard rock. Today, many people live on this island and love it there, cause not many pirates really care about this island.

So, Cap'n, what's our next target?"

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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted April 17, 2010 06:26 PM
Edited by B-E-T-A at 18:26, 17 Apr 2010.

((*Gets his lazy ass kicked* Ouch! Okay, I am awake, I am awake!))

Mark scratched his head and turned to the little kid "What do you think sounds fun out of the three islands presented to us?"

((Also Geny, good job! and 'Copy-paste much? ))
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Legendary Hero
posted April 17, 2010 06:39 PM

"Well, i kind of always wanted to see a volcano."

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Known Hero
posted April 18, 2010 08:36 PM

-Lieutenant Tourville! Lieutenant Tourville, sir! Lieutenatn Tourville, wake up! Your presence is requested on the bridge! Lieutenant Tourville! The voice shouted as the person hammered on the cabin's door.
The sleepy Lieutenant Tourville had been drinking himself smashed last night after having very loud and voilent quarrel with the fleets XO. And to his head the knocking and shouting sounded like thunder and canonfire.
-Stop making all that noise! He yelled quite frustrated. Whatever it is go to Junior Lieutenant Richmond. He's on guard duty and he can handle it.
-But sir, Its's Junior Lieutenant Richmond that requests you presence! He said it was urgent that you joined him on the bridge!
-Allright, allright! Just give me a minute will ya?! Lieutenant Tourville cursed and sweared as he dressed and sprayed water on his face to both wake and sober up. Then he armed himself with his saber and walked out of the room and towards the bridge.

On the bridge of "Liberty Star" a few minutes later.

-So what's the status and this urgent bisuness you needed me here for Richmond! Lieutenant Tourville looked at the young Junior Lieutenant if front of him. All around them was the other Junior Lieutenants and Ensigns, meaning that wahtever it was it couldn't be good.
-Sir! The status is the same as yesterday sir. But the problem is that small boat over there, containing the 9mill bounty head Ode "Brawler" Venter! As he is a wanted criminal it is our duty to apprehend him, but as we are on an important mission we aren't sure if we should just let him be. What do we do, sir?! The young man pointed athe boat as he spoke before giving Tourville his full attention.
-Ode "Brawler" Venter you said. Give me some binoculars. Thank you, now let's see. Ah yes, there he is that ugly beast. Lieutenant Tourville stood there for a minute thinking. Ode Venter and Tourville had met before during his academy days as a cadett. It was on a tavern on an island outside the Grand Line. It began as a harmless  argument but ended up as one of the bloodiest and most violent brawls ever.
-All right Listen up! We will now enter combat mode. All hands prepare for fight. Load the canons and prepare to open fire on my orders!

Ships preparing for combat

As the alarm sounded across the fleet all 600 marines rushed to their positions. Canons being loaded, sabres drawn and rifles readyied. Lieutenant Tourville himself took forth his own special shotgun.
-Canons out, riflemen line up, Bazooka teams up front and swordsmen and fistfighters form the rearguard! Canons prepare to fire! FIRE!!!
combat begins

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Legendary Hero
posted April 18, 2010 10:30 PM

Somewhere on the wast sea:

The 3 ships opened fire, which was a easy case to get over. Dropping the oars was quickly done, getting up in the most epic manner possible was done. It was mostly an attempt at sniping down my ass using rifles. I activated my devilfruit, and create a sort of second skin.
I shouted in a quite epic manner while doing a stretch pose: "Vacuum vacuum fruit! Hole layer!" A sort of whiter tint appeared over my skin, quite large.
What happened was that i activated my fruit, its ability was to create a sort of empty space where whatever inside was robbed of its speed and weight. Of course that was only the part of the item that was inside, any object large enough to be bigger than the barrier would still be going forward albeit with some lost weight but not speed. The layer was large enough to contain a bullet from a gun, but not large enough to contain a cannonball.
However, it contained enough of the balls material for it to have a small enough weight to be stopped in a sort of manner. It could be punched back, or just laid down.
There was no worries.............
So it happened again, some new development. Suddenly more men got to the reeling and they suddenly started to fire the cannons. It was no longer a fancy game, those cannons would be capable of brining hurt. Even worse: They could hit the boat. Sinking as an hammer with 3 warships assault was never a good idea, unless you wanted to make human swiss cheese.
Some cannonballs started to hit the water nearby, several was also deflected. Some of the bullets was starting to form a sort of massive layer, it was shuffled down before they became many enough to start hitting each other.

By the time the small rowboat by pure lack had managed to get close enough to the warships to be able to jump over, i was drenched in sweat. Not enough to be exhausted, but it was more than a warmup. With some luck one ship was possible to be taken down. And hopefully using that to escape. And worst case was not to be considered, no sane man would do that.
I jumped onto the location which seemed to have fewest man at the moment, i needed to cool down before i entered a complete rage.


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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted April 21, 2010 08:48 PM

"I see" Mark said and filled his lungs with air before shouting "Anyone else want to have a say about where we are going?"
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted April 26, 2010 07:43 PM

While talking to the Dwarf he had noticed that some of crew had been busy on deck. He had heard them throw something overboard, naturally he didn't know what it was except for something not too big but rather heavy by the sound of it, but he didn't really care. The constant splasing had ceased when, by the sound of the voice, John had joined the others. Anar had quite keen hearing, his senses not having been dulled by hussle and buzzle of city life and futhered by his life in the forest... he missed the quite of the forest, this ship and these people were always so noisy. Apparently there were discussing a rather important issue on the future course of the ship. Where they went was all the same to him but remembering the last decision-desaster Anar thought he might help to speed things up a bit.

"I believe your business will have to wait for now ...what's his name again.... Easter...? We're required on deck."

Ignoring the puzzled look on the Dwarfs face Anar turned and went upstairs he got on deck in time to have the guy they elected Captain shout at him with all his might "Anyone else want to have a say about where we are going?".

Anar shot him a annoyed look Guh these noisy people...
"I already heard you. I don't care where we go, I brought the Dwarf. I'll be in the training room again should you prove unable to yet again reach a decision."
That should be sufficient contribution to the topic. He left them to finalize the decision heading for the training room.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

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