
Known Hero
posted November 15, 2009 11:48 PM |
As the marines found their way to the bay Ensign Tourville heard canonfire from somewhere out at sea. When looked towards the coast he could see the base's battleships crippling the docked pirate ships. Targeting the ship's masts and sterns and thereby diasabling the ship's rudders, all the ship's are made unable to move thereby strandenig all the pirates. "heh. Not a bad idea for the old hothead to come up with. I'm almost impressed that he could plan so far ahead." Tourville almost smiled at the thought of the old geezer planning this. "After all, he's so hot-tempered and short-sighted."
-Sir! We'we spotted something that looks like a marine ship ready to leave! Loraine pointed down towards the bay where some sort of ship laid anchored. And as she said, it seemed they was preparing to set sail. I guess we should hurry down there before it's to late sir!
-Right. Ensign Tourville took a quick overlook the ship and it's surroundings. In a smaller bay several Longboats was dragged on shore. Petty Officer Loraine. Take with you 20 men and head for those longboats. Use them to get around to the ships port side* and board it from there. I'll take the rest down to the shore and draw their attention to the starboard side**.
-Sir! You heard the Ensign. Now get moving you lazy...! The Petty Officer shouted as she sprinted towards the longboats. Meanwhile Ensign Tourville and his men made their way to the shore.
Down aboard the ship he could see some hectic activity indicating that they were planning to leave soon. But he could only see two persons on the deck, one of them was the young girl he had met earlier. "that's strange. Where's the rest of the crew? It's completly impossible for just two persons to sail this ship out of here." Ensign Tourville furrowed his eyebrows and spoke.
-Be carefull men! Allthough there seem's to be only two of them, more could hide in the lower decks! Be prepared for anything! As they walked closer he reloaded his shotgun and checked his sabre just in case it was going to be a fight. Load your files and ready your weapons just in case! Don't take this man lightly.
((*port side means "left side" and ** starboard side means "right side" on ships/boats))

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted November 21, 2009 05:04 PM |
Edited by Azagal at 17:10, 21 Nov 2009.
Anar felt like he's been running for a week good thing that he had carried his stamina enhancement pack with him. Too bad that he had discarded it earlier for greater agility but so far it hadn't been necessary. Still no longboat in sight. Jumping over wreckage and corpses while watching to not get too far ahead of the dwarf and the man called John he wondered when they'd finally arrive.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted November 22, 2009 03:05 PM |
The three missing pirates arrives at the longboat
After running for awhile, Mark finally see the longboat at the north coast. He sighed out of relief, seing as they had arrived before any marines...or so he thought. When they could see the edge of the coast, Mark, to his own shock and surprise, could see the marines already there. He quickly grabbed the shoulder of the dwarf in front of him and dragged him behind and Anar to a hiding spot
"Damn it! The marines are already here!" Mark whispered
((So we're there, and the marines are there. Now what?
Also, Bixie, if you feel boored or anything, just tell me. But don't worry about your crew, they'll do just fine, and even if you don't get to blow the whole city up, you will get to blow parts of it up. Enough to give you a raise in bounty.))
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted November 22, 2009 10:10 PM |
John saw a group of marines approaching the ship.
"Tsk. And we almost made it too. Now things may get nasty... hmm... what's that? Oi, kid, your eyes are young and not hazy from the wine, tell me what do you see there?" He pointed towards the shore behind the marines.
"They are dem men from the Ma Chevan's place, mister. Two of dem and *the kid shuddered* and a dwarf."
John smiled. At least his new mates got here as well. Maybe they still had a chance.
"Listen, kid, raise the anchor and find a place to hide. I'll try to buy us some time."
With that John jumped on shore and waited for the marines to come closer. When they were in speaking range he shouted:
"Ahoy there! How are you doing, fellas?"

Legendary Hero
posted November 22, 2009 10:42 PM |
"Ahoy there! How are you doing, fellas?" the cheerful mister John shouted, but Desu did not hear this background noise properly. There was fear running trough the bones, the order of raising the anchor was barely heard, and it was only done before hiding because it might get them away from the dwarf and into the sea.
