
Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted April 28, 2019 06:29 PM |
Quaranyr said: Do you plan to fix Poison Cloud one day? It still doesn't show how much damage it will deal. Well, it shows " of Earth damage" to be precise.
Which language?
It should be easy
Important H7 tips & tricks
H7 Community Patch (UCP)


Hired Hero
posted April 30, 2019 08:15 PM |
Edited by Quaranyr at 20:16, 30 Apr 2019.
Russian. hrough I had this bug in the English version as well.

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted June 22, 2019 02:52 PM |

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted June 29, 2019 07:32 PM |

Famous Hero
(Andruids for short)
posted July 25, 2019 05:31 AM |
Hello, I was playing H7 for the last two days and found a numer of bugs. It might belong to the Buglist topic, but UCP mod also aims to fix overall H7 experience and both topics were made by Antalyan, so...
1) Gold Dragon always attacks its intended targets on the 1st turn, but later it's a roulette. Sometimes it just deals damage to the primary target but attacks correctly during the subsequent morale turn. One time, it attacked the primary target and the one that was behind him! I suspect it might have something to do with a direction its facing before the attack.
2) Imperial Griffin still sometimes disappears under the battlefield after the Diving Attack, which always freezes the combat. Unless the cause is found and eliminated, I suggest to make it a combination of flying "Feral Charge" (but without attack boost) and "Strike and Return" skill (with a one turn cooldown).
3) Resurrection doesn't work on a stack that's completely dead.
4) Teleporting stacks (e.g. Vampires and Troglodytes) can enter a loop and move infinitely. If an AI gets this, the game effectively freezes because the creature moves between two hexes to and fro.
5) AI units affected by any area of effect stay there indiscriminately - be it Soulless' Heart of Darkness or a Fire Wall.

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted July 25, 2019 10:50 AM |
Edited by Antalyan at 19:24, 25 Jul 2019.
AncientDruids said: Hello, I was playing H7 for the last two days and found a numer of bugs. It might belong to the Buglist topic, but UCP mod also aims to fix overall H7 experience and both topics were made by Antalyan, so...
1) Gold Dragon always attacks its intended targets on the 1st turn, but later it's a roulette. Sometimes it just deals damage to the primary target but attacks correctly during the subsequent morale turn. One time, it attacked the primary target and the one that was behind him! I suspect it might have something to do with a direction its facing before the attack.
2) Imperial Griffin still sometimes disappears under the battlefield after the Diving Attack, which always freezes the combat. Unless the cause is found and eliminated, I suggest to make it a combination of flying "Feral Charge" (but without attack boost) and "Strike and Return" skill (with a one turn cooldown).
3) Resurrection doesn't work on a stack that's completely dead.
4) Teleporting stacks (e.g. Vampires and Troglodytes) can enter a loop and move infinitely. If an AI gets this, the game effectively freezes because the creature moves between two hexes to and fro.
5) AI units affected by any area of effect stay there indiscriminately - be it Soulless' Heart of Darkness or a Fire Wall.
Hi, thanks for your reports, it doesn't matter which topic you use.
1) Targetting is one of the big issues I haven't managed to solve yet. Sometimes different targets are displayed than are hit but I have no idea what causes that or how to fix that. It happens when Piercing Shot or similar abilities as well. I will conduct further research on that, though.
EDIT: It seems to hit targets in a line as if there were only right angles. It is totally weird and I doubt I can do anything with that, although it annoys me a lot.
2) Could you tell me more about such a situation? It used to happen but I haven't managed to reproduce it yet after the ability change.
EDIT: Already reproduced, I can change that (your advice is good) but the visual effect is bound with disappearing/return and scripted :/
3) I'll check (do you mean the spell or the creature ability?)
4) Do you know when such a loop occurred?
5) This is known; unfortunately, AI behaviour cannot be changed in the editor.
Important H7 tips & tricks
H7 Community Patch (UCP)

Famous Hero
(Andruids for short)
posted July 25, 2019 07:26 PM |
Thanks for your reply Antalyan. I made an extensive amount of screenshots. I'll post them here when I come back from work. EDIT:
1) Example 1, Example 2, Example 3, Example 4, Example 5, Example 6
2) LINK-- screens showing progression of bugged Dive Attack - the attack targets the dwarf and the bear, then Griffin flies but doesn't land, no damage is dealt and when all enemies are killed, the battle is stuck and you can't even restart it.
3) LINK -- Both - Screens show an attempt of resurrecting killed Gold Dragon stack but both the spell and creature's ability fail.
4) LINK -- it happened to me when the teleporting unit reached my last rank units. Had to kill it before it did to complete this battle.

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted July 26, 2019 01:44 PM |
Edited by Antalyan at 14:02, 26 Jul 2019.
Thanks for this extensive number of screenshots!
1) From your reports (and my further tests as well), it seems the ability target (2x2 line) is not able to work with flanking and any other angles than right. I'll try changing the way the Gold Breath works (different target area).
2) I'm worried the only solution will be a complete change of this ability, the landing script must be bugged.
3) Has it happened to you in more combats?
Whenever I try to resurrect a dead creature, it works.
4) Looks like a very rare issue, I doubt it can be avoided :/
Let me know if you encounter any other bugs.
Important H7 tips & tricks
H7 Community Patch (UCP)

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted September 22, 2019 08:50 PM |

Known Hero
posted September 24, 2019 01:11 AM |
good to see u still on the game (-:
may i ask what u changed here?
129. AI uses Lightning Bolt too much and
B11. Archlich AI behaviour: does not defend any more
beside that some nice ideas ^^ im sure u took ure time to rework the hero skills, i only took a quick glance so far and noticed amiliciar now supports 4 rows, that might cause Problems, i think 3 rows are with valilla tactics skilled? 2 should be Default if i remember Right (been a while i played), 4 rows will cause Bugs if i remember Right, its About unit Placement, if there are 4 rows, weird stuff can happen, such as Units being stuck in obstacles…
good Job on mod tough ^^ will be sure to test it out soon

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted September 25, 2019 03:11 PM |
MoritzBradtke said: good to see u still on the game (-:
may i ask what u changed here?
129. AI uses Lightning Bolt too much and
B11. Archlich AI behaviour: does not defend any more
beside that some nice ideas ^^ im sure u took ure time to rework the hero skills, i only took a quick glance so far and noticed amiliciar now supports 4 rows, that might cause Problems, i think 3 rows are with valilla tactics skilled? 2 should be Default if i remember Right (been a while i played), 4 rows will cause Bugs if i remember Right, its About unit Placement, if there are 4 rows, weird stuff can happen, such as Units being stuck in obstacles…
good Job on mod tough ^^ will be sure to test it out soon
As for the Archlich, it was necessary to change the way the whole ability works (technically, it still does the same, thouugh) - and surprisingly, it helped.
- Lower priority for Lightning Burst: general utility stat reduced from 1 and removed prim & second stat indicators, it seems it helped (at least during tests I made, AI preferred other spells)
Good point with Amilicar! Yes, 2 are default 
Important H7 tips & tricks
H7 Community Patch (UCP)

Tavern Dweller
posted January 15, 2020 08:28 PM |
MoritzBradtke said:
good to see u still on the game (-:
Agree! Good job, Antalyan!
Antalyan said:
As for the Archlich, it was necessary to change the way the whole ability works (technically, it still does the same, thouugh) - and surprisingly, it helped.
... and now Archlich has 100% splash But always only from 2nd round 
Found another several bugs again 
- Skeletons "Eternal Servitude" not rises 25% of destroyed creatures after damage done (as intended). But it somewhy works only after skeletons attacks someone. Do not remember this behavior before (in 1.1).
- Another interesting bug: played several times for Necro and Banshees "incorporeal" seems not working now at first several weeks at all, but after... it accidentally begins to work... Dunno why Maybe I've seen something wrong, but that it is...
- And "necromancy" still not give 15% skeletons nor 13% banshees with Tower of necromancy built. I Remember I've reported that long ago and still there Actually it's not a "hot" bug because Necromancy is overpowered now I think.
P.S. New hero with Necromancy specialization is super imba, for sure

Famous Hero
Owning all 7 Heroes games
posted April 05, 2020 09:48 PM |
Just played a flawless medium sized RMG map and, won it yesterday.
No longer need your UCP patching Antalyan.
It was an interesting wild ride with you trying to further fixing the game .But, interestingly enough, the game works fine since my re-install of this newest build from Ubisoft's silent background workers-devs.
So...since February 2020, this game has been rebuilt to literally work with the visual studio C++ redistributables 2015 to 2019 via the latest version of 1909 of Windows 10 Home or Pro. Unforseen bugs no longer appear because of the cooperation of Microsoft and all Windows developers of games of all kinds.
You(Antalyan) could always fix the Haven character Edric as he is supposed to have the governor attribute since level 1. In the same time, will automatically fix the Tutorial of the original game of Heroes VII.
Thank You very much for your never ending endeavour at somewhat, fixing these unknown to me, bugs of the other misc. players out there.


Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted April 05, 2020 09:51 PM |
LucPatenaude said: But, interestingly enough, the game works fine since my re-install of this newest build from Ubisoft's silent background workers-devs.
Wait, what do you actually mean?

Famous Hero
(Andruids for short)
posted April 05, 2020 11:17 PM |
Sounds like a slightly late April Fool's joke.

Famous Hero
posted April 06, 2020 12:55 AM |
Never mind that guy; he's the resident troll here in HC...

Adventuring Hero
posted July 08, 2020 06:54 PM |
This mod or this
It seems the one I linked updated his mod recently. So I am curios, which one is the best, and fixes most bugs?

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted July 18, 2020 03:07 PM |
Greenpakto said: This mod or this
It seems the one I linked updated his mod recently. So I am curios, which one is the best, and fixes most bugs?
The answer is not so simple as we touch different things, the philosophy behind is a bit different, at least from my point of view. UCP tries to fix as many bugs and possible while modifying as little existing stuff as possible (plus adds new possibilities like new specializations or abilities). On the contrary, H7 Improved changes a lot of the original stuff and changes balance much more - UCP basically keeps the original game balance with its pros & cons.
As for the comparison, it's hard to make it as H7 Improved is much less transparent than UCP and its content isn't so clear or well-documented.
Important H7 tips & tricks
H7 Community Patch (UCP)

Adventuring Hero
posted July 24, 2020 02:09 PM |
Antalyan said:
Greenpakto said: This mod or this
It seems the one I linked updated his mod recently. So I am curios, which one is the best, and fixes most bugs?
The answer is not so simple as we touch different things, the philosophy behind is a bit different, at least from my point of view. UCP tries to fix as many bugs and possible while modifying as little existing stuff as possible (plus adds new possibilities like new specializations or abilities). On the contrary, H7 Improved changes a lot of the original stuff and changes balance much more - UCP basically keeps the original game balance with its pros & cons.
As for the comparison, it's hard to make it as H7 Improved is much less transparent than UCP and its content isn't so clear or well-documented.
OK I see. I went with your mod for now. I also like that you added the campaign heroes. Which is a great selling point for me.
One complaint I have though (which is towards the vanila game and some new heroes), is with a lot of heroes. They are very unbalanced, some are extremely weak. Mostly what I would like to see is that most special abilities scale with levels. 80% of the heroes receive specials that are good for 1-5 levels than trash. While some (haven for example) have scaled offense OR defense. While some towns heroes doesn't even have anything close to that power at level 30. Another example, some "special siege unit" heroes is scaleable with level, and some like in dungeon is not.

Adventuring Hero
posted July 24, 2020 02:20 PM |
Also is there anyway to increase map sizes with modding tools, for RMG maps? I think even the largest is WAY to small. I would like to see the double size of that or something similar. At least its too small right now.
Is that something you can add?