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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted July 15, 2010 02:42 AM |
(I stole back the internet, huzza for me! I might be back more often now)
The silence in the room after John had uttered the words "I'm sorry" was amazing. Mark felt that it was almost like someone had frozen the air in the room so that everyone stood still in time until something or someone would free them. How many minutes had past? Five? Ten? Thousand? Mark was not sure but he felt like getting out of this situasion...NOW!
"So, anyway-" he started but with those two words it seemed like everyone woke up back to life as all the priests started shouting over each other.
"THE DARE PUKE ON HOLY GROUND! PUT THEM IN CHAINS!" a blackbearded man who looked like he might have formerly been a lumberjacker or something said
"NONO! WE MUST PUNISH THEIR INPUDENCE BY BEATING THEM UP!" A young boy who could not be more than 13 or 14 shouted back
"BREAK THEIR LEGS I SAY!" Came from somewhere in the room
"NO! SACRIFICE THEM TO ILYUA!" Someone else said
"Here's an idea! FIRST WE BEAT THEM UP! THEN WE IMPRISON THEM! THEN WE BREAK THEIR LEGS, THEIR ARMS, AND THEIR RIBS! THEN WE THROW THEM INTO THE VOLCANO! AND THEN WE PISS ON THEIR ASHES! MUAHAHAHA! I AM SUCH A GENIUS!" Someone from the backrow shouted and the room fell silent again as all of the priests turned their heads towards the man.
"W-what?" the man said nervously before shouting "THROW THEM INTO THE VOLCANO!" Which was followed by alot of "YEAH!" from the crowd.
"Guess we got to fight now then..." Mark said dissappointed and took a stance
The priests were slowly advancing on all sides when a man who was wearing an even more flashy and colorful robe('Like that's even possible' Mark thought) entered the room and shouted "SILENCE!" in a very commanding and military sargent like voice, and all of the priests stopped in their tracks
"Novices! What seems to be the problem?" the man said calmly
"These infidels dared to puke in our holy temple!" one of the novices shouted
"AND WE ARE GONNA THROW THEM INTO THE VOLCANO!" Another one shouted and the crowd started advancing again
"NO YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT!" The commanding voice thundered again
"To sacrifice someone to Ilyua just for not being enlightened in the ways of the ROGGBIF is not our way. I thought you knew that."
"But-" a novice started
"NO BUT'S! Observe, and learn students!" the man said and turned to the group "Forgive our students goodfolks, they are eager to learn our ways, but they still lack the understanding to actually use them." The man said in a very friendly tone that made Mark relax and lower his guard for the surprise that came "I see that you..." the man turns to John "puked into the pot of one of our ritual plants, for that the punishment is to be thrown into Ilyua's pit, but seing as you are all strangers you could not have possibly know so therefore I feel so kind to give you the offer of paying the fee of merely 10,000 bellis instead!" the man said and smiled.
Mark gasped and was barely able to hold himself from automatically punch the guy in the face. Instead, he calmed himself down and made a hand motion for Anar to get over to John before walking over to John and help him get up himself.
"The way I see it." Mark said "We can either fight these guys, and start running to the ship. Run to the ship at once, or pay this ridicilous fee and ask for directions for the sea monster. What do you think we should do? Or do you guys have other suggestions?"
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted July 15, 2010 10:36 AM |
John got up with the half-empty bottle of alcohol still in his hand.
"I'm fine, mates. I really dislike fighting, you know, and we don't have enough money to pay, so I say we run... to the liquor store!"

Legendary Hero
posted July 15, 2010 09:03 PM |
I looked at them priests in a weird stare, with a sort of spaced out look: "Killin' that fish would just be enough to cover the fine would it? Please let us kill the fish!"

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted July 17, 2010 04:05 PM |
Edited by Azagal at 16:07, 17 Jul 2010.
Quote: "We can either fight these guys, and start running to the ship. Run to the ship at once, or pay this ridicilous fee and ask for directions for the sea monster. What do you think we should do? Or do you guys have other suggestions?"
"Hmm...There should be no need to chose between different outcomes when we can achieve everything at once. The three of us..."
he threw a sideways glance and the kid that was again walking arround oblivious to the situation
"3.5 of us should be able to take on this group of believers. Unlike us they do not seem like they have much or any experience with martial arts. Their numbers will hardly work for them and their morale should break quickly enough if we dispatch of their leader instantainously."
He gave the man Mark had just spoken to a quick glance but was unable to discern much about his martial prowess since his robe was obscuring his proportions quite a bit. His stance suggested that he was atleast a disciplined individual but he could not hope to stand against Mark and him together... and perhaps John. It was difficult to gauge his impact on the battle since his power was a rather unstable variable in Anars eyes. He'd have to observe more.
"We make the suvivors tell us were this supposed sea monster is, we kill it and we leave the island. No payment required and we should be able to leave this place before their able to regroup and cause us any more trouble before we leave. That is if you want to leave right after anihilating the "monster". Achieving such a feat should obviously ensure us the favour of the local people which we in turn can translate into profit. Whatever we need should be at our dispossal... So while this should be the most efficient way I conceed that it may not be the ideal choice for someone who's not inclined towards battle. I do however still believe that we should dispatch of the monster because if we pay we have all the time in the world to reap the benefits of it's dimise and the 10,000 beli should easily be covered by our "rewards"."
God Anar had probably never said so much to anyone before...
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted July 18, 2010 12:12 PM |
Mark, John and Anar were still trying to decide what to do when Desu proposed to kill the sea monster. That caused quite an uproar among the priests. "Who do you think you are!", "Infidels!", "You can't just defeat the curse of Ilyua!"... And only the leader of the priest remained quiet, studying the group. After a short while he shouted to the rest of priest.
"SILENCE! You must be patient and not so quick to judge. These travelers could be the answer that Ilyua provided to us for our prayers. If it is so, then it would be foolish to discard them. And if they are not, then they will pay the punishment for their infidelity and die a gruesome death by the hands of the sea monster." He turned to the group once more, "You want to test your strength against the sea monster? All right. That beast of hell robbed us of our sacred relics - the Tears of Ilyua. Defeat the monster and help us retrieve our relics, then you will prove that you are on Ilyua's side and all will be forgiven. Come now, we will show you to where the beast appears most often."

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted July 26, 2010 04:20 PM |
Edited by Geny at 16:09, 27 Jul 2010.
After that was settled they all headed to shore. The High Priest ordered the rest of the cult to stay a safe distance from the sea just in case. He himself accompanied Mark, John, Anar and Desu to the shore. It was littered with wreckage of all kinds of sea vessels. Some of it was still floating in the sea nearby.
"Here it is. This is the place where... where the creature dragged the Tears of Ilyua into the water and here is where it appears the most to terrorize our people. Get rid of it, so our divers will be able to retrieve the our sacred artifacts and your missions will be complete. Be sure to strike it quickly. The beast is cunning and dangerous, it will not give you a second chance if you don't finish in one blow."
The group looked into the water in silence for a while. Mark was the first to speak:
"Soooo, are we supposed to dive and look for it or what?"
Just as he said those words a strange ripple appeared on the sea's surface not far from the shore. It went bigger and wider until finally something rose up from the sea. It looked like a shiny ball the size of a grown man's head, dangling from what seemed to be some kind of blue sprout with no leafs. As it continued to rise the pirates saw that the 'sprout' grew on the head of a true monster. Its head was gigantic - around a meter from ear to ear, its lower jaw protruded forward revealing huge teeth that could easily make a hole in a ship's deck. The creature kept on moving to the shore ever so slowly, revealing an enormous humanoid body covered in blue scales. When it was half way out of the water, it looked at the five men on the shore, let out a deafening roar and charged onto them, with its clawed fingers reaching for its target.

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted July 27, 2010 03:48 PM |
While asking wether or not they were supposed to dive, Mark thoughts asked himself the question "'The tears of Ilyua'? Is that the cause of-" But before Mark could finnish that thought, the monster started coming up from the water.
It was huge.
It was humanoid.
It was fish like.
Fish-like and humanoid?
"Well, I'll be dam-" Mark started but was interupted by the monsters roar and charge and all time for talk disappeared.
"I guess we got to fight it somehow. But this water giant seems pretty pissed!" Mark stated the obvious as he thought back to what tactics he had to use when fighting a giant back in the arena.
"Seldom do they pit a giant against a normal human in a one-on-one fight and when they do, the giant almost always slaugthers the human." The voice of Mark's fighting teacher echoed in Mark's head "No, the Tenryübito do whatever they can to make all the fights 'fair'...so that the bloodbath may continue for as long as possible. Therefore, when they decided to pit you against a giant, they will most likely put you in a group. The size of the group is different pending on the skill of both giant and humans, but seldom is it below three people. So, the key in defeating a giant is..."
"...Teamwork!" Mark confirmed as he charged against the beast. "John! Anar!" I'll distract this thing while you guys figure out a way to beat it!" Mark shouted and jumped down bellyfirst onto the sand to avoid the horisontal slap the monster had launched against him. After having passed over him, Mark jumped up onto his feet again and charged right towards the monster's feets "If I disturb it's balance then maybe he will fall!" Mark thought.
When close enough, Mark summoned the power of his haki, which he would use to launch himself like a human short-range torped towards the running foot of the beast.
Unfortunatly for Mark, he had not calculated the steps of the beast correctly, and instead of hitting he ankle like he had intend to, he hit the toe and as a result, lost all his momentum in the impact and fell into the sand under the monster's foot.
The force of the impact was, however, enough for the monster to lose its balance somewhat, and the monster started waggling, taking a few moments to regain its balance. Moments, which could be potentially used to launch a critical attack.
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

Legendary Hero
posted July 27, 2010 04:00 PM |
Captain yelloweyes started mumbeling about his past, and shouted a non-critical word before leaping off against the beast.
Tenryübito? Tenryübito? What did my mother say about them? I then looked at the monster and said: "That thing is stupid, it can no way support its own body weight on land!"
I threw away my crutch and then pulled out my mace, I hoped that I could jump well enough on just 1 foot.
The beast swept its arms once again, i did not bother with it and just jumped towards its ankle in hope to accomplish what our feral captain had attempted. It moved its leg a bit to the right, and I missed it by several meters screaming: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" As i flied trough the air and landed on some of the wreckage floating in the sea.

