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Thread: One Piece RP (IC) This thread is 12 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 · «PREV / NEXT»

Legendary Hero
posted May 25, 2010 05:34 PM
Edited by del_diablo at 17:39, 25 May 2010.

So that was it eh? So I was snowed regardless? snow it all! Think think think! Delay delay delay!
Taking up a dead mans grin, loosening the shoulders enough to get the tongue lose: "Tourville ya snow, same as always? I thought a man that was as weat in the long gone bluez had would more honour or dignity, guess my feelings was right back then." There was a nearby barrel towards the reeling, i sat down while talking a bit more: "But anyhow, congratulations on earning more medals since last time. Sort of surprised you never messed any wine on it."
Hold on a second, the deck of this ship was made of simple wood, maybe the bottom also was? Shooting or hanging, I am GOING to attempt taking you down to the depths of the grande Kraken before you knew it. It was just to punch in da reeling, punch the floor, and hopefully sink the ship. Maybe even pull a scam if there was a nice wooden barrel down there?

"Tourville ya snow, I refuse." I amplified up my powers on my left fist, tok my right arm and threw the barrel towards Torville, and chopped on the reeling cracking the wood with a good left handed karate chop.
I punch trough the first layer of wood and went down the deck leaving a hole.............. Down the first subfloor!

*Roll: GM is there wood at the bottom of the ship, can I cause enough damage to sink the ship?"

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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted May 25, 2010 05:57 PM

Ode Venter crashed through the main deck of the ship and down through the next one, and the next one after that.
Ode Venter suddenly stopped right when he hit the bottom of the ship.
"What the..." Ode Venter started before realizing that his hand felt like it was burning hot and he quickly had to pull it to himself to avoid being burnt.
What Ode Venter had not realized, was that on his way down, his hand had hit a frying pan full off...meat? and that the bottom of the ship was covered with a layer of seastone. Sure, water had started flowing in through the small hole Ode Venter had made, but it was not enough to quickly sink the ship.
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Legendary Hero
posted May 25, 2010 06:58 PM

Mmmmh, meat. Just what was needed after a warmup! Halfway cooked, not completely pleasant but it had to do the trick. Quite the shame it was not peppered yet.
I looked up, did I hit the kitched 2 or 3 floors away? A man stood there shiveringa bit, before getting back to his senses: "My food, MY BEAUTIFUL FOOD! WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING YOU FREAK!" The man had a goatee and sideburns and a big white hat chef hat and was now starting to look pissed. "MY FOOD!" He shouted before running off somewhere, he returned with a bunch of cooking knifes and threw them. None of them hit me, but one scratched me! I shouted up to him "When did the navy get seastone knives for making food with?" he responded with throwing more knives and "Taste steel you fish!", I got out of the way in case.
The next thing I heard was the cook shouting in frustration: "KILL! MAIM! BURN! NOODLES! TACO! EGGS!", before he apparently ran out of the kitchen to do likely get me and attempt to flay me alive.
I looked around, and realized i was on some sort of black steel carapace, attempted to push it put my powers did not work. Was it the famed seastone? Well, the ship would not sink now.
Well, it was time for plan B: Torching the ship! Now to get a new haircut and ignite it while they expected it the least. And to wait for Tourville to start shouting "VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENTER! I WILL HAVE SOMEONES HEAD FOR THIS!", or did I do another character underestimation?


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Supreme Hero
Talk to the hand
posted May 25, 2010 08:11 PM

It's a chore to get cleaning equipment when a monster lurks at sea has the town in dread. Jeb is trying to return to the ship as covertly as possible with all the mops he has gotten. No one of threath to Jeb would ever know of his enormous blunder. It's only a few more steps to the deck of the ship when Jeb shouts: "Hey kid! Are you in there?"
Noone shall pass, but no one besides him shall pass.

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Legendary Hero
posted May 25, 2010 09:29 PM

Jeb came over and asked the obvious question, which should never be asked, and thus: "Of course I am here, you and the captain conspired against me. You want me to sit here while you have all the fun cleaning up town! How was the town?"
I tok my crutches and moved over there in no time, somewhat depressed.


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Supreme Hero
Talk to the hand
posted May 26, 2010 08:50 PM

"Not the friendliest place. They're all afraid of some monster," Jeb answered relieved that no one would see him smuggling the sponges on board. "Nobody told you that you weren't allowed to help!"
Noone shall pass, but no one besides him shall pass.

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Legendary Hero
posted May 28, 2010 04:56 PM

But arms into a sideways v position which must not be confused with the 'i dunno' arm waving: "So your saying we are suppose to leave the ship alone out here?" Halting a step forward with a grin: "Well, the blame is on you if burglary happens."

