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Heroes Community > Heroes 4 - Lands of Axeoth > Thread: Heroes 4 Modding Revisited
Thread: Heroes 4 Modding Revisited This thread is 17 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 · «PREV / NEXT»

Supreme Hero
posted December 14, 2016 04:27 PM

I hope you will take the time to perhaps describe more detailed how you edited the creature heroes, in terms of adding new animations. Fx. how you add shoot animation to a non-ranger unit.
I get the theorical parts of it, as I've seen how they're listed in the h4r file, but lack the pratical. Also I would very much like if you could display the example of how you changed this: http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=42915&PID=1393211#focus

I'd also really appreciate if you could make a guide on how you changed the ring of health to being misc or how to make it an object, instead of an artifact.

You mentioned some of it could be done by string editing, but I don't recall examples on how to do these. As mentioned, my own attempts have all failed so far.
I'm sure others will find it useful as well, but I guess some of us still has a lot to learn, before we can do our own modding.

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Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted February 20, 2017 01:54 AM

żDoes anyone know or can find where are creature default spells stored in the .exe?

I can't seem to find them anywhere even trying all method and multiple hex editors.

Equilibris changed default spells and not just "mass spells"
(for example, on the Ogre Magi, AKA King Oni in my mod)

Also a headache is that mass spell only accepts 15 entries (one of which is disabled by a code in the middle, so actually 14), but the game has 73 creatures, meaning that only 1 in 5 will get to be spellcaster...
I will try to ask equilibris to see if they can fix this, but haven't got much hope



I think I have already said some of those things... you can find how to change shooting animation and other things in the .spr on a thread I made on private Equilibris forum... but in the interest of open modding...

ANIM SWITCHING SPR - It's just copying the animations from one part to the other. Open the SPR file of a creature (combat_actor) with hex editing. Copy everything after "spellcast" until two bytes before "die" (DO NOT copy the last two bytes before die). Paste them on "ranged" animation (with insert mode - do not overwrite). Leave from the original Ranged only the last two bytes.
In this way you can have a creature/hero that uses spellcast anim for ranged attack. It works the same with any animation type.

- Some spell graphics changed: Normally is just renaming the spell in "animations" using other anim. However, in this case, the spell is actually a projectile. Look in the combat actor SPR and you can replace projectiles for what you like.
In the 015 version of my mod, for example, the fire bolt is renamed to "demon bolt" and anim is a burning demon.

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Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted March 02, 2017 10:43 PM

Since my last question did not have answers...

I will give this:

Does anyone know in that format are the Heroes 4 Font files?

We could change the in-game fonts by replacing them...
(also, H4 menu style is not very nice, compared to H3 which is one of the best menues in all games)

There are many font file extensions, all I know is that they are not TTF for now.


The names seem to point to a raster/bitmap configuration,
because every different size has a different font
(meaning, they are not scalable, and not made of vectors)}


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Tavern Dweller
posted June 18, 2017 12:14 AM bonus applied by Galaad on 09 Jun 2019.

WhiteRider said:
I have found a way to change the spells in the Equlibris version of HMM4. Unfortunately you can't give a spellbook to units that doesn't already have one, but you can add up to 4 new spells to spellcasters.

Here is the way I did it:
Open h4mod.exe in any hex editor. Search for 'mass spells', in my version it is at 56f690

On the next line starting at 56f6a0 you can see the following:
05 23 18 3e 2d 15

which means the following:
05 - for the following 5 creatures add these spells... (if you are gonna add spells for units not in that list you have to increase this number to 6 or more depending how many new creatures you will edit)
The 5 units that have pre-generated spells in the file are:
23 - mage
18 - genie
3e - water elemental
2d - ogre mage
15 - faery dragon

A lit bit further in the file you will see the following string which is connected to the mage (23h):

19 7f . 28 52 . 00 00 . 00 00 which means the following - if there are 25 (19h) or more mages in the stack add 7f spell (mass blur), if there 40 (28h) or more mages add 52 spell (mass curse) and mages have two blank spots left for more spells. If you want to add lets say disrupting ray (80 hex value) for all mages (1 or more in a stack) and summon phoenix (ab hex value) if there are more than 100 (64h) write this:
19 7f . 28 52 . 01 80 . 64 ab