I' ran, then I' looked up and attempted to find the anchor. I' ran around the entire deck before I' reached the helms placement. I' almost ran past it in deep panic, but I' stopped and looked.
There was a HUGE sign with a anchor, which I' had found in a few comics but never on a real boat I' had sailed in. Under it was a little mess of items, which after a few quick uncontrolled attempts to do anythin' resulted in the sound of a chain moving. I' screamed "HUZZAH!!", the chain just continued to make its moving sounds. A green light blinked, I' wanted it to blink again.
But then I' got the picture of the dwarf eating mi in mi head again, and I' ran. The door the cabin was impossible to get up, so I' opened a hatch and tripped down hittin' mi head and forgetting the sack with the toyman.
Darkness came out and ate mi.

Known Hero
posted November 23, 2009 06:34 AM |
-Ahoy There! How are you doing, Fellas? A man, probably John Daylett shouted towards them as they came closer. Ensign Tourville took a quick look to the sea to check how on Petty Officer Loraine was doing before answering. As he looked three longboats with 7 man each was on their way to the port side of the ship. He nodded acknowleding that she would pull it off just fine.
-Deserter John Daylett?! He shouted back to the man. I am Ensign Tomy Tourville of the Marines stationed on this island under Captain Brand. By order given from the Marine HQ you are under arrest for deserteing and stealing an important marine ship. I ask that you surrender yourself, your crew and your ship immediatly. If not, we'll be forced to take action wich could lead to the death of your crew. What's your answer? Speak now or stay silent forever!

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted November 23, 2009 10:18 AM |
"Come on now, Ensign Tourville. There's no need to shout or threaten. You look like a fine man, so let's not do anything rash that someone might regret later... especially me *John chuckles*. Come, let's talk it over first."
John dared not look above Tourville's shoulder as to not draw attention and he could only hope that his new-found allies are using this time to advance. He could not keep this up for much longer.

Supreme Hero
Talk to the hand
posted November 23, 2009 06:33 PM |
"OMNOMNOM," said the busy jaws of Jeb Dooling before nodding in approval and adding a short post script to the entry.
"P.S. Fruit not bad after all."
The hatch above cracks open into the dimly lit cargo and a small figure falls in. "Aaagh!" Timid old Jeb screams. He examines the immobile body of what intrudes his private munching session. "You're no marine. Hopefully not dead either," Jeb says as he recognises the body as that of a child. "Kids like you shouldn't play here. A maneater dwarf might get you," Jeb tells the kid as he carries... him, her? it back up. The little rascal must've bumped it's head or something. Against his better nature, Jeb decided not to just ditch the kid there and make a run for it. Somehow he thought he'd get the kid back to where it belongs before running away. Perhaps that could fix his karma a little bit? Not that swabbing decks was ever a crime though.
With the kid in piggyback, Jeb went for the cabin door to get to the deck. Having his hands occupied and very little patience, Jeb decided to try opening the door with his teeth. Only a loud "chomp" was heard when Jeb bit off the entire knob mechanism and began to chew it. Tastes like wood, but it's a good way to wash off the sour taste the fruit left. The door opens and the smell of fresh air fills Jeb's dusty nostrils as he charges through like a wild rhino. It's good to be out, but Jeb's eyes widened when he saw what he saw. A strange fellow on the deck staring it down with a whole bunch of marines below him on ground, guns at the ready.
The kid falls flat on the deck as Jeb's hands reach for the sky. "I surrender!" Jeb shouts with a fistful of knob in his mouth.
Noone shall pass, but no one besides him shall pass.

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted November 23, 2009 09:17 PM |
Edited by Azagal at 16:16, 24 Nov 2009.
The 3 late soon-to-be pirates sit in their cover thinking of a plan to get aboard. Mark started.
-All right, the marines can't see us for now and I'm not sure wether John saw us but he's trying to buy us some time. Any ideas?
Anar remained silent, more concerned about how fast he could close the distance and which enemy should to take down first.
Erster picked up his gunpowder sack.
-I can make a diversion for you guys by throwing this at them from the right while you rush by the left. The blast won't be too powerfull cuz it prolly will open up and spill the powder out but it will make some shock and smoke. I got another one saved up for when they'll start chasin me. ...but if something goes wrong you won't leave me hanging will ya?
