
Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted February 04, 2010 04:02 PM |
Mark saw that Anar had taken another helping.
"So how'd you like the food?" Mark asked.
After getting a reply Mark's thoughts wandered off to the sleeping members of the crew.
"As Captain it is my duty to wake them up." He thought before heading down to deliver the wake up call known as ass whooping.
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted February 04, 2010 04:45 PM |
"It's... tasty".
Mark left, probably to wake the others (Anar couldn't believe they were still sleeping at this time of the day...). So he was left will all this tasty food. Considering the fact that Mark had made breads too which Anar wasn't too fond of he decided that he could probably eat the rest of the bolognese noodles since no one showed up to get some. So he scooped the rest on one big plate and sat down in the corner of the room and enjoyed his meal.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Legendary Hero
who am I?
posted February 06, 2010 10:54 PM |
-.... hrmff... morning alre....zzzzzzz....
He fell asleep again.
Few minutes later his nostrils were filling up with a familiar spaghetti scent.
*sniff* *sniff* - That's me wake up call! Hmm, were am I....? Did I fall asleep here or... they're doing a prank on me! Hohoho, quite funny indeed, now I'll have to get even! But food comes first.
Erster got up and followed the smell to the kitchen. On his way up he met Mark.
-Mornin cap'n. Sorry 'bout yesterday, the food made me all grumpy. *patted Mark on the shoulder* Oh and I always appreciate a good prank, ha!
He went up the stairs leaving Mark with a puzzled expression. Shortly after he found the kitchen and entered it with a big grin.
-Mornin'! Oh, hey there kid, good to see live and fresh *sniff* Food smells great *looked at Anar's plate* So, where's mine?
Answered with silence he approached the cooking pot, right before he peeked inside Anar answered.
-I ate the noodles. There's bread on the table. - and he continued eating the last bites.
That erased Erster's happy grin in a split second.
-And what do I put on the bread? - he said with a lowered voice. He got to the table and started chewing it while giving Anar the basilisk's gaze. - So that's how you're doing pranks now? ... .... hey, wasn't there a kid here? It would taste better with company. Give them a hand and they'll chew your arm off, remember who taught you how to load a cannon? Well, next time I'll be carrying heavy cannonballs all by myself! Or I'll take the kid! - "If I find him, that is"
none of my business.

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted February 07, 2010 11:13 AM |
Edited by Geny at 23:27, 13 Feb 2010.
There was some noise outside which really didn't help John's situation. He moved a little in his bed and much to his surprise noticed that it wasn't as painful as he anticipated. Either he didn't drink enough last night or this Jashkan wine was of really high quality. He thought he heard footsteps and a moment later someone kicked him out of bed with a loud yell "GET UP! BREAKFAST IS READY!".
Now that hurt. John got up somehow and saw an angry looking Mark.
"Come on, you're the last one down here. Everbody else is in the kitchen already.", said Mark.
John mumbled something incoherent and went to the kitchen closely followed by Mark. When he finally got there, John sat on a chair near the table leaning his head on one of his arms and asked in a quiet, weak voice:
"Is there something left for the late birds?.. Oh, and did you come to a decision last night?"
He closed his eyes afraid of what the answer might be.

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted February 07, 2010 12:36 PM |
When he got back up in the kitchen, the first thing that Mark noticed was the lack of spagetti.
"Anar, you really did like this food, huh?" He said as he turned to the owen "Well, good thing I prepared more just in case. Ohh yeah, and there are cheesesandwhiches right there if anyone wants. And there are more food in the fridge if you want anything else on the sandwhiches. And if anyone of you, like me, want them warmed, say so now."
Mark then heard John's question being asked and figured the guy was still drunk and sleepy, so he decided to wake him up. "Aye aye capt'n, the food is soon ready." he said, waiting for a reaction.
After getting the reaction from John Mark told the truth "Actually, your not captain, I am. Just decided to see how you would take it." Mark grinned
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted February 07, 2010 01:30 PM |
Edited by Geny at 23:28, 13 Feb 2010.
"Aye aye capt'n, the food is soon ready."
John's head slipped from his arm and fell on the table with a loud *BANG*.
"Dammit", he muttered in a hushed voice.
"Actually, your not captain, I am. Just decided to see how you would take it."
John raised his head again.
"Mornings are the only time when I'm not in the mood for jokes. I'll have my sandwich warmed up by the way."
After a short while they all settled down to eat. As usual some food made John feel much better. While he chewed on his sandwich he remembered something else.
"So, captain, there was another thing you were supposed to decide last night. What's the names of our crew and ship?"

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted February 07, 2010 01:45 PM |
"Crew and ship?" Mark said "Let me see...I think we decided to go for 'Lady Luck' and 'Fortune Pirates'..."
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted February 07, 2010 01:49 PM |

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted February 13, 2010 07:44 PM |
Ahh... thank god things seemed to have been decided. Fortune Pirates is a good name afterall...
Anar was almost done with his noodles which was a pity since they both tasted good and they gave him a reason not to talk. Not that he really needed one but from his brief time with these people it appeared that social etiquette dictated that talking was a good thing? Anyways he slowed down his eating, waiting for something to happen that'd take peoples mind of chit-chat. Perhaps the captain was going to say where they were going?
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Legendary Hero
posted February 13, 2010 11:25 PM |
"FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" the little one screamed entering from what was not the door in, snatching a plate and grabbing some food that smelled sweet in some subtle manor. Then looking confused before remembering to grab a spoon. A jump over the somewhere toward the corner next it was, and the food was getting eaten. So the little one looked up and spotted the dwarf and screamed in full panic: "HE IS GOING TO EAT ME! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" before dropping the food in a nice mess and jumping out the room, while the memory of last night somehow popped in.......... exiting not using the conventional exit of course.