19 60 . 19 63 . 00 00 . 00 00 if there are more than 25 genies give them mass slow and mass mirth
1e 64 . 00 00 . 00 00 . 00 00 if there are more than 30 water elementals give them mass weakness
19 0c . 00 00 . 00 00 . 00 00 if there are more than 30 ogre mages give them bloodfrenzy
0f 13 . 00 00 . 00 00 . 00 00 if there are more than 15 faery dragons give them cloud of confusion

if you want to add more spells for creatures not in that list start at 56f6d8 (just after the faery dragon spells - 0f 13 00 00 00 00 00 00) and do the following:

1. Increase the value (05 initialy) at 56f6a0 to match the new number of spellcasters with more spells
2. Start adding the new spellcaster units as hex values at 56f6a6 just after 05 23 18 3e 2d 15
3. For the spells of the first newly added unit use the 56f6d8, second - 56f6e0, third - 56f6e8, fourth - 56f6f0 and fifth (you cant edit more than 5 units) - 56f6f8
4. For each unit starting from the proper address write the quantity in the stack needed for the spell to be activated (01 for 1 unit or more, hex values) than search in the list below for the hex value of the spell. Each unit can have max 4 more spells.

For some reason spells like healing doesn't work properly - their power doesn't increase with the number of units in the stack.

Here is a list of all spellcasters you can edit or add:more spells for them, other units doesnt have spellcasting animation and even if you add spells for them they will not work (I tested that with monks, I added mana and spell power for them in the proper file but still nothing):

46 - Dark Champion
44 - Evil Sorceres
3e - Water Elemental
30 - Phoenix
2d - Ogre Mage
2b - Nightmare
23 - Mage
21 - Imp
18 - Genie
15 - Faery Dragon
0f - Devil
01 - Angel

List of spells:

00 - acid                       10 - heavenly shield
01 - aging                      11 - chain lightning
02 - animate dead               12 - phantom image
03 - anti-magic                 13 - cloud of confusion
04 - armageddon                 14 - cold resistance
05 - banish                     15 - confusion
06 - berserk                    16 - cowardice
07 - bind flyer                 17 - curse

08 - bind wound                 18 - death call
09 - binding                    19 - despair
0a - bless                      1a - disintegrate
0b - blind                      1b - dispel
0c - bloodfrenzy                1c - displacement
0d - bloodlust                  1d - celestial armor
0e - sparks                     1e - divine intervention
0f - cancellation               1f - defender

20 - holy shout                 30 - fortune
21 - dragon strength            31 - freezing attack
22 - unholy song                32 - choking gas
23 - exorcism                   33 - giant strength
24 - aura of fear               34 - mass forgetfullness
25 -                            35 - guardian angel
26 -                            36 - hand of death
27 - fire bolt                  37 - haste

28 - fire resistance            38 - healing
29 - fire ring                  39 - health (potion)
2a - fire shield                3a - spiritual armor
2b - fire ball                  3b - retribution
2c - fire aura                  3c - holy water
2d - fist strike                3d - holy word
2e - flight                     3e - hypnotize
2f - forgetfullness             3f - ice bolt

40 - create illusion            50 - mass bless
41 - implosion                  51 - mass cancelation
42 - inferno                    52 - mass curse
43 - demon fire                 53 - mass dispel
44 - life drain                 54 - mass exorcism
45 - lightning                  55 - mass first strike
46 - luck                       56 - mass fortune
47 - magic arrow                57 - mass speed

48 - magic fist                 58 - mass healing
49 - magic leech                59 - mass misfortune
4a - magic mirror               5a - mass precision
4b - magic resistance           5b - mass chaos ward
4c - mana                       5c - mass death ward
4d - mana flare                 5d - mass nature ward
4e -                            5e - mass order ward
4f - martyr                     5f - mass slayer

60 - mass slow                  70 - poison attack
61 - mass snake strike          71 - power drain
62 - mass sorrow                72 - prayer
63 - mass mirth                 73 - precision
64 - mass weakness              74 - immortality
65 - mire                       75 - chaos ward
66 - misfortune                 76 - death ward
67 - morale (potion)            77 - life ward

68 - speed                      78 - nature ward
69 - slow                       79 - order ward
6a - pain mirror                7a - quickness
6b - panic (Bone Dragon)        7b - qucksand
6c - pathfinding                7c - raise ghost
6d - blur                       7d - raise sceleton
6e - plague                     7e - raise vampires
6f - poison                     7f - mass blur

80 - distrupting ray            90 - song of peace
81 - rebirth                    91 - sorrow
82 - cat reflexes               92 - speed potion
83 - regeneration               93 - spell shakle
84 - endurance                  94 - mirth
85 - resurrection               95 - steal all enchatments
86 - rock grow                  96 - steal enchatments
87 - necromancy ward            97 - stone skin

88 - sacrifice                  98 -
89 - sanctuary                  99 - strength (potion)
8a - charm (mermaid)            9a - stun
8b - heal(another one)          9b - summon elf
8c - slayer                     9c - summon white tiger
8d - faltigue                   9d - summon air elemental
8e - smoke                      9e - summon ship
8f - snake strike               9f - summon cerberus

a0 - summon ice demon           b0 - summon water elem
a1 - summon venom spawn         b1 - summon wolf
a2 - summon devils              b2 - teleport
a3 - summon earth elemental     b3 - terrain walk
a4 - summon faerie dragon       b4 - terror
a5 - summon fire elemental      b5 - town gate
a6 - summon griffin             b6 - vampiric touch
a7 - summon ice demon (again)   b7 - visions

a8 - summon imp                 b8 - water walk
a9 - summon leprecon            b9 - weakness
aa - summon mantis              ba - frozen
ab - summon phoenix             bb - summon waspwort
ac - summon satyr
ad - summon sprite
ae - wasp swarm
af - summon unicorn

List of units

00  air elemental      19  ghost              32  pirate
01  angel              1a  berserker          33  satyr
02  ballista           1b  gold golem         34  sea monster
03  bandit             1c  griffin            35  skeleton
04  behemoth           1d  halfling           36  squire
05  beholder           1e  harpy              37  sprite
06  black dragon       1f  hydra              38  thunderbird
07  bone dragon        20  ice demon          39  titan
08  centaur            21  imp                3a  troglodyte
09  cerberus           22  leprechaun         3b  troll
0a  champion           23  mage               3c  unicorn
0b  crossbowman        24  mantis             3d  vampire
0c  crusader           25  medusa             3e  water elemental
0d  cyclops            26  mermaid            3f  white tiger
0e  venom spawn        27  minotaur           40  wolf
0f  devil              28  monk               41  zombie
10  dragon golem       29  mummy              42  waspwort
11  dwarf              2a  naga               43  goblin knight
12  earth elemental    2b  nightmare          44  evil sorceress
13  efreet             2c  nomad              45  gargantuan
14  elf                2d  ogre mage          46  dark champion
15  faerie dragon      2e  orc                47  catapult
16  fire elemental     2f  peasant            48  frenzied gnasher
17  gargoyle           30  phoenix            49  mega dragon
18  genie              31  pikeman

Thank you for your research! With the help of your research, now I have found a way to add more than 4 spells to a creature:

If we want to add more than 4 spells to the same creature, we can  input the same code of the creature after what we input before.

For example, if we want to add 4 or less spells to evil sorceress, we could change "05 23 18 3e 2d 15" to "06 23 18 3e 2d 15 44". But if we want to add 5-8 spells in, we should change it to "07 23 18 3e 2d 15 44 44".

After that, we can input new code spells after what we input before. If these 4 spells we added in was "01 01 01 02 01 03 01 04", we can add new spells by just changing it to "01 01 01 02 01 03 01 04 01 05 01 06 01 07"

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Legendary Hero
posted June 19, 2017 12:20 PM
Edited by Baronus at 12:21, 19 Jun 2017.

Thanks It will be usefull for adding 4 spells because must be 00 between units eg. 12131400567689. If is not first unit has all spells the second, third, fourth etc.
List of spell caster actualisation:
46 - Dark Champion
44 - Evil Sorceres
3e - Water Elemental
30 - Phoenix
2d - Ogre Mage
2b - Nightmare
23 - Mage
21 - Imp
18 - Genie
15 - Faery Dragon
0f - Devil
01 - Angel
22 leprechaun
33 satyr

All unit with casting animation may have spell I think. You can add spell animation to all unit using Nimostar method and edit seq ence I think.

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Tavern Dweller
posted July 31, 2017 04:53 PM

Is it possible to use hex editor to change build-in cheats? For example I would like to get only 15 movement points when using NWCHERMES.