-No, of course not - Mark replied. Anar nodded absent seemingly absent minded. - Ok, we can go with that. We'll wait for you to start running.
-Aye, then I'm off.
Anar saw the dwarf heading to confront the enemy alone and couldn't help but admire his resolve. For a moment he wanted to go with him but Mark grabbed his shoulder and they both started waiting for what's about to happen...
-I think I'm getting high on this country air. Me? Alone and weaponless againts 30 marines? I better go back and reth.. NO! Not after acting so manly! Alright, pull yourself together, you can do this.
He checked if his companions are ready to go and pumped up with adrenaline he lit the sack and threw it along with jumping out of the bushes and shouting battle roars. The provisory grenade left a smoking trail pointing towards Erster but most of the charge flew to it's target and upon detonating it knocked several mariens off their feet, deafening and covering in smoke the others.
Mark and Anar rushed out of the hideout but seeing this lousy performance they couldn't help but to be concerned about their short friend.
Erster, a little disappointed by the outcome decided to close up to the marine group, figuring that at short range they'll try to capture him rather than gun him down. As he was passing the group Ensing came out of the shock.
-Men, capture him, quickly! - he was about to leap with them when he noticed 2 figures making a run for it towards the ship. - Everyone else, on me! - and they begun running towards the ship.
There was no way a shortlegged dwarf can outrun a human so while running he took the second sack, lit it and sweeped it open at the pursuers. The shock sent both the mariens and Erster flying in opposite directions however Erster being a bit used to flying this way quickly got up. It was then that he realized that he was on fire.
-YARRRGHH!!! GhAAaaaa! *thump* - he fell rolling on the ground to put down the fire. The marines were stunned, first by the shout and now by hesitation whether they should help the poor fellow. Probably not the first time for Erster being in flames he got up from the ground and with his hair still on fire he ran towards the ship.
Hmm... apparently the dwarf had also absolved training under live ammunition targeting. Atleast Anar couldn't find any other explanation for the dwarf charging 30 armed men with much conflict. Well Anar thought he'd be prepared to why bother to wait but just as he got up to follow the Dwarf Mark held him back. Apparently waiting for the smoke screen was the preferred cause of action. The provisory grenade erupted in a rather pitiful smoke screen but it threw the marines in confusion for a moment - more than enough time for Anar (and apparently Mark too to his mild surprise) to close to gap. He dashed for the ship... it was only a short distance of about 80m he considered using it but he'd be there in no time when sprinting too. The marines were just gathering and before the commander and his marines would catch up to John and him they'd be already on board. That just left the dw... Anar turned arround after hearing another explosion and saw the dwarf on flying away from the boat on fire.
Dwarfs can ignite themselves ? The world was full of surprises. Then Anar remembered
Quote: if something goes wrong you won't leave me hanging will ya?
the question was whether something had just went wrong. The Dwarf was on fire and screaming while running towards the boat so apparently he had no intention of fighting. Unfortunately the Dwarf wasn't anywhere as fast as Mark or him so Anar decided to go to pick him up, since Mark hadn't seemed to notice. He'd have to use it afterall since the dwarf was too far away and he had to be fast before the marines could regroup.
-Mark take care of their Captain I'll get the dwarf.
And in the blink of an eye Anar had vanished. His soru still left a lot to wish for so his pace was off and he crashed into the dwarf. Atleast he had his attention.
-You can turn off your fireshield now I'll get you to the ship.
He threw the Dwarf over his shoulder and made a sprint for the boat the Dwarf still howling and shouting, but it was just background noise he had to get to the ship fast. Since he wouldn't be able to use soru with any acceptable chance of success while carrying the dwarf he'd just have to make a run for it. The marines were still confused and scattered and a babarian in a skirt appearing out of the blue amongst them not doing much to help them gather their resolve either, Anar had a chance to clear the first group of marines without trouble. Mark would have to do something about the captain and his entourage in front of them though if he wanted to get to the ship with the Dwarf undisturbed. Should things get too hectic afterall he could always throw the dwarf who apparently still insisted on staying ignited and shouting.