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Supreme Hero
Talk to the hand
posted May 28, 2010 05:01 PM

"Huh? I meant carrying the luggage and cleaning up the ship, not going after some monster," Jeb said to try and fix this misunderstanding before he gets dragged into a monsterhunt by a ten year old.
Noone shall pass, but no one besides him shall pass.

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Legendary Hero
posted May 28, 2010 07:06 PM

"But what about adventure, gore, bounties, the thanks of the village? Like great heroes? A monster must be slain!" Entusiasm filled the air!
"Besides, cleaning is boring."

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted May 29, 2010 03:44 PM

Anar looked at John with a hint of disgust in his eyes (not that John was in any shape  to notice that), how could a man poison himself so much? This drink had to be of exquisite taste for someone to drink it despite its harmful effects on one's body. Curiosity arose in Anar once again. Maybe it was a try? Just once... to see what it was all about. He opened the bottle and slowly moved it towards his open mouth. Just as he was about to take a sip the stench oh alcohol hit him in the nose. Anar quickly closed the bottle and moved it away from himself. There was no way something that smelled so horribly could be that tasty.

John was still going on about something concerning a party and an unnecessary (in his opinion) mourning. All in all Anar was disappointed, he found no new clothes, no exciting new cuisine and no opportunity to try out his newly acquired Chameleon powers. Then suddenly it hit him - the monster that can terrorize a whole island should be quite an interesting challenge.

"The monster, did they tell you where it lives?", he asked John.

John stopped rumbling, looked at Anar and the full bottle in his hand.

"You have to teach me that trick, mate. How come you didn't drink a drop and you're drunker than me? *hic* It's a sea monster. Obviously, it lives in the sea. Seriously, dude, think before you open your mouth." John answered all the while continuing to drink from his bottle.

A vein popped out on Anar's forehead. How could this loud, intoxicated, incoherently babbling man have the nerve to tell him to think before he talks. However, Anar did not let his own emotions to get the better of him. He continued patiently:

"I know that. What I meant was - near what shore was it attacking most often?"

"Ohhhh, they why didn't ya say so? *hic* That's easy... I have no clue. It's not like I've been here when it attacked. Think, man, think!"

Anar growled and quickly turned away to calm himself down. How did he get stuck on the same ship with this intolerable drunkard? Anar took a deep breath. He couldn't let this man get to him. As soon as he calmed down it came to him - the fishermen's guild was the one that suffered the most, they would know where to search for the beast. He turned to John to ask him where the guild is, but decided not to engage in another conversation with the man until he sobers up. Soon enough Anar got the directions from the locals. He came back to John and pushed the bottle back into his hands.

"I'm going to the fishermen's guild to try and find the monster. You're free to come along if you wish."

Without waiting for an answered, Anar turned around and went into the direction of the guild. John took the bottle and shouted: "Aye, aye, cap... uhhh... I mean, weird dress-wearing guy!" and went after Anar.

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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted May 29, 2010 05:55 PM

"There they are!" Mark thought as he saw John and the strangly dressed-man coming up the street towards them "Heyo laddies! What's up with the serious faces. Good thing I found you guys cause we're getting the heck out of this island, apparently there is some kind of sea monster around who attacks those that come and goes to this place as well as the fishers. And some kind of cu-" Mark halted his sentence before smile and waved dumbfound at the two others.

When the two had reached a length that made Mark able to whisper to them he whispered so low that probably only Anar could hear him "There is a cult here who sacrifices outsiders for some reason or another. If we are here to long, we might become sacrifice! Now grab that ball of...whatever we can call him and let's go!"
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Legendary Hero
posted May 29, 2010 07:24 PM

"Well, since there ever was no hero who hesitated I am going to leave this ship. I never wanted to stay behind guarding it. Good luck!"
Before I even managed to take 3 steps on the crutches a man got onboard carrying a small package. "Ohoy!" he shouted, "Ohoy" Jeb and I shouted back. He got close enough for a relaxing chat and started: "So your the one who got mrs Rantings sympathy? Well, here is the package." He handed over the package, a grey carton covered with white threads, it contained something. The man scratched his unshaved chin and said: "Listen well up: Its oinment. I guess the expiration date is several months away, the reason you got it for free is that there recently has been no people who wanted to use it after breaking a few bones. You apply it on the area where the broken bones are. If it works you spend the night crying in pain, it it does not work nothing happens. It kind of forces the body to speed up the regeneration, its worth it. Instead of about 8 weeks, it will take 1 week. Anyhow, just try it. If your lucky it won't work, well depending on your view. Oh, and remember to eat properly, you WILL feel hungry." He sort of smiled, then just left quickly, quite rude when I think about it.
"Fine then I will leave after I have tried the oinment", i unpackage the package: And got to a contained filled with sort of glowing brownish cream along with a small note. I never bothered to read the note, i just left it lying on the ground. Jumped with 1 foot on a nearby barrel, removed the support around my leg, and applied the quite weirdlooking cream, and got the support on. I never bothered to read the label, but it read "Okama Inspired Productions: Bone healing cream".
I then left, by jumping down the shipside again. But this time i made it, must have looked quite weird for the people walking by. Of course the dock was about deserted now. A guy wearing a white uniform with a blue seagull on the hat even shouted after me: "Nice jump kid.", he sat by and was on some sort of guard duty. The spiral with weird symbols down his hand was not suspicious at all.
So I crutched around town, and sooner or later found Mark'n John'n Anar, they had apparently reach a conclusion a while ago.