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Supreme Hero
posted July 31, 2017 05:41 PM

Have you considered adding a script that increases movement instead of cheat?
Otherwise I'm sure you could easily edit it, if you know where it's stored. I recall I stumbled upon the cheat codes in one of the 'tables' files, perhaps you just need to edit the number in there?

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Tavern Dweller
posted August 01, 2017 08:27 AM

What is the best app for extracting and building .h4r files? I am looking for something up to date and on legit hosting site without viruses...

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Known Hero
posted August 01, 2017 06:14 PM

There are still only these tools:



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Supreme Hero
posted August 01, 2017 07:06 PM

You should also download the TextEdit Tool, should be on the same page of Celestialheavens site as the other tools - otherwise select H4 section and find the page Useful Tools.
You'll need the last one for the actual editing. As Nimostar posted on several occasions, editing the text files in txt format or similar will corrupt the files.
Either of the first programs can be used for extracting the tables files.
I haven't had virus alert by downloading from celestialheavens, so you should be just fine.

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Legendary Hero
posted August 01, 2017 08:39 PM

Link to more versions and MH4096 its only full correct version!

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Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted September 02, 2017 06:23 AM

The method for adding more spells to "spellcasting" creatures can also be used to give nonspellcasting creatures spellcasting.

Try my mod. For example, use Mermaid. This creature does not normally spellcast, but in my mod, it does. (you can summon mermaid from cheat menu)

How to do this? Well, it doesn't work with default anims.

That's why in my custom SPRs, ALL creatures are edited to have spellcasting anims (duplicated from ranged, attack, fiddle, etc.)

Ypu can find beta versions of these on Hero Creature pack. (you will need to build a mod with them or change extension to .h4d and put them in Data folder)

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Known Hero
posted March 24, 2018 01:22 AM

Guys... How to swap units? radmutant69 has told to me to change numbers in exe. (Heroes 4 and Equilibris).


I wanted to change bandits to pirates and hydras to sea monsters.

The first swap works, but the second one (hydras to sea monsters) crashes the game.

Could someone give me help with this one?

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Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted March 24, 2018 10:01 AM

I don't know if it's relevant, but if you are talking dwellings then:

Pirates, Bandits = Chaos

Hydras = Chaos
Sea Monster = Might

As you can see pirates and bandits are the same type, whereas Hydra and Sea Monster aren't.

This may or may not be the/an error, but better to try.

Change Sea Monsters to Chaos if you are putting it in a Chaos town.

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Known Hero
posted March 24, 2018 11:56 AM

How to change alliance sea monsters from might to chodź?

I know that with Hex editor, but i dont know where and what numbers to change.

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Known Hero
posted March 24, 2018 12:39 PM bonus applied by Galaad on 09 Jun 2019.
Edited by radmutant69 at 12:59, 24 Mar 2018.

Yeah that was the solution. Thanks Nimostar and sorry to forgot it, Szaman

To do that, you should extract 'table.creatures.txt' from the equi_text.h4r file and edit it with TextEdit tool (you can download it from here with other tools).
Just find Sea Monster in that file and overwrite 'might' with 'Chaos'. Then save it as table.creatures.h4d and put it into your Data folder or pack the txt into a h4r file.

Or alternatively just download this file (well, now I modified an Equi 3.55a exe so I'm not really sure it will work in your version but you can extract the needed files from my h4r anyway...)

Edit: If you put my stuff into your Data folder, don't forget to backup your new_mod.h4r if you have one.

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Known Hero
posted March 24, 2018 03:36 PM

Big thanks! I very appreciate your help. Your file perfectly works

Btw. You have a lovely background in the creature panel, how did you do it?

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Known Hero
posted March 24, 2018 04:26 PM

You're welcome.

About the background, I have no idea It was probably automatic, I think.

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Known Hero
posted April 20, 2018 01:58 AM

Guys... is there a way to delete berserk ability from berserkers via Hex Editor? It's annoying skill for a 1 lvl creature:/

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Known Hero
posted April 20, 2018 11:49 AM
Edited by radmutant69 at 11:58, 20 Apr 2018.

Well in practice you must replace it with another ability but yes:

Find this address in the exe and replace that 03 with any other ability's hex code.

Note that some abilities like 'Toughness' don't do anything, they only display the ability's icon in the game. You can find more information about this here (scroll down in NimoStar's post there.)

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