-Turn of the fire, I'm fast enough to get us to the ship without us getting into melee range aslong as Mark keeps them occupied for a moment so you're only wasting your energy and burning my shoulder.
((this post has been brought to you by veco and Azagal ))
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted November 24, 2009 03:57 PM |
Edited by B-E-T-A at 17:39, 24 Nov 2009.
Back to our heroes
...but if something goes wrong you won't leave me hanging will ya?
"No, of course not" Mark said while thinking "Don't expect me to bail you out if you get captured. In this world, every man is for himself."
The dwarf seemed to be content with the reply and then charged the marines, quite brave, quite stupid. Well, it worked enough for Mark and Anar to get away from the marines.
((Thus Mark and Anar starts running))
Then suddenly, Anar tagged Mark's shoulder and said "Mark take care of their Captain I'll get the dwarf."
"What the hell do you mean?" Mark said, but Anar dissappeared before Mark got further than "Wh", making a weird noise as he dissappeared.
"I need to learn myself how to do that" Mark sighed and turned around to see the marines in a state of full chaos.
Mark looked around and saw the ledge that they normally would use to get up on the longboat "I wonder...I would be able to jump up, and so would Anar I think. And that dwarf we could might as well throw up if neccesary."
Mark grabbed the ledge and broke it in two, then he turned around and threw the two pieces like frispies against the marines. The two pieces shwooshed past Anar and the dwarf and hit the marines behind them quite hard it seemed, as some blood was sprouting out in the air.
"How'd ya like that, he?" Mark smirked
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted November 24, 2009 05:58 PM |
Before Ensign Tourville has time to reply to John they both hear a shout coming from the ship:
"I surrender!"
John turns around and much to his surprise sees an unfamiliar man standing on his ship. But what interests the ex-marine even more is what he sees behind the sloop - three longboats closing in on it, trying to block the exit from the bay. The group's time limit grows even closer. Just then an explosion is heard. John turns around again and sees the marines covered in smoke which trails off to a dwarf.
"That must be our canoneer." John thinks to himself, then sees two more people running to the ship, "And there is the rest of the crew. Who knows, we might still make it. Now let the fun begin."
He takes out a small flask out of his inner pocket, opens it and raises it closer to his lips... then suddenly he stops. He was more or less sober now, and with his soberness came back his sense of reason. The newly arrived trio seemed to have it all planned and they're to have any chance to outrun the longboats he'd better start turning the ship around. John closed the flask again and put it back into his pocket. He bolted towards the ship when he heard a yell from behind.
"John Daylett! I ordered you to stop!"
Ensign Tourville was aiming his shotgun at John's head. Just then the second explosion made Tourville lose balance just a little which was all John ever needed. With a spin he kicked the nearby rock hitting the shotgun out of Ensign's hands.
"I'll see you around, Ensign!" Shouted John and darted to the ship before the marines could get a lock on him again.
He jumped on the deck and ran straight for the helm, ignoring the strange man for the time being - he wasn't a marine and that had to do for now. The anchor was already raised. John moved the helm and the ship swiftly turned in the right direction. He looked back at the shore, the trio was almost there. Once they are on the deck they can all finally get out of here.

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted November 25, 2009 12:08 PM |
Edited by B-E-T-A at 17:04, 25 Nov 2009.
Mark saw John as he jumped up on the ship. Mark then nodded to himself and ran towards the ship. Right before he was about to jump up, he saw some fisher equipment, that includes harpoon, net, rod and hook, and he decided to take it with him. He also grabbed a few rocks.
Mid-air, Mark spinned and threw the rocks against the marines, infusing them with haki as it goes. This tactic was quite effective, as he could get on the both as well as somewhat clear the path for Anar and the dwarf. But there was one minus: Mark could not see where he was going to land, and as a consecvense he crashlanded into the begging blind-passenger.
"OWF!" The man mad a sound.
"Whoa!" Mark shouted as he crashed "Ouch! What the heck was that for a landing?" he mumbled as he got up, stepping on the stomach of the man he had crashed into.
