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Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted May 03, 2015 11:08 AM bonus applied by VokialBG on 05 May 2015.
Edited by magnomagus at 17:32, 31 Oct 2020.

[MOD] Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5

RC14 beta 4 Released Oct 2020!

MMH5.5 on Discord

MMH5.5 on Moddb (Screenshots)

MMH5.5 on Facebook


MMH5.5 is an unofficial expansion pack for HOMM5 Tribes of the East or HOMM5 Complete and a spiritual successor to the popular WOG modification for HOMM3. The pack will include many new adventure objects, new larger battlefields, new heroes, new classes, new specializations, new skills, new artifacts, new adventure spells, new HD textures and a greatly improved RMG with more than 60 'visualized' Templates. The AI is much more intelligent and calculated much faster. Balance is also greatly improved both for small competitive multiplayer maps as well as crazy XXXL maps with countless epic battles vs Neutrals and AI.

Movie: Introduction to MMH5.5 for HOMM3 Players (40 min with commentary)

Extended Adventure Map

In MMH5.5 there will be around ~30 new adventure objects. Treasure vaults and dungeons will now have unique immersive interiors with larger battlefields, growing armies and new obstacles. The contents of the new locations is completely dynamic and follows an Oblivion/Skyrim inspired constantly scaling and endlessly randomized system. Armies and rewards will never be exactly the same again no matter how often you play a map. The resistance will scale up to the players strength no matter how long the game takes. Possible rewards are no longer static amounts of gold and resources, but can also include artifacts, spells, scrolls, wands, prisoners and small permanent skillboosts.

The Advanced RMG

The new RMG must fix the lack of great H5 maps and increase the replayability of the game. It combines the excellent 3D landscaping capability from the original H5 3.1 RMG with a complete overhaul and extension of the internal adventure objects, artifacts and monster placement mechanics. The advanced RMG is capable of properly balancing player starting zones and differentiate between early, mid and late game areas. It places all 30 new adventure objects and previously excluded adventure objects. The resistance is much stronger and various with 480 additional mixed neutral stack templates. The new RMG can create balanced PvP maps as well as gigantic singleplayer XXXL maps with hundreds of epic battles and all zones scaling up to crazy powerful heroes. See the Details

New Artifact Framework

MMH5.5 will be the first mod to add new artifacts to the game. Currently 34 new artifacts are added including 6 new ultimate items. The effective amount of artifacts in the game will now be the same as H3SOD. There will also be many new effects, in terms of unique effects the variation is actually far greater than H3. Furthermore Smart backpack items will increase the amount of effective slots to the same amount as H3/4.See the Details

Enhanced Class/Skill/Spell System

MMH5.5 will have might/magic and balanced classes with ingame skilltrees and 8 secondary skill option for all 24 classes!. New framework with 18 heroes per faction, 6 heroes per class, all heroes have only professional quality Ashan style portraits and many newly programmed skills and specializations. Improved experience levels allow the player to fill more slots and level up to 40. Smart witch huts that ask questions and understand class differences. All set artifacts will be rewritten for 24 classes. Improved spell system with spellpower dependant light and dark magic, nurf/buff strength improves with spellpower or the creature stack size. See the Details

Faster AI and Performance

MMH5.5 uses the very fast reprogrammed H5_AIProcess31j.exe from Quantomas. New Quick-Combat loss correction scripts will keep the AI challenging even on the largest maps without losing calculation time. There will be a new 64bit exe file that can address more memory and fix performance and CTD issues H5 was having on XL maps. There will be new console commands and script functions. MMH5.5 will also have extremely easy team settings, the game will autodetect if there are more than 2 human players on the map and propose to make teams, if the proposal is refused the players continue as normal. In singleplayer a console command can be used on any map to play human vs all AI.

Campaigns and Maps

All old campaigns and singleplayer maps from H5/HOF are playable in MMH5.5 with new features. There are also 15 demo maps available that allow to explore all new adventure objects and features without the need to read the ARMG manual first.