Supreme Hero
Talk to the hand
posted February 16, 2010 03:16 PM |
"what a strange kid," Jeb Dooling thought to himself as he idly took a bite out of a wooden plate wich he thought to be a cracker.
Noone shall pass, but no one besides him shall pass.

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted February 16, 2010 03:24 PM |
Mark turned around when he heard the yelling of the kid.
"HEY! Pipe down will ya? The dwarf ain't gonna eat you or anyone else for that matter!" He shouted irritated when he saw the person who took a bite out of the table "WHOA THERE!" He shouted, before grabbing some bread and ran over to the guy. He forced him away from the table and shoved the bread into the guy's mouth "The ship is not food! Here, have some bread!"
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted February 16, 2010 03:36 PM |
Edited by Azagal at 15:39, 16 Feb 2010.
Anar watched the kid storm in and out with annoyance. It (he still wasn't sure which sex it was) was so noisy... In between all the buzz and annoyance something interesting happend. The man who they had found on the ship was eating a... a plate? Anar had had his fair shair of un-chewy food himself in the woods but what the guy was eating wasn't just un-chewy it was solid. Really solid. Her mentor had told her about people who had the power of the devil. All they would have to do is eat a certain fruit (Anar still found the notion difficult to believe that people could power up immensely just by eating something). Could it be? Could he be such a man? I mean him having a extraordinarily powerful jaw-muscles and perhaps an unusual metabolism wasn't much to go on... but it had made him curious.
What was that guys name again...? Iuebb?Jebb?Debb?Iebb?
"So *incomprehendablemutter*ebb... you are eating wood. How come? Have you done that all your life?"
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted February 16, 2010 04:08 PM |
To John's surprise thew kid's yelling didn't hurt his head all that much. It seemed that he was back to normal again. He noticed a commotion around the guy they found on the boat.
"WOAH!" John exclaimed after he saw the bite marks on the plate, "It seems that we have a Devil Fruit user on board!.. Or a fishman... or just a guy who's been training his jaws all his life... So, which one are you?"

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted February 16, 2010 04:16 PM |
Edited by Azagal at 16:24, 16 Feb 2010.
Before the man could answer Anar was across the room. He had grabbed him by the neck and looked for a window throwing him out the windo would damage the ship and since Mark said no eating the ship it was probably safe to assume he didn't want it damaged either so he dragged him in the direction of the door.
"I know how to find out Iebb."
After getting shocked looks from everyone he thought he should explain himself.
"I'll throw him over board"
Somehow that didn't change the mood it only made it worse they still stared at him in disbelief.
"...If he's a devil fruit user he won't be able to swim for all I know, if he's a fishman he'll be able to breathe underwater and shootwater and be superhumanly fast in the water (atleast that's what I hear they are like) and if he's human he'll... well do none of the other things. So Debb can I throw you overboard now?"
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted February 16, 2010 04:22 PM |
Mark was in the middle of force feeding the man when he suddenly heard a loud 'Swoosh' and the man he had been holding(not so tigthly) was now gone, with half of the bread that he had been pushing into him.
Mark turned around and saw Anar wanting to throw the man overboard and then he shouted "Hey! Stop, you cannot just decide to throw someone overboard! Let him atleast get the chance to swallow the bread and answer the question first! The guy got rights and the freedom to chose for himself you know!"
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Supreme Hero
Talk to the hand
posted February 16, 2010 04:26 PM |
As he was being dragged outside, Jeb managed to add up 1 + 1 and got on the floor to beg for forgiveness: "I'm sorry! There was this fruit below deck where I was hiding and I didn't want to get scurvy! Please forgive me!"
Noone shall pass, but no one besides him shall pass.

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted February 16, 2010 04:37 PM |
"Was it a fruit or a devil fruit? So you're saying that you weren't eating wood before. Do you remember what the fruit looked like? There is a book in which all known speciemen are described. You'll only be useful as an opponent or ally if you know what powers you have, no?"
Anar didn't wait for the reply and looked at John.
"Do you have such a book? Or did you know of a fruit in the storage room?"
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted February 16, 2010 04:38 PM |
"Huh?" Mark said "Forgive you? For what? Eating a fruit under the deck? Hey, if you was hungry then it's not really a problem is there? But from what I now understand, you've eaten a devil fruit. And it seems to give you the ability to... eat wood! yes! That gotta be it!"
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Legendary Hero
posted February 16, 2010 04:40 PM |
It took quite a few seconds before the kid realized that one of them had shouted: "..own will ya? The dwarf ain't gonna eat you or anyone else for that matter!", turning around carefully and tiptoeing backwards to the kitchen. Just to find them in a sort of circle looking at a person on the floor doing something that looked like begging for forgiveness.
The kid look a second, then popped his head out from the door to the room and shouted: "What ya mean he dun't eat people! Mi ma' told mi that dwarfs eats people!"