As he got up, shots were fired from behind him((I am still facing the dock)) and a bullet passed the left side of his face. Surprised Mark quickly turned around, just to lose his grip of the floor and fall on the deck, getting but one glimps of longboats and men on them firing at them.
"What the hell was that? Longboats? And what the hell was I standing on?" Mark mumbled as he stood up, not standing on the man this time. He looked down and saw the man laying there, seemly in some form of pain.
"You! Whoever you are! Man the cannons and fire on those longboats!" Mark shouted and pointed at the marines, that was almost done reloading their guns for another round, as well as they had gotten closer to their ship "I'll take care of any marines trying to board us..." Mark said before the man had gotten to ask.
Mark didn't check if the man did as he said or not, but Mark decided that with the cannons rolling out, his main focus should be on any boarding attempts from the dock. And correct he was, as the commanding officer of the marines, the guy using a shotgun, was closing in on the ship.
Mark quickly examined the area between him and the officer, hoping to find a way to slow him. He then smiled as he saw a place in which he got hang the man((imagen a big PI made out of three that is over the road))
Mark heard another round of guns being fired, and threw himself to the floor to avoid being hit by the marines.
"Blasted! Well, atleast I got to make a lazzo." Mark thought and stood up and took aim. He threw the lazzo with good pressison and got it both over the wooden thingy and he managed to get the commanding officer in it too. All with one throw. The officer was saying something, but Mark could not hear it because of the wind.
"Whoa! Lucky!" Mark said gleefully as he dragged the rope to get the officer off the ground.
Mark was just about to bind the rope so that the officer would not be able to escape when the officer apperantly managed to drag his saber and cut the ropes.
"SNOW!" Mark exclaimed as the officer started shouting with his machine-shotgun, forcing Mark to jump down on the floor and start crawling as best he could to avoid being hit, dragging the rope with him.
((This post was brought to you by Sir_Dragon and B-E-T-A. I could add more stuff, but I feel that it would make me take to much charge. Anyway, my post is done so feel free to reply people))
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted December 01, 2009 07:10 PM |
Edited by Azagal at 19:12, 01 Dec 2009.
With the dwarf still being reluctant to turn off his fireshield (apparently he wouldn't believe Anar that they were practically out of harms way) Anar thought the best way to keep his shoulder from getting burned any more was to just get him on the ship. Thankfully the Dwarf was even lighter than his usual package when training so he didn't slow him down significantly. Thanks to Mark taking out what Marines could have been an annoyance in reaching the ship (the man had a good aim, Anar didn't even have to move a muscle to evade).
"We're here, Mark took the boarding plank so I'll have to throw you. In order to not damage the ship you should really turn off the fire now."
Before the Dwarf could protest Anar spun arround once to gain momentum and then threw the Dwarf on board, jumping after him. Anar landed in front of the Dwarf (apparently a stubborn creature since the flames, while having gone back, weren't entirely off yet) on deck finding himself clueless amist the shooting and shouting as to what to do next.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted December 02, 2009 01:50 PM |
Edited by Geny at 17:00, 02 Dec 2009.
John heard a noise of something heavy falling on the deck. He turned around and saw an interesting picture - a burning dwarf lying on the deck. The weird skirt wearing guy appeared shortly after.
"Finally, everyone came! Let's get out of here... and somebody put out that dwarf before he burns the ship!"
John pushed a button on the helm and sails unfurled by themselves. John immediately caught the wind and in less than a minute the ship was already out of reach for the marines on shore. Mark walked over to John:
"Get out of here? And how exactly do you propose we get by them?" He points at the three longboats.
"Oh, don't worry, this ship was designed especially to be able to avoid unwanted encounters. They'll never catch us."
"It's the catching I'm worried about, it's the shooting. We'll have to pass by those ships to get out of the bay and there's no chance that they won't try to attack us from such close range."
"Oh, right, that reminds me..." John shouted to the dwarf without even looking back, "Hey, dwarf! You said you were a gunner, right? Get to the cannons. There should be some smoke ammunition nearby. Aim slightly above enemy ships... and hurry, we'll be in their rifle range very soon at this speed!"