Advanced Town Portal (optional)

The ability to teleport to any desired town from H3 is back in H5. In MMH5.5 the system is very simple and balanced. Every town with a mage guild lvl 5 receives a 'town gate' and all heroes can be teleported back to that town if desired, regardless of their level.

Governance (optional)

The new optional governance feature, introduced in RC4 will allow players to use secondary heroes to govern towns and gain experience points and skills by doing that. Governor heroes will also receive various special bonuses from the town buildings

Town & Dwelling Conversion (optional)

Starting from MMH5.5 RC3 it will be possible, but not obligatory, to play any H5 map with town & dwelling conversion. In H5.5 Town Conversion will be much better balanced then it was in H6. In H6 it made the game too simple, because it was too cheap to convert towns and there were not enough restrictions. In H5.5 Town Conversion can actually make the game more difficult, instead of easier. There will be various new RMG Templates available designed specifically for expert players who want the game to be harder and more chaotic with Town Conversion enabled.


Faction Info Trailers: Inferno-Stronghold-Academy-Haven-Fortress-Necropolis-Sylvan


MMH55 Downloads

Movie: How to Install MMH5.5?

Hotseat & LAN require script activation!

MMH55 is a script extension and H5 does not have scripts activated in multiplayer modes (Hotseat & LAN) by default. Therefore it is required to activate scripts on newly generated RMG maps and also on multiplayer maps downloaded from the internet (which don't have any scripted content) if you want to play those in Hotseat/LAN. You don't need to do this for playing in single player. All H5.5 default maps and included maps have scripts already activated.

MMH5.5 Script Activation and Preventing Sync Issues

System Requirements

MMH5.5 has higher system requirements ,you can pretty much consider the H6 requirements as applicable. Otherwise you may suffer from adventure map lag. MMH5.5 uses more detailed landscape textures. Next-gen core-ix processors with high clockspeed on single core really make the AI 'fly' and are highly recommended.

MMH5.5 FAQ - Troubleshooting

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Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted May 03, 2015 11:12 AM
Edited by magnomagus at 23:15, 23 Mar 2016.


MMH55 Release Notes RC6

List of Improvements in RC5

New Features in RC4

New Features in RC3

List of Improvements in RC2


Czech Translation

Known issues

All these issues are hardcoded limitations of 31j source code!

-You cannot play in LAN with AI players.
-The hotseat 8 skills etc. buttons look weird, but they work.
-Witch huts cannot fill the 8th slot with a basic skill but can improve the 8th skill to advanced or expert. This issue does not apply to the 7th slot.
-Witch huts sometimes offer a new skill even if you already have a full load, if you accept just nothing happens.
-Some of the scripted effects on artifacts are not immediately visible when placing the artifact in the slot, but they should be after closing the heroscreen and right-clicking on the hero or reopening the heroscreen.
-Set artifact indication serve to show you which artifacts are part of which set, but don't update.
-barbarians cannot learn both town gate and town portal.
-Gold income from artifacts is not shown in kingdom overview, but it does add to your stock.
-8 skills is not available in campaigns.
-neutral heroes option is poorly balanced and if hidden artifacts is activated they cannot be switched off 100%.
-paladins cannot use the training building, extra knights are in the pool to neutralize the issue.

Map Compatibility

All MMH5.5 functionality works automatically on all H5 default multiplayer maps and also old RMG maps, user maps that don't contain any modding content. Adventure Objects like crypts and witch hut will automatically convert to the new functionality, but of course since these maps are made before this mod they don't contain any new objects. Therefore you have to play Advanced RMG maps to check out all new stuff on day 1. I will add additional demo maps, so the mod can be played right away without even the need to read through the  ARMG manual first. To work in multiplayer, the map needs to have scripts activated, this is very easy and will be explained in the ARMG manual. All H5 default maps will have script already activated.
Duel mode is to-do list.

