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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: One Piece RP (IC)
Thread: One Piece RP (IC) This thread is 12 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 · «PREV / NEXT»

Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted October 20, 2009 06:28 PM
Edited by B-E-T-A at 18:30, 20 Oct 2009.

Mark raised his bottle and said "Kanpai" as the man banged his bottle against his. He then got to hear what the man had said.


"WHAT?!" Marks eyes widened while his mind raced((thinking)) "This guy was an ex-marine who had decided to go pirate?! Not only that, but he was willing to take up a battle against the world goverment? Even if there are other people who do that every day, this man...was he a lunatic? If he wanted to take on the world goverment, he should have started years ago instead of waiting for today. As the world goverment was again getting power." Mark look down on his bottle and took another mouthfull to calm himself.
"A lunatic, yes. But maybe the kind of lunatic I've been waiting for all these years. For I can't deny the truth, that I have long waited for the day I would sail out to exact my revenge against the world goverment and the Tenryubito."
Mark looked back at the man and opened his mouth "Let me think about it over another drink. Waiter! Bring us another bottle each of your best wine, and put it on me!"
"I need to think" Mark mumbled to himself, right before his lunch was brought to him. Warm, newly baked garlic baguette! "Mmmm...smells good"

((Mark got a weird sense of food...maybe? ))
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Legendary Hero
who am I?
posted October 20, 2009 06:55 PM

Erster was finishing his mutton as a new face appeared in the building. He came in rather silently but the way he looked Erster was pretty confident that he's up to stir some trouble. And he wasn't far off.
-Is this lad for real? Casualy walkin into a tavern in a marine overrrun town to spit out that 'es goin againts the world? Takes some gut, aye. Les'see see how this works out.
As he was thinking about the whole situation, another, an even taller guy entered and headed straight for the oddball. Seeing that they began to get along so well from the start made Erster a bit suspicious if this isn't a marine setup to flash out some pirates so he decided to wait in the back and secretly follow them after they leave. If there's a possibilty that he was telling the truth then Erster had to take a shot.
-The sooner I get off this i'land the better. Fast ship? Not scared of the Government? Heck, this might be me best ride in decades...     oh, I better stock up some gunpowder b'fore I kin(can) do anythin.
He sat back and ordered a cup of strong coffee.
none of my business.

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted October 20, 2009 10:02 PM bonus applied by Mytical on 21 Oct 2009.

"Another drink?" John asked in a loud voice again, "I like you already! I'm sure we'll get along just fine!"

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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted October 21, 2009 05:52 PM

Mark smiled at the guy and took a bite out of his baguette.
"My name is Mark, who are you anyway?" he asked, his breath stinking garlic.
Three bottles of wine arrived at the table. First Mark was a little puzzled why there was three, but then he remembered that he had promised to have a drink with Cal, so he took one of the bottles and stored it in his pocket. Mark took another huge bite of his garlic baguette and washed it down with the remaining wine he had in his first bottle.
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Legendary Hero
posted October 21, 2009 11:09 PM

Ma Chevan almost caught me sneakin' out the few seconds, but I' managed to get back in line and took in new orders and delivered more food and wine. Also, the barbarian had not managed to get indoors before I' ran back in. I' like him, except that he smells.
And the child eating dwarf was sittin' over there, bloody bullocks. I' had to avoid him, or the old oak would eat me. But the meat seemed to satisfy him, but what is he wanted dessert?! I shivered, and in the days mi mom used to say "Shivering is no good mi laddie.".
After a few more rounds I' managed to sneak over to the table with the crew gathering worn down loudspeaking lads, did they honestly think they was the only crew that raised their flags from 'ere?! They was the first one I' have overheard in this tavern, so I' ought to give em that.
The lad with the short brown hair looked as his eyes was already gone, his companion looked feral with his yellow eyes and bandages over his chest. So I' got their attention coming over there with a amount of food and joined the table asking what the chances of making it to the sea before the moon had risen up the sky was.

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted October 21, 2009 11:44 PM

"Mark, a pleasure. I'm John Daylett. Delighted to meet you."

Just then the waiter kid sat down beside them with some food trays.

"What are the chances of making it to the sea before the moon had risen up the sky?", he asked.

"Lookie here, another friend to join the party! The more the merrier, I always say! I'm sorry, what were asking? When can we leave? Does that mean you'll come too, kid? Great! As for chances, with the beauty I got hidden one coast we'll be out of here in no time as soon as we decide to leave!"

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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted October 22, 2009 05:31 PM
Edited by B-E-T-A at 22:42, 22 Oct 2009.

"John. I see." Mark started thinking back, trying to remember if he had ever heard that name before. But the waiter kid showed up and said he wanted to join.
"Well, not to disappoint you or anything kid, but are you really sure a kid like you should go out to travel on this harsh sea? Well, it's not like its up to me or anything. After all-" Mark nodded to John "it is his ship."
Mark took a new bite of his baguette and opened is second bottle of wine.
"So" he turned to John "Are you sure this ship of yours really is as fast as you say? It's not like I doubt you or anything, just having hard time believing it to be true."
Mark then noticed that the whole room had started talking about stuff. Whispering and looking somewhat horrofied. Mark sharpened his ears and then managed to catch up some of the things that was being said by two people sitting closest to them:

"Is it really true? A new bar brawl?"
"It sounds like it. Seems some pirate is running wild with another pirate."
"No way. Two brawls on one day? That is unheard of! The town milita-"
"The town milita is busy watching over the sea battle of the marines and fighting of some other pirate crew. Didn't you hear? While a small fleet of pirate ships tried to assault us from sea, another group invaded us on land. The town milita took care of those, and the marines took care of the ships."
"No. No! That cannot be! No pirate have dared attack us in ages! Bar brawl, pirate ship and now a land battle?! What is happening to our island?"
"I have no idea mayor, but the way things are heading, this pirate at the "hoisted anchor" might do some serious damage before the marines and milita can take him down."
The mayor sighed "I guess it can't be helped then." The mayor stood up "I will take care of that pirate then!" he said and walked out of the tavern.
The other man sighed "Really, you're such a pain in the arse." he said as he stood up and followed the mayor.

Mark looked at the mayor's back as he walked out. He then finnished eating his baguette and emptied his second bottle of wine. Then he left enough bellies on the table to pay for himself and the one drink he had treated John with.
Standing up Mark looked down on John and said "I'll join you on your ship, but before I leave, I'm going to make up to this town for letting me live here in peace for so long. Don't worry, I'll be back here later." Mark then proceded to follow the mayor.

At the wreckage of the bar

Before Jolly five humans now appears.
"Guahahahahaha. Now, would you look at that. If it isn't the infamous "Chuckles" Jolly D. Every." A short blonde man says. He is dressed in a stylish black suit. His belt was filled with revolvers and on his back he had a rifle.
"Ahh you're right, captain. Seems like we got a good fish." A huge muscular man wielding a giantic naginata. His top to toe was covered in chain mail.((he looks kinda like this. Same species atlest ))
"Yeah, we have quite the fight ahead of us." A long, brown haired woman wielding a katana and dressed in jaguar skin cloths said.
"I'm just glad we get to kill someone, ain't that right, Hagaru?" The man with white skin wearing a skull mask and nothing else but his ragged white jeans turned to the last companion while licking his hand claws((Like wolverwine's claws)).
The other man just nodded. He was dressed like those acolytes ya know. In a red "cultist" cloak covering his whole body. In his left hand he was holding a hammer, and in his left he had nails.
"It's the "gentlemen" pirates! They are ex-pirates who are now a part of this towns milita force!" Yura said ""Gentleman Jack", "Mauler Jimmy", "Mila shadow", "Slaugtherer Cato" and "Red Mail Sin", each one of them used to have a bounty of their own, and a rather large crew, but when this town offered them a job as part of their milita they decided to join. A full pardon and damn good paid work was more tempting than a life as a criminal. The whole crew is part of the milita now." Yura concluded
"Yes. And the best part is; Whenever scumbags like you come in town, no one complains if we take you guys down while we're at it." Jack said "And I warn you now, this guns, Jimmy's naginata, Mila's katana, Cato's claw and Sin's nails and hammer. They are all Kairoseki!"
"How very nice" Yura said ironically "Now, if I remember correctly, one of you were a devil fruit user as well. Now, what was that devil fruit again, and who did it belong to...?"

Marine Base

A man dressed in the captains uniform was walking towards the closest Den Den Mushi. On his way he was angrily mumbling "Pirate scum! No one is gonna get to mess up this island on my watch!"
The man angrily took the reciver off the hook and shouted "The pirates in this town has been here long enough. Execute operation "purification"! Rid this island of the pirate scumbags! Justice will be done!"

To be continue!
(("To be continue" is just for randomness ))
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Known Hero
posted October 22, 2009 05:40 PM
Edited by Sir_Dragon at 22:25, 18 Dec 2009.

Marines Arrive

-Jolly D. Every! You're under arrest for the crimes of piracy, harrasing of civilians, and the destruction of 3 entire cities! You are also charged for the crimes of disturbing the peace and the intimidations of these poor men and that of this poor bartender! Ensign Tourville Shouted just as he and his men arrived at the scene of crime. You will be taken into custody before you are sent to the rebuilt Enies Lobby, where you will be indicted, stand trial and held accountable for all accusations raised against you! Lifting his shotgun and pointing it directly at Every's chest he continued to talk. I suggest you surrender yourself now and cooperate peacfully, or else i cannot guarantee the physical condition you will be in when we bring you in!

As he spoke all of his men gathered around him in a single line, readying their weapons and taking their aim. Waiting for the orders to open fire, all 20 marines stood completely still even though they faced a ??? million bounty head. Petty Officer Loraine was the only one seemingly disturbed, as she looked to and from her commanding officer and Every not knowing what to do. Inside his own mind Ensign Tourville was trembling and unsure of himself and the whole situation. He only hoped that Captain Brand had been informed of the incident and sent reinforcements.

-Well Every! What's it gonna be? Surrender or Fight? Ensign Tourville made a short brake to breath in deeply before continuing. You know we can do this the easy or the hard way. He was now clearly in a sweat.

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted October 22, 2009 11:54 PM
Edited by bixie at 14:42, 23 Oct 2009.

"Surrender?" every giggled "the easy road? I haven't heard those words in a very long time. Listen, kid, your probably nice" Every walked towards the officer, a wicked glint in his eye, "but ultimately, probably not worth the bother, however" grabbing the female petty officer and turning her into a long spear, her screams echoing out across the dock, "these Government dogs look a little more interesting. Oi Astrad, Bostark, Jeklam, Mepala, come and look at these guys!"

Jeklam, bostark, and the woman dressed in rags, carrying a trident, stepped out the crowd, Astrad jumping down off a roof top.
"Can we take them, Every-dono?" asked the enormous pirate.
"Please, Every-kun," the Woman asked, "please, Misanto here is getting hungry!"
"oh turn away, tatters!" muttered Jeklam, spinning his revovlers with calm precision, "if you listen to Misanto every time, we'd be out of slaves and you'd be out of your mind."

"Jack, do you know who these people are?" whispered Mila, an anxious look on her face.
"yeah," Jack said, darkly, "Deadshot Jeklam, killed 36 people in Boko-town alone, Bostark the flayer, kidnapped and skinned marines...see that whip, that's them. Cannibal Astrad, fairly obvious what he did, and Tatters Mepala, infamous killer of gentlemen pirates."
"psychopaths and madmen, huh?" asked Jimmy, "yeah, we can take them. oi, sin, you wanna get the devil fruit out?"
"Blessed be my father, who hath not sinned..."
"i think we should keep him as he is," muttered Jack.

the two pirate gangs clashed, Jeklam and jack darting off into an alleyway, Mepala jabbing her trident at Jimmy, Cato leaping at bostark, who thrashed his whip at him. Astrad drawing his knife at the unsuspecting Mila. through the chaos, Every stalked the frightened cultist.
"I know why they call you red mail!" he said, cruelly, "I know what you did to them Sin! Oh yes, I've got a couple of worms in high places, and they know, so I know. Red Mail sin, player of childish, but deadly, games. eater of the Oni Oni fruit. come on, lets play a little game." Sin backed away, so Every lept on him.
"Oh come on, sinni-boy! I'm a toy man, your a game man, Wheres the harm in having a bit of fun!" Sin clutched at his mallet as hard as he could, "still don't want to?" every pulled out his knife, a transformed child, and started stabbing at the flinching cultist, "then i'm just going to stab you until you play! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA~!"
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted October 23, 2009 03:36 PM

Anar found the place he hoped was the bar. It was both loud and it smelled pretty strongly almost stinging his sensible nose with it's new smell of hard liquor. He stood at the door for some time taking in the scenery. It was nothing Anar had ever seen before. Lots of people, loud undisciplined people laughing and talking, drinking and eating. But what was really important for him was that they were eating. He was hungry and a little excited at the thought of the unknown meal he would get here. Atleast he thought that they ate differently than he had in the woods.
While looking he saw a boy... no wait a girl...boy? It didn't look anything like his master since it lacked the breasts, long hair and curvy body of his master but it didn't look a lot like himself either. It smiled at him and seemed on it's way over to him but was gone after the man behind the desk giving people drinks and food shouted something. Anar didn't give him (or her he still couldn't decide) much more thought since he heard something of interest. He saw a man in a unbuttoned short-sleeved shirt that looked nice and clean. The warrior part of Anars brain gave him a quick rundown: from what he could see from his Torso and leg muscles he wasn't a fighter in the sense of Anar, and he didn't look like he had an iron grip on his mind like Anar was accustomed to. He didn't seem like a big challenge. But he didn't lose interest since he was talking about a ship and wanted people to help him get of the island. Well maybe he could talk to him while eating something since the man sitting next to him was just standing up. He walked through the door the bulk of his standard stamina training weights bringing some of the door down in order to fit in with him. Not giving it any thought he made his way through the crowd to the niece were the man was sitting.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted October 23, 2009 05:15 PM

"I'll join you on your ship, but before I leave, I'm going to make up to this town for letting me live here in peace for so long. Don't worry, I'll be back here later."

"Hehey, don't worry, I'll wait for you. There's nowhere else I'd rather be anyway!" John raises his bottle as the proof for his statement and takes a few more sips. He then turns back to the kid, "Don't let your your age bother you, kiddo, a free spirit is all you need to sail these seas. I'll be glad if you..."

John stopped mid-sentence because a shadow of a man fell on the table. John raised his head, which was already shaking like a leaf on tree, and saw the strange man from before. A path of rubble followed him from the half destroyed entrance and he was clearly looking at John... or maybe at the food on the table, John couldn't concentrate enough to decide.

"Well would you look at that! It seems like it's raining guests for me today! Come, come, friend, take a seat and join the fun!"

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Known Hero
posted October 23, 2009 05:50 PM
Edited by Sir_Dragon at 07:01, 24 Oct 2009.


-Loraine! Noo! Ensign Tourville's scream could be heard all across the street. Shock and surprise was written all over his face. In his eyes there was both pain and sadness. All this was soon replaced with anger and hatred. His mind filled with revenge and bloodlust. You snow! You'll pay for that! Fire at will! Mow them all down, but leave Every for ME! I'm gonna blast his f**** HEAD right off! Ensign Tourville shouted as he opened fire while approching Every.
-Open Fire! Give the Ensign covering fire! He heard a Seaman shout, at the same time the bangs of rifles being fired filledthe air. "Every!" Ensign Tourville sneered. "You're dead MEAT!".


At the same time Captain Brand and his nearly 500 marines was approching the city rappidly. Operation Purification. In a single event all pirates will be driven off the island or arrested and brought into custody before sent to Enies Lobby.

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted October 23, 2009 06:43 PM
Edited by bixie at 18:54, 23 Oct 2009.

every saw the maddened officer and jumped, bouncing off the unfortunate Sin, the gentlemen pirates body riddled with lead.
"Oh, great shooting, wonderboy! now i'm never going to see the game man in action!" landing on the roof, Every turned, "better luck next time, Chump!"
"You're a dead man!" shouted tournvile "I'm going to rip your head off and stick it on a pike!"
"Temper, temper!" every chuckled, "maybe you should have a time out, here." transforming his spear back into the petty officer, he threw her off the roof. "Think fast, marine brat!"

Astrad smiled as Mila struggled in his iron hard grip.
"I wouldn't try it, missy, or I drown you!"
"Fishman pig!"
"Yeah?! I'm a Piranha Fishman, fancy your chances? I'll rip you to shreds."

Jeklam winced, this gentleman jack was harder than he thought. reaching round the corner, he blind fired, his bullets finding marks in shop keepers, civilians and children, none on jack.
"Always got to hit something, eh?" Jack said, "that's why the death toll are so high!"
"oh shut it, you whining hippie!" jeklam snarled, before doing a running dive, firing both his revovlers at Jack.

"Misanto be praised!" Mepala ripped rag after rag off of Jimmy's body, "another one for tatters, another one for tatters!"
"when...I...get...you!" Jimmy muttered, before flinching as the trident smashed into the floor beside him,
"now, maybe Every-kun will like me if I remove your head?" Mepala said, a glazed look in her eyes.

Bostark fell, his whip coming apart. Cato smiled, that one one easy. the fat slave driver didn't stand a chance, not after his belly was slashed to ribbons. maybe it was time to go after Every's head now.
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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Known Hero
posted October 23, 2009 08:16 PM

Ensign Tourville didn't even flinch when he saw his shots missed the target but just turned and continued firing at Every while shouting. Then just as Every droped Petty Officer Loraine, Tourville tossed away his shotgun before leaping forward to catch her.
-Got you! Ensign Tourville said when she landed into his arms. You allright? He was seemingly worried.
-A bit shaken but it will pass. Her whole body was trembling and she had a frightened look on her face. You can put med down now, sir. I can stand on my own two feet after all! She laughed, a forced hollowed and unsure laughter, while she tried to stand up.

Ensign Tourville extremely relieved watched as Petty Officer Loraine rose to her feet, ready for action. Around him the fight continuing around them. The militias all seemed to have their hands full except for Cato, while his own men moved around shooting trying not to hit the militia. Every himself stood atop of the roof overlooking the show laughing. Ensign Tourville's eyes turned deep red(deeper and reder than usual) and the taste of blood filled his mouth.
-Men! Listen up! Ignore the pirates, and concentrate all your fire on Every! He shouted while running to grab his own shoutgun. Shoot that bloody snow down. He's gonna look like a swiss cheese when we deliver him to the Captain.

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted October 23, 2009 08:32 PM

"Oi, marine brat, your commanders gonna be here soon!" every yelled at Tournville, "Hey, It'll be good to see him again! I think he owes me a couple of favours."
"oh, didn't I say that a couple of marines would be in my pocket?" Every tutted, "Maybe you have to re-evalutate your loyalities, Mariny!"
"What's going on?" said a civilian in the window. Every picked him up and transformed him into his favourite form of transport.
"Toy toy: POGO STICK, YAHOOOO HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" the mad pirate bounced along the roof top, before jumping off and landing onto the face onto an unforunate marine before bouncing down the street, "Street party everyone!"
"get back here you laughing freak!"
"Catch me if you can then, HA HA HAH!"
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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Legendary Hero
posted October 23, 2009 08:46 PM
Edited by del_diablo at 20:58, 23 Oct 2009.

So the mister with short brown hair and his eyes already gone was apparently goin' by the name of John Daylett, mister Daylett seemed glad over the barbarien had joined the table, and welcomed the lad. I' started talkin' mister John: "Mister, mister! Where is the' ship stranded?", then over a small childish replies and a bit of random chat the ships location was given away by the mister named John.
I' then turned over to the barbarian and said: "If ye want to go on e adventure, stay here and accept the food mister! My mom called me Desu, she also said it was rude to not tell my name to people. Oh sorry mister Daylett, i forgot didn't i? Well, go to your ship if you want an adventure. I might have a surprise for you!" In an unexplained swoop Desu left the table.

Desu then stormed towards  the bar disk, payed a few coins and directed a meal with good smell over to the barbarian. Then stormed into the back, asked one of the others waiters called Saruto to tell Ma Chevan that the work was done once and for all. The personal stuff and the saved up purse was taken, the cloths changed and a mace was put on the back. And a bottle of seawater was ready. Out of the back entrance Desu ran, hopin' on a headstart on Ma Chevan. Besides, the dark would soon come soon, as there would be no moon tonight. Desu wondered why he had said to the kind mister "before the moon has risen" since that would be long time to. But he ran

Mi steps  was light, I' had one big backpack on mi back. I' ran in the direction the man with the feral eyes had ran, there was some people runnin' and screamin' "TOYMAN! TOYMAN!" others screamed: "MONKEY! MONKEY!", and fled in terror from somethin' they had outrunned the last day. But this toyman sounded funny, because toys are good. A toy is gold, and this toyman was an adult. Adults are good because they know what to do.

Flavor    OOC:  First 20 seconds, starts after i spot the toyman. The course of action takes seconds in slowmotion.

A distance down the road: A roof shattered, a few shouts from inside what was apparently sounded like "Madman!", "Toyman!", "Njoroko ka!", "useless marines", "Toy ningen!". A shadow moved on the roofs, trying to move towards somewhere or away from somewhere, it stopped. It jumpped down, some more noise, it jumped again, and then it was on the rooftops again. "THE TOYMAN! TOYMAN!" mi  thoughts sounded loudly in my head, my limbs speeded up in pure exitement.
I' jumped onto one of the rows and threw a bottle filled with seawater towards the shadow and jumped after it in a speed faster than the bottle, the mace was unsheathed from the back and the seagulls could be heard in the distance. The bottle was now 1 meter away from the target who had turned around to smash the bottle now flying towards the red-haired man, the mace followed quick after. The smashed bottles liquid(seawater) hit the mans open palm and closely engulfed the mace making it a driving force of water with well forged steel behind it. The mans hand attempted to reach the mace in time, it did on one of the water coated edges and nothing happend. Mi mom had mentioned many times over and over again: "Figthin' devil fruits, use seawater. Don't matter what the lads and lasses can do, seawater hurts them like heck on lose." so I' did pay head to her advice right now, her power was combat and mine was not.
The mace hit with its flatter parts the head of the redhaired man with a bleeding cut on his face, he flew down towards the ground hitting a wall and cracking it, he fell unconscious on the ground. He would not wake up in the first hour, maybe in 2-3 hours. The toyman was quickly plunged inside a big brown sack, and Desu started runnin' towards the kind mister Daylett ships supposeds location. Desu was singing on the old merry song of "Greif is the old mans luck", while running.
BUT: A gigantic bunch of shattered men with rifles and in marine uniform started to flood the street from the almost ruined building this toyman had jumped from. He ran into man with almost pale skin, whom looked weird at him. His eyes burned, Desu thought it was for adventure. I' caught the misters attention, and started: "Mister, mister!" The rest was a blur of words that mentioned to this fellow that there was something he would want to se on where "mister Daylett's ship" where located, and said where it was. He also snuck in the toyman in the speech and run of before pale mister with silver hair and reddish eyes locked down on mi body that was gone again.

*Bixie, NINJA'D!
*Sir_Dragon, yes i talked to you.


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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted October 23, 2009 08:46 PM
Edited by B-E-T-A at 20:53, 23 Oct 2009.

(A few minutes earlier)

Mark had started running long ago. Keeping up with the mayor was not so easy and he had already lost sigh of him. But he knew where he was heading. The bar "Hoisted Anchor" is the place where some infamous pirated had started trashing.
"This really is a wild day. Sea battle, pirate invasion, bar brawls and now a pirate who's nut ain't good wants to try out this town." Mark said as he passed a corner to the left and suddenly stopped.
There he was, running towards the bar, just a few street from the it. And in the middle of the road there was a group of marines blocking the road coming towards him.
"Halt!" The Petty officer in front of the group shouted.
"Aha! The marines are finally involved I see. I'm sorry to be captain obvious right now, but the trouble is the other way Officer sir." Mark pointed at the smoke coming from the bar
"We've other people taking care of that right now." The Petty Officer took his hand in the pocket and the marines went into attack formation "You see, Captain Brand has ordered the town pruified for pirates and villian scum like yourself, Mark! FIRE!" the officer drew fourth the wanted poster of Mark and the marines pulled their triggers.
"snow!" Mark thought as he was caught off guard and did not manage to do anything else then to jump backwards, letting himself fall to the ground on the back, dodging the bullets by the skin of his teeths.
"THAT WAS WHAT I FORGOT TODAY!" Mark thought and facepalmed himself "I forgot to go to the post office to destory my wanted poster first thing this morning!"'
"Surrender now and save yourself a lot of pain!" The officer said as he drew his sabel and charged against Mark
"Ain't you suppose to say that BEFORE you fire?" Mark said as he started getting up. He got now answer "Ohh well!"
The officer swung his sable downwards towards Mark, who dodged the swing by rolling to the left side where he got on his feet.
"I prefer to fight" Mark grinned.
"So be it!" The officer said in a rather dramatical tone and pointed his sabel against Mark.
"Wrong move!" Mark shouted as he waved the sable away with his right hand before hitting the officer in the face with his left, sending him flying into the wall.
"Eska sir!" The marines shouted, who had spent their time reloading their rifles. They now pointed them at Mark again and fired. This time Mark jumped in behind the corner.
"Rifles. Tch. In the arena we never got shooting weapons! And we always fought one on one!" Mark mumbled to himself.
"What the hell are you guys doing? After him!" The officer shouted, his nose being broken and all.
"Sir!" The marines started running towards the corner
"Hmmm.." Mark looked around himself and saw a table "Huh?"
As the Petty Officer passed the corner with the marine soldiers in his heels, he got a table slung right into his face, knocking both him and his soldiers down on the ground in a pile.
"That will keep em busy for awhile, so its time to fly! Adios unamed weakling officer!" Mark shouted as he started running back to the tavern.

(Back to about the time when Jolly has jumped atop the roof)

Mark ran into the tavern to where John was sitting "JOHN! WE GOT TO GET OFF THIS ISLAND! RIGHT NOW!" Mark shouted
"Oi, oi, calm down buddy." John said "Here, have a drink." John hold fourth a bottle of wine. Mark now could see the loads of empty bottles that was on the table
"This is no time for drinks! The marines have started purging this island! They intend to mass arrest all pirates that are here, INCLUDING YOU AND ME!" Mark shouted while politly pushing the bottle away.

(Back at the Hoisted anchor)

"Shoot that bloody snow down. He's gonna look like a swiss cheese when we deliver him to the Captain!" Tourville shouted
"Bu-but sir!" The marines were shouting histerically.
"What is it?!" Tourville turned around and could not help but gasp.
There, right in front of his own eyes, the red dressed acolyte Sin stood, having both his hands in the cloak now.
"And on the third day, messiah rose from the dead..." he mumbled as he took his hands out of the cloak and a "Klang!" like sound was heard.
"H-he...STOOD UP FROM THE DEAD?!" The marines shouted in terror
Sin stepped a few steps forward towards the building on which Jolly was standing on. Behind him, on the ground, a thick metal plate full of bullets shot into it, was laying.
"And Messiah's father was a carpenter" Sin said as he raised his left hand in which he was holding one nail. He pointed this nail towards Jolly D. Every. He struck the nail with his hammer and it was gone.
On top of the building, Every got a rasp on his chin as the nail passed him faster than what any bullet could have done.
"And Kami-sama will strike down sinners with his divine wrath." Sin said.

The Merman seemed to have no problems fighting against Mila, and was about to finnish her off when a huge plumb attached to a chain came flying, hitting him in the face, making him take a few step backwards.
On the other end of the chain was another plumb, but holding the chain however, was an old man with grey hair and glasses.
"Mattaku, pirates like you really gives us old timers an hard time. Ohh well, if I stand around here complaining, you will wreck my city to bits now, won't you?" the Old man said.
"Who the hell are you?!" Astrad said
"Me? Ohh I'm just a nobody really. Or atleast, I don't think you really care but-" The old man suddenly disappeared "I am the Mayor of this town" the old man whispered into the ear of the merman, who managed to turn around just in time to avoid taking a blow to his head. Instead, the blow hit shoulder.

"Having problems now, are we, Jimmy?" The man who had followed the mayor said.
"Erik-san! What are you doing here?" Jimmy said
"Nothing, I was just having a drink with the Mayor when the news of this trouble reached our ears. Now get up Jimmy, and let's take care of this pirate villians!" The man said while drawing his rather unusually long Katana, his attention now turned to the woman. "You there, pirate! The leader is out right now fighting off some kind of pirate invasion, so you now face me, Erik the second-in-command of the Jashka milita!"

To be Continue!
((Yes, the red To be continue signs will show up at random times
Edit: Yes, diablo is LANing at my place right now and I told him what was gonna be the content of this post xD
I also swear I had no idea what his post was about. So if Bixie wanna complain, please feel free to do so, and I will ask him to change it.))
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted October 23, 2009 09:40 PM

"Yahoo, NAIL BULLLETS," Whooped every as he span around from the force of the nail shot, "Well, sinni-boy, feel like going the whole hog!"
"Blessed are the ones who show restraint,"
"OH COME ON!!!!!!!" Every stamped his foot, "ARe you going to ignore everything that has happened to you!"
"why do you want him to use his devil fruit?" asked tournville,
"You haven't heard?" every said, "Well, imagine playing Kageoni but if you loose, you die! imagine playing Taka oni, but you loose, you die! That is the power of the Oni oni fruit! play little games, and survive or end up dead! and he can do it over a whole town!"
"You mean?"
"Yes, half the people won't notice somethings happened until they're dead!"
"Monster? Psycho? Madman? heard it, you're going to have to be more original."
"Sin-san, whatever you do, don't use you're..." Tournville looked around, "he's... gone?"
"meh, probably gone away to calm himself down, Oh well, bored now!"
"I think I'll start properly wrecking the city now!" den den mushi in one hand, his other hand on a building, it swift transforming into a dollhouse, all the people cowering inside transformed into dolls, Every ssnowed, "Every to high loon, every to high loon. we get out of here now!"

Astrad smiled
"it's time to go crazy!"
"hm?" asked the mayor
"well, the cities being destroyed now, so, not much you can do."
"What are you talking about, the marines will be here for operation purfication!"

"Oh... I wanted to kill more for misanto!" muttered Mepala, before diving off.
"hey you, wait!"
"Oh jimmy!"
Erik turned to see Jimmy cough up blood,
"He's been poisoned!"
Mepala blew him a kiss before jumping away.

Jeklam ran to the shore, dodging bullets left right and centre.
"Oi, Reed-sama, are the bombs set?!"
"Set and ready, Jeklam!" the woman demolition expert smiled as she hurryed the slaves up with fire crackers. "when's to boss coming back?"
"Who knows, who cares! let's get out of here!"
"Jeklam, get back here and fight me!"
Jack appeared, a bullet hole in his arm and a busted revovler.
"Reed-sama, deal with him."
"ok" Reed brought one of her rockets out and fired it at Jack, hitting him in the stomach. the gentlemen pirate lurched back, dazed and confused.
"great, lets go!!"
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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Known Hero
posted October 23, 2009 10:24 PM

Just as Ensign Tourville had picked up his shotgun and was ready to shoot Every there he stood, Sin of the militia rose to his feet dropping a metalplate and started attacking Every. And then the Mayor showed up wit the militia's second-in-command picking a fight with the pirates. "Tch. There's nothing but trouble today isn't" He grinned.
-Ensign Tourville! Ensign Tourville. A voice shouted from afar. Soon after a whole platoon of marines arrived at the secene, leaving a total of 50 marines at the fight. Ensign Tourville, sir! The leader spoked. By the order of Captain Brand operation "Purification" has been commenced. Please proceed accordingly to the plans.
-Operation Purification you say? Ensign Tourville sighed. Yare, yare. This day is really bothersome, don't you agree Petty Officer? He turned towards Loraine. Yosh! Yarodomo(men), Let's get to work! And amidst all that ruckus Every had managed to escape.


Soon After

As Ensign Tourville lead the now 50 marines down the street in the attempt of purging the town of pirates he came accross some strange little girl with an unusual large sack on her back. She even spoke to him saying something about a man by the name John Daylett, a ship and something about a toyman? He didn't get much information as she was gone the next time she looked. Strange girl.
He continued down the street looking for Every and fighting off pirates. But he couldn't bring himself to focus entirely on the task ahead. There was something else on his mind. something that bothered him. But what was it? Had it something to do with the girl? It definitly had, but what? Was it something she said?
-John Daylett, John Daylett. Somehow i feel like i've heard that name before somewhere. Then it came to him as he stumbled over antoher one of Every's victims. JOHN DAYLETT! The runaway marine that had stolen a secret prototype marine ship! He is on this island!? Now this day couldn't become more exciting tham this Ensign Tourville smiled. Men! We got a new target! The deserter and buccaneer John Daylett. Let's go! Ensign Tourville could almost laugh at how fate had provided him with this chance for promotion, with the help of a little girl.

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Legendary Hero
who am I?
posted October 24, 2009 01:04 AM

-Ugh, what is wrong with this town? - Erster muttered to himself while trying to eavesdrop on the tavern conversations which suddenly got a lot more lively.
-Looks like the loudmouth lost his companion.. but wait, there be another one comin'. He looks kinda lost, hehe.
Erster finished his coffee and started thinking over again.
-With all the commotion about them Devil Fruit users runnin' amok in the streets I dun think these relaxed oddballs kin actually be marines...
He then called for the waiter to give the loud guy in the center a message after he leaves the tavern.
Wait here a tad longer if yer lookin' for a gunner - dwarf
-Gotta look for a smithie to sell me some fresh gunpowder, it's like being one arm short without it. Too bad me ironsuit left on that merc ship, that be 2 arms short.
The air was filled with tension so he headed out for the calmer districts looking for a gunsmith.
What he didn't realise is his mud disguise dried up and started to fall apart.
none of my business.

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