Just as those words left John's mouth a bullet whistled above his head. Luckily, the marines' aim was still seriously off from that range, but it wouldn't save them for long.

Legendary Hero
who am I?
posted December 03, 2009 12:00 AM |
-Umpf! - Erster landed on the deck face down and almost immiediately started rolling over to put out the flames for good. Finally he stopped and gasped while lying on his back.
-What? Cannons? Get them yourself, I'm old! Hey, skirt lad follow me, it's payback time! - As soon as he got up he tripped over the chains he was carrying. - To hell with this! - he tossed them away.
The two of them went under the deck to the cannons.
-A'rite, you'll be loading these two, I'll do the aiming. ...what are you standing for? Never saw a cannon? - he said mockingly.
-Oh. - Ersters felt a tad uneasy. - uhhh, come 'ere I'll show you. After a quick lesson on loading cannons Anar went to load the second gun while Erster started aiming the first one. First shot. "Oh crap, my aim's a little off" Erster thought seeing the trajectory and then suddenly - *BOOM* The cannonball exploded to the right of the closest longboats. Anar stopped for a moment, surprised by the explosion.
-What the...? Oh, right, was supposed to be popping smokes. - He went to inspect the ammunition - Hey, laddy! From now on load the ones on the left!
He then proceeded to the second cannon aiming in front of the closest boat. *BOOM* the explosion raised a pillar of water covering up most of the boat and soaking the gunpowder in the marines rifles. Third shot was finally a smoke. Four more and the perimiter was covered up in smoke nicely, preventing any accurate fire directed at the ship.
-Good job, skirt lad, you catch up darn quic.. Erster dropped to the floor and fell asleep. Two sea battles and setting himself on fire is more than enough for one day.
none of my business.

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted December 03, 2009 04:58 PM |
They were getting closer and closer to the longboats. There was no way the marines could block the way in time, but they would soon get into firing range. A cannonball exploded near one of the longboats.
"What was that?" John shouted.
"It came from our cannons!" Mark answered.
Another explosion covered one of the ship in water. John turned the helm a little slowing the ship down and buying them some more time. He said to Mark:
"I'm not one to usually say it... but it's not the time to have fun! We need smokescreen..." a bullet whistled near his ear, "Like, NOW!"
Just then the first smoke cannonball exploded and covered one of the longboats in smoke. A few more and the marines were covered in thick fog.
"And here we go." John smiled.
He caught the strongest wind again and the ship gained even more speed as it passed near a huge cloud of smoke that completely covered the marines. By the time the smoke cleared up a bit and the marines could make something out, the pirate's sloop was far out of their gun's reach and was sailing at such high speed that there was no reason even trying to catch up with it.
The recently formed crew gathered up on the deck and cheered about their first "victory". Their adventure was about to begin.

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted December 03, 2009 10:36 PM |
Mark smiled as they passed the marine longboats. He turned to look at Jashka bowing to it to show his respect for the island which had been his most recent home.
"Thank you, for taking care of me for so lo-" Just as Mark was about to finnish his sentence, multiply huge explosions came from the city, setting it in fire.
"WHA-?" Mark stared in disbelief "What just happened?" he thought.
Snapping out of the shock, Mark ran up to John "Do you have googles?" but before John could answer Mark saw some googles behind him. He quickly grabbed them and ran out to look at the island.
Just a few minutes ago
The Jolly pirate ship had finally managed to depart.
"I wonder why that guy in the red dress helped us out..." Reed said
"Who knows. He was ranting on something about turning the other cheek, forgiving your enemies and stuff like that...ohh, and he also mentioned something about 'good season for a good hunt' or something like that. Whatever he meant by it."
"Yeah, but it is quite weird, no? For that guy, who was fighting Every-dono so seriously just a few minutes ago, to fix our ships and gives us new sails, even when he knew we were gonna blow the ship up." Mepala mumbled "And how did he manage to do it so quickly?"
A splash sound was heard, as well as the sound of someone climbing up on the ships hull.
Astrid pulled his head up "Phew! Seems I got away quite safely. And everyone is present and acounted for I take it...well...everyone except for the Bostak the loser. And the captain who is gods know where. Well, I think we're out of range now. So are we gonna blow up the bombs before they are dissarmed or what?"
