
Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted February 16, 2010 04:41 PM |
Edited by Azagal at 16:45, 16 Feb 2010.
"I doubt he was talking to you Mark. He hiding on Johns ship and eating his devil fruit so if anyone is to forgive him it's John." He didn't seem to hear him since he was talking to the kid.
Anar ignored the increasingly annoying kid and turned back to Jebb "Are you really sure I shouldn't throw you overboard? The fruit could have looked funny because you were halucinating due to malnutrition. We'll just see whether you're sinking like an anchor. If you are I'm sure someone will get you out."
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted February 16, 2010 04:43 PM |
John scratched his head.
"Ehhh... that's as much of a surprise for me as it is for you. I was in such a rush to get off the Marine base on this ship that I didn't check anything. Delivering that Devil Fruit must have been its first assignment. I wonder if there's any other Fruits down there or at least some kind of a documentation about this one. Marines love to document everything. I'm sure that if we look hard enough we'll find something."

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted February 16, 2010 04:44 PM |
"....Ehh, sure they do!..." Mark said puzzled as he had never ever seen a dwarf after getting free. The only ones he had seen were his former master's other slaves, but they never had talked about it so he was not sure and decided to act like he did "...But not this one! This one is a vegitarian, right mr. elmster?" Mark turned and smiled to the dwarf, trying to send a "If you say 'no' now I'm gonna kill you" signal to the dwarf.
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Legendary Hero
posted February 16, 2010 09:25 PM |
Looking even more confused the kid just said to the man: "What is a vegetarian?"

Legendary Hero
who am I?
posted February 16, 2010 09:36 PM |
Edited by veco at 21:38, 16 Feb 2010.
-Oh aye, the cap'n s'right, erm... vegetarians are those who don't eat... *looks at the bolognese* ...humans! Hey, don't throw Jebb into the sea for nothing, tha'd be a waste! You better load him into a cannon and fire at the enemy to eat their ship, ha!
Using this distraction he grabbed the remaining spaghetti.
none of my business.

Legendary Hero
posted February 19, 2010 12:53 AM |
The kid smiled and had not picked up the obvious white lie, and likely would not do before far into the future: "Ahh! I understand, because mr. Mark would never lie." As said it was said, and so it was: Staring wonderus at the man eating planks, and eating pasta and everything else that did not look awefull.

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted February 22, 2010 08:47 PM |
John finished his breakfast while the others concentrated on the new Devil Fruit user and looked around. Piles of dirty dishes lay around the kitchen. Someone had to clean up that mess and for all John knew, that someone could end up being him. He needed to do something fast.
"So, uhhh... Sorry, mate, I was a bit hazy last night and forgot your name..." He addressed Jeb, "Anyway, can you show us where you found that strange fruit? Let's see if we can find something else back there."
John stood up, took Jeb by the elbow and headed towards the exit before someone made him do the dishes.

Supreme Hero
Talk to the hand
posted February 25, 2010 07:55 PM |
"Oh, yes of course! It's Jeb by the way," Jeb answered. Filled with both gratitude and fear of beatings, Jeb lead the way to the hatch from wich he had emerged. It was easy to remember wich way he had come from as the door he rushed through had it's knob bitten off. "It was down there," Jeb told the captain and pointed at a hardly visible door on the floor.
Noone shall pass, but no one besides him shall pass.

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted February 28, 2010 10:36 PM |
"So it's that way, ey? Right, you guys check it out while I take care of these dishes." Mark said
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted March 01, 2010 06:52 PM |
John went down into the room with most of the Fortune Pirates following closely behind him. He never had the time to fully inspect the ship and it was his first time down here. From the inside it looked like a big storage room. It was filled with boxes of all shapes and sizes. Some had labels on them, others didn't.
"Looks like this was supposed to be quite a big delivery. It was just our good fortune to liberate, eh guys?" John commented with a smile as he went deeper into the room.

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted March 01, 2010 08:26 PM |
Edited by Azagal at 20:33, 01 Mar 2010.
Not sure whether Anar was required to laugh at the obvious pun he just decided to search the room, the fact that there was unknown power somewhere in the room took higher priority than socialy adequat behaviour.
He went into the room which was only dimly lit from the sunlight there were loads of boxes with different labels or no labels at all, all neatly organized to not take up too much space seems like someone was right with his idea that this ship might have been on a delivery action for cargo of delicate nature. Atleast Anar suspected that the content was delicate since this ship was geared heavily towards stealth. Maybe there was another Devil Fruit in here? From all he knew Devil Fruits were truely a dangerous gamble since the abilities could range from trivial to terrefyingly powerful... what would he do if he found one? The aspect of unlocking powers in him which he couldn't yet tap into or futher his potential was quite intrigueing indeed... He looked across the room an in the far corner was a box that didn't quite look like the others, atleast not on first glance. It was the same colour but was reflecting the sunshine a bit...
Cardboard boxes don't reflect sunshine...
Anar sorued across the storage room to examine the box futher. He gave it a slight kick which resulted in a heavy gonging noise.
Hmm... Metall. The paint has been scratch off at some places. I doubt I can punch through it yet...considering that there might be severe upgrades to my power in there I think a try to open it is worth a broken hand or arm.
Anar calmed himself and focused his power on his right fist. Just when he was about to smash it into the box with all force available to him he saw something glinting at the side of the box. There was a lock on the side and... it was broken?
Heehe... Fortuna smiles at us today.
He threw the box on the side so that he could open it and look down into the box. The lid was indeed relatively thick and trying to open it by force would only have resulted in agony and a box that would probably laugh at him if it could.Opening the box Anar saw.... nothing. The box was empty? Impossible Anar could swear he had heard something inside when he turned it arround. Maybe something small? He needed more light. He sorued back to the entrace with the box (the distance was off due to the considerable weight and his unsuficient mastery of the skill) so to his slight embarrestment he only got halfway across. He walked the rest to the entrance where the sun shone in. The box was still empty. Or was it? Now that he looked closer... there was a shadow but nothing to throw the shadow? Or was it just a black stain that he hadn't noticed in the dim corner?
Guess it's nothing afterall...
He dropped the box and heard something clatter again, this time for certain. He saw something roll arround the floor of the box atleast he saw the outlines of something since the object had the exact same colour as the box, but the movement gave it away. He reached down searching the box for the near invisible content. His hand found something. He held it up into the sunshine. It was round and a bit squishy and what was just the coulour of solid metal suddenly turned into a skin coloured fruit this time easily discernable since it was held up in the sunshine and it had no edges to fade into.
"Most interesting." Anar mused while the other gave him curious looks.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted March 01, 2010 11:18 PM |
Edited by Geny at 23:36, 01 Mar 2010.
"Most interesting."
John turned around and saw Anar holding something that kind of looked like fruit.
"Hehey, congratulations there, friend. Looks like you've found another Devil Fruit there... or not, what do I know. But if you did then you know what that means, right? You get the right to eat it aaaall by yourself... at least that's what I heard other pirate crews do. I guess it's ultimately up to the captain to decide, since he's a... you know, the captain. I guess I'll go get him..." John suddenly remembered that Mark is in the kitchen doing the dishes and the thought of helping him with that didn't get any more appealing, "On second thought I just remembered that there's something I still want to do down here. Hey, kid! Be a pal and run up to the captain. Tell him we got something that needs his attention down here."
John looked at Anar again who was still examining the fruit with a thoughtful face.
"So where did you find it anyway? If there were two, maybe there's more."
"Over there." Anar pointed in the correct direction.
John looked to where Anar pointed and came closer to the boxes. He noticed a metal box lying around with a broken lid. It looked exactly like the one at Anar's feet.
That must be where that Jeb-fellow got his Devil Fruit from. Hey, hold on a second what's this?
John moved the box a little and found a small booklet underneath it. The title said "Project Dominia". It was addressed to the Marine Research Headquarters. John skimmed through the pages, trying to understand what's it all about and then turned to the others.
"Hey, guys... you won't believe what I found. It's a report about some kind of government project concerning Devil Fruits. Here, I'll read some of it to you...
Project Dominia
The research work on Devil Fruits started by Dr. Vegapunk has been developing in many directions for quite some time. The Devil Fruits have been analyzed, identified, given to objects, etc. However, one thing that no scientist ever succeeded to do was to create a Devil Fruit. This paper will explain how to create a Devil Fruit with the usage of people who have already consumed a Devil Fruit in the past and show the results of our experiments. While this way limits us to only duplicating already existing powers in order to re-assign them to more worthy candidates, this work may also be the stepping stone to creating new kinds of Devil Fruits in the future.
Hmmm.... There's a lot of scientific mambo-jumbo that I can't understand here..."John flipped a few pages, "Hold on, this seems interesting:
Experimental Results
We tested our theory by creating Devil Fruits using two of our subjects at hand: "Tin-Plate" Wapol - Baku Baku no Mi (Chomp Chomp Fruit), "Hitman" Credo - Toka Toka no Mi (Lizz Lizz Fruit) model Chameleon. The resulting Devil Fruits are sent along with this report. Also, at the end of this paper there is an attachment describing the powers that the subjects had for later comparison.
Then there is a long scientific analysis of the results. Let's see what the powers of those Fruits are. My bet is that Baku Baku no Mi is the one Jeb ate. Here we are:
Attachment: Devil Fruit powers
The Baku Baku no Mi is a Paramecia type Devil Fruit that allows the user to eat and chew anything from wood to even the strongest metals. The eaten items can then be fused to turn their body into a weapon or be combined together to create something else.the user gains the ability to stretch open their mouths to large proportions and be able to eat things that would otherwise be unconsumable. They also have the ability to turn their bodies into weapons depending on what they had eaten.
The Toka Toka no Mi model Chameleon is a Zoan type Devil Fruit that allows the user to transform into a chameleon and a hybrid form. In both those forms the user is able to change his colors in order to blend in with the environment and essentially vanish from sight. The user also has access to other chameleon abilities in both those forms."
John looked at the others who have been listening to him silently so far.
"I had no idea that such research was done somewhere not too far from here." He looked at the Fruit in Anar's hand, "Well, at least now we know what that does... and that there are no more Devil Fruits on this ship."

Legendary Hero
posted March 02, 2010 07:37 PM |
After following the rest of the crew down to the storage, and something wondrous happened in front of the very eyes. It all ended with mr. Daylett asking me to fetch the captain, so I sprinted up the stairs quickly. And I stumbled the last step and rolled towards the kitchen door creating some noise. I looked in, the captain was gone but I was in the wrong angle too see the dishes. A stern voice said: "Come in", so I got up and walked in looking at a not noticeable shaken captain with a kitchen knife in his hand. He looked so serious I collapsed in laugther, and........ So I was sort of shouting while in a launging enthusiasm: "Mister Daylett wanted you downstairs, cap'." I just kept on laughing, rolling around the floor.

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted March 02, 2010 07:44 PM |
"Just the kid, huh?" Mark thought inside himself as he put away the kitchen knife, he really needed to calm down.
Mark turned back to the kid who was now laughing on the floor and considered kicking him for scaring Mark for nothing...as well as making fun of him, but then he figured something even more evil as he looked at the dishes.
"So Daylett needed me, ehh? It's urgent you say? Well, that means I will need to leave the dishes...unfinnished. SO someone got to do them for me!" Mark smirked and threw the kid the towel and scrub "Knock yourself out kiddo!" he said before jumping out the room.
Mark arrived downstairs and asked "So what did you need me for?"
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Legendary Hero
posted March 02, 2010 07:50 PM |
Then I sighed and armed myself with the masterful art of dishwashing.

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted March 02, 2010 07:52 PM |
As the kid screamed behind him, Mark just raised my hand and waved while saying "Right right, go get em now!"
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted March 02, 2010 10:08 PM |
When John finished reading the report he noticed that Mark joined them and it looked like he's been standing there for a while now. He then remembered why he needed the captain here in the first place.
"Well, captain, it appears we had two Devil Fruits on board. Jeb ate one of them and ... Anar just found the other." John pointed at the Fruit in Anar's hand, "I told him that he gets the right to eat it, but you're calling the shots here, so what do we do with it?"

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted March 04, 2010 06:37 PM |
Mark sighed and said "Usually I dunno, but I would say finders keepers, but hey, seing as we have relied on lady luck so far, why not do so now as well?" Mark pulled out a coin and faced Anar "Heads or tails?"
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted March 08, 2010 09:19 PM |
John looked at Mark in disbelief. Such an important decision left to chance. So spontaneous, so unorthodox. Nothing like this could ever happen in the Marines where there are rules and regulations for everything. John smiled. It seemed Lady Luck was on his side when he picked the crew and when they named the captain. This kind of spontaneous freedom was just what he yearned for.
John's thoughts were interrupted by the barbarian-looking fellow's decision. With a loud *tzing* the coin flew into the air...

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted March 09, 2010 09:16 PM |
"Hmmm?" Mark made the sound as the coin flew up "Heads he say? Fine." he thought.
As Mark caught the coin ones again he planted it on his hand and carefully looked beneath to see what it was. "Tails...?" he saw.
"Right so it became..." Mark said removing his hand and showed off the 'heads' "..heads. Go ahead, eat it!"
((Not, not gonna explain how he did it.))
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"