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted July 30, 2010 04:51 AM |
As he faced the roaring monster Anar found himself smiling widely. This would surely be a foe that would help Anar grow. Aaah soon the intricate dance of death would unfold in all its magnificence and cruelty... perhaps this could even help him tap into his newly aquired power of the Toka Toka no Mi? Anar had never been more excited in his life but not for a second did he let his excitement get the better of him when it came to combat Anar unneccesary euphoria would simply cloud the learning experience. Just as Anar was about to dive into the fray Mark dived in first shouting motivating them to work as a team... a team? Anar didn't particularily enjoy the thought of sharing this glorious opponent since the interference of three oth... Anar watched in confusion as Desu flew past the fishman... of two other fighters would mess up this "lesson" considerably. But I guess that was a drawback of being in a crew... not to mention that there was no time to discuss who was to fight the creature.
Anar watched as Mark charged and judging from his movement pattern he was trying to make an opening for John and him. Throwing it off balance was a rather simplistic approach but usually an effective one nonetheless. Not wasting a moment Anar lauched himself at the monster diving for the head. There the knockback effect of his attack should be the biggest as it was the highest point of the creature and coupled with Marks move this might make it fall. The timing with Marks attack was good (but not perfect...) but Anars knee made it to the creatures forhead the moment it looked up from Mark at his feet, striking it with brutal force. The impact wasn't clean however and some of the force was lost since the creatures thick scales coupled with its highly slippery coating made for a formidable natural defense and hard to land a clean hit. Still it was staggering backwards and obviously struggeling to keep its balance.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted July 30, 2010 10:45 AM |
"Fight? Do we have to?"
John seemed disappointed, but instead of answering Mark jumped into battle.
"Well, if I must...", murmured John.
He then drank what was left in the bottle and let it slip through his fingers and fall on the sand. Just about then Anar hit the monster in the head and the beast staggered backwards. John lunged forward, aiming for its stomach, but the creature wasn't about to give up just yet. It managed to launch a wide slap-like attack with one its arms at the helmsman. John did a mid-air somersault to avoid being hit and instead used the monster's hand as a stepping point to change his trajectory and jump high above the creature. As he fell down he put his legs together and delivered a crushing double kick to the monster's face. The beast, who was already out of balance, could not take it anymore and slowly fell down into the shallow shore water. John was about to jump off to the ground, but slipped on the creature's slimy and instead tumbling down on the falling monster's body ending up lying on its belly.

Legendary Hero
posted August 02, 2010 04:42 PM |
I stumbled back up on the wooden wreckage, I had barely avoided hurting my foot more. I was glad we did not have a doctor in our crew, the person wouldly get mad at me for participating in combat and getting myself hurt. Luckly i had not lost anything.
I looked back towards the battle, if I would have missed if it was not for the sake of that leg of mine. It hurted a little too, but it was not the time.
I grinned in pain, and starred at the battle. The monster had tipped over, which was good progress. The captain was choking for air and getting up from the sand, Anar was on the way towards a second attack, and John was wrestiling with the creatures slimly belly.
I looked again: The creature was in the shallow shore water, my eyes got big. I shouted: "Don't let it get back into the water!"
I had seen a sea creature get up on ships and beaches to fight before, cause damage, and then get back into the water and do the counterattack of the era or just running away with its superior speed.
I jumped on nearby wreckage to the next piece of floating wood, and was going at a attempted to denting its head, hopefully piercing its scales.
I cleared thew last piece wreckage and jumped 3-4 meters towards the sky, and did a jumpslash towards the right side of its forhead.
I hit between 2 scales using both my arms, and I managed to barely dent them causing minor cracks, my arms hurt with searing pain, and I flew a meter away from the impact before land on its slippery scales with my fot, and then falling down into the shallow water.

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted August 05, 2010 05:55 PM |
((Actually, the whole remember what my teacher used to say about fighting giants thing was suppose to be in Mark's head. And the word teamwork was only suppose to be said in a...what's the english word for 'bestemt tone'? Firm tone?))
Mark got up from the sand, coughing for air and spitting out a lot of sand that had somehow gotten into his mouth when he heard the kid shout "Don't let it get back into the water!"
"Wha-? Water? Why would it go back to the water?" Mark asked and stared at the creature which now used it hands to attempt to push itself towards the water "So it is retreating? Great..." Mark said and started looking around for a rope. His eyes then fell over the cultist who were standing 20-30 meter away from the battle.
"Well, don't just stand there, DO SOMETHING!" he shouted to the cultists who's only reaction was to look at each other "FIND A ROPE A BIND IT DOWN!" Mark shouted before turning back to the monster who now had its whole head into the water "Aww snow!" Mark thought as he tried to find a way to slow it down.
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"