"Ahh, right!" Reed said and activated the detonator.
The following sound was that of many big explosions throughout the city, but only half of the bomb seemed to go off, as the rest were dissarmed by the marines and the town milita.
((There you go Bixie))
Captain Brand
"DAMN IT!" Captain Brand looked around himself as the city exploded or caught fire "We didn't make it! Well, atleast we got some bombs dissarmed. Those pirates are gonna pay for this, I SWEAR IT!" Brand turned to the marines "WHAT ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT? THIS CITY AIN'T GONNA SAVE ITSELF!"
The mayor sighed as he looked at the fire around him "This day just does not end does it? I must be getting old."
Chevan was in a fit, throwing bottles and frying pans on anyone she could see.
"Where is that kid?! What was does explosions?! Where are the pirates responsible?! AND WHERE IS THE KID?!" She was shouting.
On a hill
Old crazy man Cal streched his hands into the air and shouted "I KNEW IT! I TOLD YOU ALL FOOLS! I TOLD YOU THAT DOOM WAS AT HAND!" Cal shouted, more hysterically than ever. He seemed to kinda feel good about himself too. He turned to the sea and stared as the marine prototype ship departed.
"You were smart to run away Mark. Good job on doing it too. Ohh and good luck!" Cal thought inside himself.
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Known Hero
posted December 03, 2009 11:41 PM |
Ensign Tourville threw his hat to the ground and fired his shotgun in the sky. He was furious. Not only did John Daylett and his crew manage to escape, but it seems that Every and his men had mannaged to inflict serious damage to the town. On a cliff not far from the town and shore he could hear crazy old Cal cackle and shouting he was right. Tourville grited his teeth before picking up his hat. He then shouted out to sea.
-LORAINE! Get your men back here! We need to HELP the city. Then as he turned around and started walking towards town. Come on men. Let's get back there and help saving what's left of the city. He took a final look out to the sea."I'm gonna see you all in jail, John Daylett mark my words. I'm gonna chase you all over the world and to the ends of earth if i have to but, i'm gonna catch you and put you in jail even if it's the last thing i'll ever do". Then he walked away from the bay focusing on the present task at hand.

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted December 05, 2009 07:20 PM |
They sailed until sunset to busy with making sure that no one is following them to engage in any meaningful conversations. When it became too dark to navigate John shouted to the others:
"All right, that's far enough for one day, mates. Let's drop anchor here. Fold up the sails, people!"
"Great idea, lad." the dwarf said with sarcasm while the others are working on the sails, "Let's just stop right here and wait for the marines to find us."
"Oh, don't worry. I've taken us away from the major sailing routes. Unlike many others we have the equipment needed to get back on track later. But, just to be sure..."
John waited for the others to fold the sails and pushed a button. The horizontal mast turned 90 degrees and then all the masts folded into themselves step by step, like giant spyglasses.
"There, now there's no way someone can spot us from afar."
Mark whistled.
"Smokescreens, retractable masts, what else does this ship have?"
"I'm not sure myself yet, I didn't have time to go over all its functions. I'm sure we'll discover something useful in time though. As for now, I'm starving. I say, we use those supplies you got us and throw a big party to celebrate the successful beginning of our voyage! We can get to know each better while we're at it."

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted December 07, 2009 10:26 PM |
So after some slight difficulties they had escaped. Anar was now on a boat with 5 Strangers to wherever the the wind would take them. New countries, new cultures, new food and new opponents. For the first time in a long while Anar felt excited. His momentary enthusiasm wasn't dampend by his new surroundings and the fact that he had almost accidentally killed the marines in the boat earlier due to his ignorance of ammunition qualities (as the Dwarf was kind enough to explain to him). Not that he would have minded but apparently the others wanted nobody dead. He had spent the time since their escape trying to get a hang of the maintainance routine here on the ship but he had no idea what everyone was doing so he just watched and tried to do the same thing. And so the day went on for Anar just watching silently until John called them together. And he mentioned food which was always a good idea. He looked at their group again... what a peculiar bunch they were.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord