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Thread: One Piece RP (IC) This thread is 12 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 · «PREV / NEXT»

Legendary Hero
who am I?
posted April 26, 2010 08:20 PM

After a short briefing on the available options:
-I want'ta go somewhere where I can find a smithie so it's either a civil warzone or a volcano. Both sound equally lovely, eh? Just don't make me run through bushes and mosquitos, please.
none of my business.

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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted April 27, 2010 05:20 PM
Edited by B-E-T-A at 17:24, 27 Apr 2010.

"Ulderslan it is then!" Mark shouted in the air as his pointed in a random direction.
"Ehm...Captain Mark sir, Ulderslan lies in that direction..." Mark heard John say and turned around, to see the man pointing his finger in the opposite direction.
"I know that! But I have no idea of directions here so I'll just point in a random direction whenever I want us to go somewhere!" Mark said and started redoing his pose over and over again pointing in all kinds of directions before adding in a low voice to himself "Besides, that gag about 'wrong direction Mr. Person-in-charge is just to freaking old for us to be using."

So the party left for Ulderslan

-A few hours later-

((You may put in what you did in the meantime as well))

Mark was in the kitchen washing the dishes he had used to make lunch which the crew already had finnished((You guys may put in different orders for what we had to lunch, Mark had enough time to make all of them)) when the kid came running in screaming "WE ARE SAVED! WE ARE SAVED!" the kid was shaking somewhat.
"Calm down kiddo!" Mark shouted high enough to be heard over the kid's screaming "Why exactly are we saved?" he asked.
"Land Captain, LAND! We are saved!" the kid said in excitement and somewhat relief before running off to tell the others.
Mark, wondering how Ulderslan looks like, walked out of the kitchen and stared into the horisont. He had to sharpen his eyes so much that it hurt before he could make out a small black dot in the horisont that had to be the island.
"Shoot me if I am wrong, but either that kid got a heatstroke or he has damn good eyes."

-Quite a few moments later-

The ship sailed into the harbour of Ulderslan and docked at the harbour. Mark could make out alot of people sticking their heads out of their windows to see the ship. Ship traffic was obviously not something that happened everyday, but it was common enough for the people to only give the ship one glance. Of course, they would probably be staring as the ship left, seing as Mark planned to have the flag finnished and swaying in the wind telling everyone that this would be the proud vessel of the 'Fortune Pirates'. Mark had actually gotten quite used to the thought now and could not help but smile a little as he turned around towards the rest of the crew to say:
"Well gentlemen and kiddo. Welcome to Ulderslan, here we are gonna resupply our ship and get whatever our ship and you, the crew, needs before heading out to fight in a dangerous, yet quite exciting, world. Now, there are some vital things we are gonna need, but I trust John and myself to get those things. And I trust the rest of you to have enough common sense to not buy everything you see in the window and to be careful with our sparse credit. Any Questions?"
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted April 27, 2010 05:58 PM
Edited by Geny at 17:58, 27 Apr 2010.

"Now, there are some vital things we are gonna need, but I trust John and myself to get those things."

As he said these words Mark turned to the helm, but John wasn't there anymore. The crew heard someone land on the shore near the ship and as they all looked to the right direction they saw John "Skipper" Daylett running to town.

"See you at the bar, mates!", He shouted back at them while waving his hand.

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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted April 27, 2010 06:01 PM

"....Or maybe not..." Mark sighed "Well, I'll get more food, more medicine, some thread to make a flag with, more thread to repair said flag or sail if it should be damaged. Fishing equipment and hunting equipment." he said out in the air.
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted May 03, 2010 08:31 PM
Edited by Azagal at 20:32, 03 May 2010.

He catched their captain saying something that lifted Anar spirits a bit "...some vital things we are gonna need, but I trust John and myself to get those things..." which ment no responsabilities. Seeing John jump overboard as soon as Mark had uttered the words Anar both surprised and even a bit happy "Finally some quick decision making" he thought to himself. Apparently John was going to meet them at the Bar after he and Mark had taken care of everything which gave him spare time to explore the city. And from the looks of it there was plenty to discover in this jungle of noise and smell.
"Wonderful I'll meet you guys there."
with that he jumped after John and headed for the city. He might even go shopping for what the dwarf had referred to as pants. From the bits he had gathered from their conversation it seemed to be standard male leg clothing and judging by the looks of it he was right since he hadn't seen any man wear something similar to his skirt. It didn't make sense when you thought about it... pants were surely constricting movement and they couldn't possibly have that nice breezy feeling. But first he would have to find a place where he could get them. Oh the things to explore...
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

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Supreme Hero
Talk to the hand
posted May 04, 2010 05:44 PM

The trip on sea had been a bit uneventful, Jeb managed to get away with eating all the cleaning equipment pretty well. Now that they were at land, it was time to get some new rags and sponges.
Noone shall pass, but no one besides him shall pass.

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Legendary Hero
posted May 04, 2010 08:14 PM

The somewhat afraid eater of tables went in one direction, and he was interesting, so i started following him when we reached land, safe land.
"Hei was your name Ebb mister? Do you play theif and robbers?"

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Supreme Hero
Talk to the hand
posted May 04, 2010 08:36 PM

"Ebb" looked at the kid in utter confusion and tried to piece together what on earth could plaing "thief and robbers" mean. It's kind of rude not to answer when asked so Jeb said: "Yeah, sure. I do that all the time."
Noone shall pass, but no one besides him shall pass.

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted May 04, 2010 08:44 PM

John walked through town trying to find the nearest bar. As he watched the streets around him, he noticed that something wasn't right. The townsfolk looked sad and tired. He noticed a couple of little kids crying to their mothers about something.

What's wrong with this place? John thought to himself. With this kind of war, climate they should be happy and enjoy the weather. Maybe go lie on the beach or take a swim in the sea. These people are just weird. Ah well, soon I''l be at a place where the fun never stops and everything will be alright... now how do I get there?

After asking for directions, John finally made it to the only bar in town. He opened the door and smiled:

"Hey, mates! How's the party going?!"

To his great surprise he was met by a dozen or so depressed faces and not a single word of joy. John stood there confused for a second when a horrible thought suddenly shocked him to the bone. With a shaking voice he asked the bartender:

"Are you... out of alcohol?"

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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted May 11, 2010 04:03 PM

Mark had decided to make himself something to drink before heading out into town, so he had spent the last twenty minutes or so in the kitchen fixing himself a good cup of tea. When he then came out, he saw that the dwarf, the kid and that other guy they had picked up still was on the ship.
"What are you guys still doing here?!" Mark shouted "Didn't I tell you to go into town to buy or do whatever you want a few minutes ago?"
"Err..." the crew said
"I thought you said you had something you needed to do in a city!" Mark shouted before kicking the dwarf overboard and into the city
Mark turned around to face the kid and the cleaner guy "Now, which one of you want to watch over the ship while I go into town?" he asked.
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted May 14, 2010 03:58 PM

To Anars disappointment his earlier excitement seemed to have been in vain. The first town he had been to had been full of people and had been buzzing with activity in various forms. People trying to sell their goods to other people, being very persistant in telling them how great whatever it was they were selling was and how everyone absolutely needed it, normal people talking, more people talking and fighting over goods they wanted to accuire, little kids running arround and all that stuff. While an unuseally noisy and slighty irritating experience it had also held the promise of new things which had been exciting. This town however was nothing like that. The few people he saw didn't stare at him (like the vast majority had in the other town) they seemed occupied with their own business not caring much for Anars presence. Not that he minded that au contraire but for some reason the town didn't seem to be both exciting and quiet at the same time. What an unfortunate paradox. He spent some time walking through town but no matter where he went the town was equally lifeless. And he didn't see anywhere he could accuire pants. How boring... might aswell find the others. With that he turned to the next person he found who reluctantly told him where he could find a bar. He then left for the bar and found himself secretly hoping that it for once would be as noisy as the last one he had been to.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

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Supreme Hero
Talk to the hand
posted May 14, 2010 04:53 PM

"The kid is a good watch, he'll do it," Jeb said to get out of the ship and then proceeded to prance his way off the ship. There are sponges to be bought.
Noone shall pass, but no one besides him shall pass.

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Legendary Hero
posted May 14, 2010 05:25 PM
Edited by del_diablo at 17:30, 14 May 2010.

So it was the time of duty, to do what was needed: "I've heard too many times that I am too young to be able to watch over anything, so I will take my leave captain. Have a nice day watching over the ship."
The result was that i  ran to the reeling, jumped,  accidentally hit a rope, started spinning, hit the side of the dock fine with the hands and avoid any bone fragmentations. Of course i forgot i was still in high speed, and i then promptly caused a small ruckus before tumbeling into something solid with my leg. I broke the darned leg, tears started flying around. I got quite pale over a few seconds.
One small group of the random passerby people ran over to me and started seeing how hurt i was, while another one then shouted over to the captain: "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS WRONG WITH YOU! HOW CAN YOU LET A KID JUMP OF YOUR SHIP AND ATTEMPT TO BREAK HIS LEG?!"
The captain stepped forward a bit shaken, and hoped to explain himself to the gathering crowd before any scandal got out, or worse: A mob gathered.
He took the pointy end of his word and defended himself at the best, until the kid recovered from fainting. The captain was defended, the blame was on my own.
They shipped me back in the ship, one of the group called herself doctor Rantings, and told me to stay still for several weeks. Which in practice meant to avoid running until we reached the next island, since the next island of the logpose it was off by about 2 week and that it tok half a week for the log to settle.
I was left with a solid crutch and support for the leg, the doctor told me to put on some ointment on it. Which she would send per messager later on. She said: "There would be no fee, think of it as a gift." She also instructed the captain to make sure that I would take the ointments.
After they left I said to the captain: "Why the gods force me to watch over the ship, ITS NOT FAIR!"
Of course I watched over the ship.

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Known Hero
posted May 14, 2010 05:53 PM

Ships alarms are sounding

- The Dónner has been boarded. Ode Venter has Boarded The Dónner! Riflemen to positions. Bazooka teams to the bridge. Fistfighters and swordsmen to the main deck.
Shouting and footsteps was heard all over Dónner, as the marines rushed to fight off the enemy. Meanwhile Lieutenant Tourville watched it all from the Bridge of Liberty Star. And as much as he hated it he had to admitt it was a brave move from Venter. Fooldhardy but brave.
-All right Listen up! We can't afford to loose any ship in this hunt, so instead of bombarding Dónner with volley after volley with canonfire we are going to board her! Order all ships to line up side by side so that our men can come to the aid of those at Dónner. Let's take this criminal down once and for all!
And so both Baskerville and Liberty Star was lined up on each side of Dónner, and not long after the Men from both ships rushed over to help their fellow comrades-in-arms. Thereby Ode Venter was facing between 500-600 marines all by himself. Including a silverhaired, redeyed snow he didn't want to meet.

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted May 15, 2010 04:07 PM

"Are you... out of alcohol?"

The patrons of the bar looked at John in anger and turned away. Some murmured curses under their breaths.

"No, we have plenty of alcohol." Said a grim bartender and put a bottle of wine on the counter, "Here, help yourself."

John sat down in front of the bartender and pressed the bottle against his lips. When he finally put it back down, a third of its contents was gone. As usual, John's head started swaying left and right, but he was in a much better mood now.

"Ahhhhh, that was GOOD! I can't understand how you guys can be so depressed! Come and drink with me, mates! Let's party!"

"If you want a party, you have come at the wrong time." the bartender replied while cleaning a glass in his hands, "There were no parties in this town for several weeks now."

"Huh? No parties? Well that sucks."

"You're right, but it can't be helped. Nobody is in the mood to have fun ever since that monster appeared."


"Yes. A terrible beast that terrorizes the seas. They say it come from the dark depths of the ocean. Ever since it appeared some weeks ago it's been attacking every vessel near our shores. Ulderslan is a small island with few natural resources. We depend heavily on trade with other islands, but since that monster started sinking ships the trading stopped. And that's only half the trouble. Our main food supply comes from fishing, but the damn creature attacks our fishing boats. We've been living on reserves ever since it appeared and they are running very low. Food is rationed, everyone is constantly hungry and our hopes are low..."

"Woooow... sounds tough..."

"Yeah... see those men behind you?" The bartender pointed at the other people in the bar, "Most of them are fishermen. Ever since the beast rose from the depth of the ocean they've been out of a job. Many of them lost good friends to that beast. *sigh* All they can do now is sit here and drown they're sorrows in the bottle."

"Ooooohhh, I see. In that case..."

John finished his bottle, took two more and stood in the middle of the bar. He raised his hands, holding a bottle of wine in each and shouted:


All eyes turned on him. Some were full of anger, others of surprise and a few even showed a glimpse of desperate hope.

"You don't have to be sad, mates! Because... there's still plenty of booze for everyone!!!"

All of the bar's customers jumped up, shouting abuse at John, grabbed him from all sides and threw him out the door.

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Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted May 15, 2010 04:25 PM
Edited by Azagal at 16:27, 15 May 2010.

After he had walked for a while trying to follow the description the inhabitant had given him earlier he started to wonder whether he had missed it. He had neither picked up on the smell of alcohol nor on any loud noise that seemed characteristic for these kind of places. But just as he turned into an alley he saw John flying out the door of an establishment that labeled itself a bar.

He sorued next to John looking down on him. He looked perculiarly happy for someone who had been just thrown out of an establishment but perhaps that was due to the two bottles he was holding. Remembering Johns display of martial capability during their escape from the marines Anar assumed that someone who could throw out John would be worth an engagement. Apart from the fact that he found his last fighting encounter to have been extremely dull, the marine soldiers hadn't been much of challenge for him or the others as far as he had noted and normal training could only hone your senses so far, actual combat was a much better learning experience. Maybe there was a chance here? John would know obviously. "Hostiles?"
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted May 18, 2010 03:13 PM

John raised his head and saw two Anars standing over him, saying in unison:


John handed the pair one of the bottles he was holding and used the now free hand to stand up.

"Hostiles? No. Just a bunch of people who really need to LOOSEN UP!" he shouted the last bit towards the bar and took another sip from his bottle, "So what if they are starving for weeks now and their shores are being terrorized by a gruesome sea monster? That's no reason not to party! Am I right?"

Without waiting for an answer John banged his bottle with the one Anar was still holding and took a big gulp.

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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted May 19, 2010 05:00 PM

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'I will not sell you this food'?!" Mark shouted to the one and only market man who he had managed to find in this whole town.
"I-I am very sorry good sir." The man sighed "You see, you are not an ihabitant of this island, and only those from this island are allowed to buy food from our stocks. It is an enforced law by the city council...even if they are not the ones who makes the laws anymore." the man had turned his head towards the window and whispered the last part, like if he was afraid that someone else should hear him.
Mark poundered for a moment and took the opportunity to look at the food supplies and understood why the food was not for sale. The racks with food were all almost empty, and the little that was there did not look exactly 'fresh'.
"Tell me..." Mark started but was interrupted in the middle of the sentence by the man behind the desk "Why we have not been fishing lately?"
Mark nodded.
"Because of that there sea monster. Since it showed up the fisherman guild has been out of work, and the food been short on supplies. Most ships that try to come here are crushed by that thing, and we ourselves have not been able to send any ships to call for help. The few marines who managed to get here to check up on us were not lucky enough to leave unharmed....only a handful few managed to get back to shore...only to die of starvation or as sacrifice." the man finnished and sighed again
"Sacrifice?" Mark stuttered i disbelief "Who in their right mind would sacrifice marines? Your city council?"
"No, God forbid, not the council! If the council had been in power, things like that would not happen at all, and they would probably have found a solution to this problem already! No, the council is no longer in control of this city! 'They' are in control. Those..." The man looked nervously around before whispering "Those cultists."
"Cultists?!" Mark exclaimed while the man laughed so hard that no one in 5 miles could've heard what Mark said.
Just as fast as he had begun the man stopped laughing "Tell me kid, are you insane?!"
"But you said 'cultists' just now didn't you?" Mark said and raised an eyebrow
"shush!" The man looked around nervously "Listen kid, here is an advice. While here, at any cost avoid calling them for the Cu-word. Call them for 'priests', 'clerics', 'apostles' or 'siblings' but in God's good name, do not use the Cu-word!" Then the man suddenly grabbed a broom and raised his voice "NOW I'VE TOLD YOU FIVE TIMES ALREADY! WE DO NOT SELL FOOD HERE! NOW SHOO, GET OUT OF HERE!" the man shouted and chased Mark outside.
Mark stood there momentarily awestruck before mumbling "What was that all about? Well, atleast I got tailor equipment and new ship cleaning equipment the old ones have mysteriously disappeared. Now I just have to get to that bar and pick up that lazy navigator of ours before I find everyone else and we can be off to the next island." Mark said and started to whistle.
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Legendary Hero
posted May 23, 2010 03:39 PM
Edited by del_diablo at 18:04, 23 May 2010.