Mapmaking for MMH5.5


Magnomagus: project lead design, hex editing, programming, textures and manuals.

Quantomas: AI Programming (31j)
Kronos1000: hex-editing
BAD: hex-editing
Deflaktor: hex-editing, PEST
Simonak:  hex-editing, technical issues
Indral: hex-editing
Sfidanza: hex editing
Mirthless/PvP: Scripting ideas
Alexoff: Scripting ideas
Prome7eus: Scripting ideas
Frostymuaddib: Scripting ideas
xuxo: Pre-rendered textures, HD textures
Marzhin: DM map content
Alcibiades: Building cost balance
Cepheus: 8 skills UI, technical issues
Xazardous: UI buttons
Heroesleague user?: Extended ATB
dredknight: LAN testing, social media
dabuthegreat: Polish Translation
Spamm: text improvements.
TSoD: improved creature icons.
Fiur: refugee mod

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Famous Hero
posted May 03, 2015 11:45 AM
Edited by lotihoti at 11:56, 03 May 2015.

Very nice - as far as i c - cant test it so i cant say more.
IF all that is going to work (or does it work allready?)
The crypta and other arenas look brilliant.

18 Turns for Suffering is rly long.
I would make the duration a bit shorter.

How did you change the interior of a crypt battlefield?

Btw am i a wip to download it and look into it? xD

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Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted May 03, 2015 11:58 AM

Oh. My. Freaking. God. Who needs Heroes VII when you could have this, huh?

This looks simply fantastic

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Undefeatable Hero
posted May 03, 2015 12:32 PM

Impressive. If only this would become a reality. A Heroes 5 WOG would be just amazing, and a feat in itself. Can you give us an approximation of how far in you are? And are you undertaking such a large project all by yourself?

Anyways, I can't wait to see what comes of this. Good luck.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

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Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted May 03, 2015 06:35 PM

Can you give us an approximation of how far in you are? And are you undertaking such a large project all by yourself?

I have already finished around 8000 lines of lua code + an extension of 25000 lines of XML for the RMG database. But this is mainly about building the platform. The platform is what I'm currently doing on my own, but once it is ready people can pick it up and use it to create their own stuff. I have already tested it is even possible to create a King's bounty legend style campaign on single XL map. The AI can be frozen = 0 turntime, so the player walks free. The mapmaker can drag and drop new battle sites with large battlefields to create as many epic battles as he/she wants. Combined with the existing mixed neutral stack functionality, the required resistance can come from the adventure map alone, if desired.

I will have more time later to answer more of your questions.

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Famous Hero
posted May 03, 2015 06:37 PM

OMG ^^ your genius...

share more with us

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Undefeatable Hero
posted May 03, 2015 06:56 PM

magnomagus said:
I will have more time later to answer more of your questions.

Sounds great. After testing Heroes 7 and being more or less disappointed, these news about a WOG-like mod for Heroes 5 brightened my day a little. I wish you all the best with this project and may it end up being a great addition to the game
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

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Famous Hero
posted May 04, 2015 10:24 AM
Edited by lotihoti at 10:28, 04 May 2015.

Hey Magus,

Just a question:
Is it possible to load existing maps with your programm and edit it?

Would be awesome. Would even pay for it xD

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Hired Hero
posted May 04, 2015 11:57 AM
Edited by Rinveron at 12:02, 04 May 2015.

what a good mod. perhaps I agree with the 18 turns being slightly to long. but then again my hero can cast mass suffering for a lot longer late game

slightly concerned about leadership for necro. +6 attack combines with expert attack is going to be to powerful. a good artefact quite offen does not have +6 to 1 stat alone. I was half it and give it +3 so its not a skill all necro want

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Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted May 04, 2015 02:47 PM
Edited by magnomagus at 14:52, 04 May 2015.

Is it possible to load existing maps with your programm and edit it?

It seems I have created some confusion, I have added new paragraph 'map compatibility' to the end of the first post to explain this. Also MMH5.5 is free.

18 Turns for Suffering is rly long.

In TOE it would be double the amount, I already cut it in half!, also note this is for 142 Lvl5 creatures!, read the fan manual about creature spellpower.

slightly concerned about leadership for necro. +6 attack combines with expert attack is going to be to powerful. a good artefact quite offen does not have +6 to 1 stat alone. I was half it and give it +3 so its not a skill all necro want

A 'medium strength perk' is considered equal to +2 primary skill (at least according to nival), morale is useless for undead so expert leadership is 3 wasted skillslots, 3x2 = 6. To motivate them to go all the way I actually set it +1,+3,+6.

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Supreme Hero
posted May 04, 2015 03:14 PM

Looks pretty neat! I've been out of the loop... how did you (and Quantomas for that matter) manage to make these modifications?

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Famous Hero
posted May 04, 2015 03:24 PM

Thx for your answers

Im rly looking Forward to test it.

I know that 142 are a lot of stuff (probably week 10 - 12 - if None got raised).
Its hard to find some balance here. So with half the spellpower (71 lichs) this spell lasts about 9 turns - which is the full battle. On the other hand its hard to make them not tooo short. Otherwise they would be useless.

Normally it takes me 4 - 5 turns in a battle between equal armies to destroy the ai (i play offensive xD).

I actually love this topic and project.

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Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted May 04, 2015 03:36 PM
Edited by magnomagus at 15:39, 04 May 2015.

how did you (and Quantomas for that matter) manage to make these modifications?

Quantomas is the only person who can modify the game in C++, because he has an old source code somewhere between 3.0 and 3.1. I'm just making a mod for his 31j exe file and programming is done in lua. There is however also some hex-editing involved. H5 can run scripts on all maps instead of just one if they are loaded from the adv-map common lua. This is not really new, PvP used this method in the russian tournament edition already years ago. The hard part is to work around all the missing script functions and bugs from the older source.

How did you change the interior of a crypt battlefield?

I discovered this by accident, check out the script from the last mission from the original campaign, the fight is not a siege but takes place on a larger battlefield with a magic wall.

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Adventuring Hero
posted May 04, 2015 03:53 PM

What a news! Great job magnomagus!

And for the ideas:
- have you considered 1-7lvl creature dwellings?
- are there any changes in the interface(to be more 'lightly')?
http://heroes.net.pl/ - najlepsza polska strona o serii HoMM

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Famous Hero
posted May 04, 2015 06:24 PM

magnomagus said:

How did you change the interior of a crypt battlefield?

I discovered this by accident, check out the script from the last mission from the original campaign, the fight is not a siege but takes place on a larger battlefield with a magic wall.

I saw that arena - but i can only create specific battles and no battles which are always like this

Thats why i am so excited about your idea and modding. I really love it

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Known Hero
posted May 04, 2015 07:52 PM

Very interesting! But doesnt Quatomas Mod not allow for multiplayer?

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Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted May 04, 2015 09:16 PM
Edited by magnomagus at 21:17, 04 May 2015.

Hotseat works 100%. According to dredknights testing 31j LAN works if only human players are involved, not AI players. 8 skillslots can be used and I also fixed the UI. The mod can also work with a regular 3.1 exe that supports might and magic classes.

- have you considered 1-7lvl creature dwellings?

TSOD made level4-7 dwellings, but they are clearly out of scale. I included them in my old RPE mod, but no mapmaker ever used them, so I dropped them to the bottom of my priority list.

are there any changes in the interface(to be more 'lightly')?

There is a lot of work done on the functionality but the style is still the same, I don't know what you mean by lightly.

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Famous Hero
posted May 05, 2015 08:15 AM

Magno can you send me a link or a downloadlink were you fixed the ui of lan games for the ai 3.1?
I think i still have an old one.


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Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted May 05, 2015 12:17 PM

That is unreleased material

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