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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted June 01, 2010 08:45 PM
Edited by Geny at 20:45, 01 Jun 2010.

John's initial joyous reaction of meeting another member of their crew quickly changed to one of disappointment when the captain began to speak.

"Whatcha mean 'getting off this island'? We just got 'ere, mate! Look! I haven't even finished drinking!"

John downed the bottled only to find it to be empty. He looked at the bottle for a few seconds as if trying to understand where did all the booze went to, threw it aside and opened up the second bottle he's been holding.

"Like I was sayin', I still haven't finished my drink! Let's stay and party on for a bit longer, cap'n!"

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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted June 02, 2010 10:10 PM

"You can empty it on the way to the ship, right now we just need to get the something something out of here before these...people sacrifices us!" Mark whispered while looking nervously around "Now unless you come up with a better argument we're getting out of here!"
Mark looked at John who just kept drinking and looked silly, while Anar just seemed to stop listening to Mark after his latest statement and just passed Mark without even a word.
"Hey wait a minute!" Mark said and attempted to stop Anar right when he heard some weird sonic noise and both Anar and the drunken snow was gone.
Looking up the street to wherever Anar had been heading before, Mark could see Anar and John standing around 10-15 meters up where John was laying on the ground and Anar seemingly trying to help the guy up again.
"I can only guess that whatever that was, John fell off as he must have been unprepared for that..." Mark mumbled as he started walking up towards them before saying "FINE! Let's go see this sea monster then!"
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Legendary Hero
posted June 03, 2010 10:00 PM

"FINE! Let's go see this sea monster then!" The voice of a savage roared wildy into the air, his yellow eyes must have been roaring themself like wolfes howling at the moon. He was uncertain, there was even a tad of fear there.
Desu never noticed it, so it was a happygo trip. He had even gotten a lollipop(big red and white spiral on a stick, sweet, candy) by a stranger who chanted "Praise the spiral" with a low unhearable voice.
Eating the lollipop with right arm, and moving the crutch with the left walking.
Desu got in the mood for it, and joined the conclusion with: "Lets go and slay the monster, for heroics!"


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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted June 03, 2010 10:06 PM
Edited by B-E-T-A at 14:40, 06 Jun 2010.

Mark just gave the kid a mean stare and said "We're NOT slaying it! Atleast not yet." Mark turned his head back to John and Anar "By the way, where did you say this monster was last sighted?"

((Edit: Because of extreme laziness, I've not updated earlier))

The group reached the fisherman guild...or, whatever you call it now.

"This house is...strange..." Mark nodded at the building which looked normal enough, except for the whole fact that it was made out of giantic fishbones and that a bunch of would-be-priests were giving it a very weird repaint.
"Stylish...right?" Mark stuttered "Atleast it's so colorful that you can not possible miss it anymore." Mark thought as he tried not to look at the rainbow or something colored house with its big fish head, which apperantly was the front door, was staring right at them.

"Let's go in shall we? It cannot possible me more weirder inside than it is outside, right?...right?" Mark said while practically pushing the three others inside.

However, Mark could not be more wrong. Inside the walls and floors were practically covered in rainbow colors which all went into swirls, and where there where no color, there were paintings, pictures and plants instead. It was hard to believe that just a few weeks earlier this place had been filled with the stench of fish and fishermen had walked merrily through these halls. Now, there was instead groups of praying priests of the same kind as those who had been outside, all dressed in painful-to-look-at colored cloths and walking around with books.