theme still playing

Ode was fighting for his life, beating marine after marine while also spraying away bullets that had come onto his shield yet again. Slash incoming from the rear right, move to the left, tap foot  on a guy launching a punch on the foot breaking his leg in the process, turn around and grab the guy wielding the sword and throw him towards the reeling and a few people still attempting to fire their guns in artillery volleys.
Suddenly the voice of a man who knew what he was doing filled the air: "-All right Listen up! We can't afford to loose any ship in this hunt, so instead of bombarding Dónner with volley after volley with canonfire we are going to board her! Order all ships to line up side by side so that our men can come to the aid of those at Dónner. Let's take this criminal down once and for all!" It sent shivers down the spine, it was Tourville the darned drunkard, the man of the hour with a plan. Only the man in charge would shout in such a magnificant manner, a man who would likely not make a good hostage. Which meant this was going downward. Big time.
Panic sort of ensured, more marines was trampled, a small cut was suffered on the chest due lack of focus. A few droplets of blood was spilling, but it was enough to cause any harm within a few hours of intense combat.
Slowly the 2 other ships got into position at the side of the ship, hooks was thrown over, the 3 ships was in a unbreakable union.
The current ship was about cleared by now, but that took to much effort.
Ode was now at the limit of breaking down, salt was literally flowing of his skin. The lack of proper breakfast did not help either.
There was only 2 options left, taking whoever was in charge as a hostage or to surrender. Killing yourself by jumping down in the sea was not a option, the marines could jump after and do the chaining before surfacing.
There was only 1 option left: Snapping, knocking Tourville out cold, taking him as hostage, run while treatening the entire crew. Of course it was not going to work, but it was worth a try.
He grabbed a pounce with water from a marine he grabbed, and surprisingly it was empty. Ode shouted: "Who here has a bottle of water?!" several marines lifted their hands before realizing what they just had done, many stopped up and just looked strange at them.
"What is wrong with you?"
"The lieutenant is going to flay you alive"
"Pity the fool!"
Before a higher ranking officer broke her uniform by halfway transforming into a crowlike bird, shouting: "MEN BACK IN LINE! ATTACK! CHARGE!" They did.
Ode fought his way to the waterbottle before being stopped by the fruit user, who after a half minute of brutal arial assault pressed Ode towards the edge of the ship towards the water. Several other high  ranking officers started jumping over the heads of the people they commanded, they had him cornered.
It was now Ode standing there with the reeling separating him from the sea, with several high ranking officers standing there including Tourville who had a grim look at his face. The lower ranking men had taken a few steps back, and was ready to watch the brutal takedown.

But it looked like Tourville wanted to say something first.....

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Known Hero
posted May 23, 2010 06:17 PM

Tourville stands above Ode Venter

-Well well well, what have we here? If it isn't Ode Venter! Long time no see you damn snow. Do you still remember me, I sure do remember you! I will never forget the brutal brawl that time. Lieutenant Tourville grinned quite malicious, and his eyes shone with bloodlust. So tell me Ode, how do you want to end?! Drowning, execution by gunfire, hanging or burning alive? You choose

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