"Ohh come on, what is this? The league of painful swirly colors?!" Mark exclaimed and suddenly all the people in the building was staring at him with anger "Ohh, this is the new church!" Mark slapped his own face "My bad."
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Legendary Hero
posted June 08, 2010 11:49 AM

I had licked the oversized lollipop all the way to this weird fisherman guild, it was too darned large. It would take me days to eat it.
But to break the captain out of the embarrasing situation: "Hey you! We order 1 gigantic man eating fish, where is it?"
The silly-dressed responded with a really weird look and pointed at a still ordinary looking piece on the wall, a map. It old and sort of tarnished, but there was red crosses on it. And a picture of a fearsome looking fish eating the deck of a ship. What could it mean?

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted June 10, 2010 12:28 PM

Ever since the group entered what used to be a fisherman's guild John was acting a bit stranger than usual. He started stumbling a bit more than usual and always held his head with his free hand as if to stop it from moving.

"What's up with those colors, mates?... So bright and swirly... Ugghh, it makes my eyes hurt... Ughh... and my head spin... *burp* ... Oh, damn, I don't feel so good.... *burp* *gulp* Oh sh*t, that's not good at all... Move out of the way!!!"

John ran to the closest plant pot and barfed into it, but since he started a bit before he got there some of it hit the priest standing next to the plant who also happened to be the one in the brightest clothing. After a minute or two of non-stop puking John finally calmed down. He cleaned his mouth with the first thing he saw - the priest's robes, and straightened up.

"Man, that didn't happen to me for a loooong time. Those swirly rainbow colors must have made me seriously dizzy. And the worst part of it all is that the alcohol is gone from my system and I feel sober now!" John looked at the bottle he was apparently holding in his hand all this time, "And I only have about half a bottle left! Darn it!"

John stopped talking and finally realized that there are other people around him. He looked at his companions who were staring at him in disbelief, except Mark, who was too busy facepalming himself. John then looked around and saw a big group of angry priests ready to jump on him any second now.

"Ehhhh... I'm... sorry?"

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Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted June 16, 2010 08:28 PM

John had called him "wierd dressing guy" but Anar had failed to see how the description was doing him any justice. If anything he was "efficiently-dressing guy" clearly John was ignorant to the superior aerodynamics and maneuverability of his skirt compared to his pants. Anar was especially confused about John calling his dressing style wierd as he was confronted with this bizzare display of clothing he faced now. If his skirt was weird then these people were...were... super-weird? Despite hurting the eyes it was quite an amazing sight. The town had been a dark, grey and sad place while this "church" as Mark had called it was exploding with colours,shapes and activity.
Anar did his best to take in their surroundings but the colours and the shapes were distorting his perception to an extent that surprised him. Being in anything but peak condition he was instantly uncomfortable. The first that happend was didn't do much to ease his concern as John.... started to vomit? In a church?! Anar had never been in one but his master had told him about religion and what a dangerous thing it was in some circumstances. Churches were however in any circumstance their places of religious practice and holy places. And judging by the shoocked looks of the crowd at John vomiting the situation was bound to escalate.
Anar was instantly on his guard going into a fighting stance, muscles flexing and his body flooding adrenaline through his veins. He was now on a knifes edge and preparing for the tension in the air to break at any moment.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

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Legendary Hero
posted June 16, 2010 11:38 PM
Edited by del_diablo at 01:24, 17 Jun 2010.

I did not realize the situation, so I snatched the picture and went outside of the spiral rainbow weird house. The fishbones looked as weird as ever.
Once outside a sad fellow looked at the picture, and almost coughed to death on his smoke. He even tok a step forward is his rough cloths, but stumbled in his own sandal's.
"Who are you geezer?" I stared at him, i felt sorry for such a poor fellow.
The man ignored it, and got back into the pose: "Young crutches, young adventurer walking crippled, why are you having a picture of that darned fish?!"
I just starred blankly at him, he ignored that too.
"Ah, youth today, I remember when I was still one of em. But I got old, and let me creep you out be telling you something of the current, I mean does it look suspucious that a old man in rough clothes smokes down a small toddler does it?"
He did not make any sense at all, so I starred blankly at him even more and just listened:
And so the man told Desu 'bout "Good ol' Kaios", which was also called "The devourer", "Fish killar", "Lawjaw" and "King Petulia of Ord", apparently that fish had swalled kong of Ord:
Petulia, which was the neighbor island. It was 3x3 meters, the poor snow who lived there was a madman, who produced the finest flowerpots. Oh how the major missed those flower pots.
The guy had losed his 3 fingers to that thing, and he cried himself to sleep over that he could not get home anymore. He was the great son of great Petulia, and had lived on a raft close to that island. Now that life was gone he said, it was a fairytail of the past.
Desu listened in fascination over this not so tragic tale, of the current past so close yet so far.
But I still starred blankly at him, and after that I went back inside the weird fishbone house to return the picture, as the polite kid I was suppose to be.
Never guessed that someone had puked in there, the priests would likely not mind at all.

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