Supreme Hero
WCL owner
posted December 21, 2011 09:06 AM |
Quote: Which brings me to why HOMM III was so succesfull compared to the following versions and what I think is its most misunderstood game concept, one of the main reason for its success : RANDOM LUCK !
actually this is wrong thread to discuss game concepts...so i guess that Angelito will delete these messages...
but anyway i don't think that you are right.
the main reasons for homm3 success were:
- evolution, not REVOLUTION! (more artifacts, more skills, more map objects, more creatures)
- multiplayer support from the first version of homm3
- nice maps and campaigns
- great RMG and some good templates
- possibility to explore map quickly, do many fights quickly and develop heroes quickly. During 3-4 hours of playing the multiplayer game you can develop hero to level 20 giving him 6-8 skills on expert level.
- easy to start the game for noobs
- the more you play the more interesting is the game because there are a lot of useful tactics and strategies
- nice graphics
- very limited choice of similar games (Civilization?)
I play HoMM3 at www.heroes-
Tavern Dweller
posted December 21, 2011 09:11 AM |
Quote: Which brings me to why HOMM III was so succesfull compared to the following versions and what I think is its most misunderstood game concept, one of the main reason for its success : RANDOM LUCK !
actually this is wrong thread to discuss game concepts...so i guess that Angelito will delete these messages...
but anyway i don't think that you are right.
the main reasons for homm3 success were:
- evolution, not REVOLUTION! (more artifacts, more skills, more map objects, more creatures)
- multiplayer support from the first version of homm3
- nice maps and campaigns
- great RMG and some good templates
- possibility to explore map quickly, do many fights quickly and develop heroes quickly. During 3-4 hours of playing the multiplayer game you can develop hero to level 20 giving him 6-8 skills on expert level.
- easy to start the game for noobs
- the more you play the more interesting is the game because there are a lot of useful tactics and strategies
- nice graphics
- very limited choice of similar games (Civilization?)
i can put a sign under that(:
Known Hero
posted December 21, 2011 01:27 PM |
Edited by Frank at 15:49, 21 Dec 2011.
quote :
but anyway i don't think that you are right.
the main reasons for homm3 success were:
- evolution, not REVOLUTION! (more artifacts, more skills, more map objects, more creatures)
- multiplayer support from the first version of homm3
- nice maps and campaigns
- great RMG and some good templates
- possibility to explore map quickly, do many fights quickly and develop heroes quickly. During 3-4 hours of playing the multiplayer game you can develop hero to level 20 giving him 6-8 skills on expert level.
- easy to start the game for noobs
- the more you play the more interesting is the game because there are a lot of useful tactics and strategies
- nice graphics
- very limited choice of similar games (Civilization?)
You misunderstood my point. I agree with all the reasons you mentionned as to why HOMM3 was successfull and I could add several more reasons. I meant that random luck in regard of what they so desperatly want to achieve in all the following games of the series and especially in HOMM 6 (reducing the luck factor to the minimum). It wasn't the way to go IMO.
HOMM3 was a near perfect game. All they had to do is build on it.
Furthermore, my post was in a sense a great tactic : how to counter the luck factor. That is achieved by mastering all the tactics of this topic !
Adventuring Hero
posted December 22, 2011 02:59 PM |
How to avoid losing...
You are demon farming. You have say 40 demons, 7-9 pit lords, 5-6 efreets (out of fodder to convert) stats arent the best with 6 att 9 def. You stumble on a hive and you wanna take it now or never cause its very very far away... I know its easy with your army but you will lose at least 4-5 demons or few pits. So how to avoid losing anything? Split your 40 demon stack to 35-5 now the flies will attack the 5 demon stack while you will kill them one by one and before the end summon your 5 demons back. That way you lose nothing but gain more wyverns! Ofcourse this tactic applies on many different fights where you are out of fodder.
Known Hero
There are no limits
posted December 25, 2011 04:09 PM |
Edited by fank0 at 16:36, 25 Dec 2011.
We all know that speed is a major factor in Heroes III. As little as few steps can make the difference between winning the game and losing it. You should therefore try to move your heroes in the most optimal way to avoid losing precious movement points.
1. Let's start with something very well known by all regular players. The distance your hero can move the next turn is determined by the speed of the creatures he has at the end of the previous turn. For example a hero who had a single pikeman (4 speed) in his army at the end of the turn will have less movement points then a hero who had a single pegasus (8 speed) and a hero with an angel (12 speed) will have maximum movement points. It is therefore important to plan ahead and try to leave your main hero with a single fast unit at the end of each turn. Maximum movement is gained by having 11+ speed creature. There is no difference between a hero with one angel and a hero with one archangel - they will move the same distance.
It is important to note that while this is very valid and highly recomended early in the game, there come a point when it is wise to actually sacrifice some movement points but have all your army in your main hero. Whenever you think there is a reasonable chance a fight with the opponent may occur, it is in your best interest to not leave your hero with fast units only, because if the enemy attacks you he can easily kill off your divided armies.
2. At the beginning of the game you should give all your scouting heroes a single fast unit so they can explore faster. Often the second hero in the tavern will provide you with pixies/serpent flies/gargoyles/hell hounds/wolf riders, which are all very good for the purpose of increasing movement.
3. Look for movement increasing artifacts. The Boots of Speed and The Equestrian Gloves are both extremely important artifacts, especially if you can get them early in the game. They provide you with a significant movement bonus on each single turn. If you see these artifacts on the adventure map, make sure you plan so you can hit them ASAP.
However, consider your map location and goals carefully. If the Boots are for example in the top right corner of the map and in order to get them you need 2-3 turns, by all means ignore them.
Speed increasing artifacts (Necklace of Swiftness, Ring of the Wayfarer and Cape of Velocity) DO NOT increase your movement on the adventure map.
4. Look for movement increasing map locations. In the game there are several map locations which will grant you a movement bonus upon visiting. Especially important is the STABLE, because it will provide you with more movement points for all of the remaining week. It is generally a good idea to hit the stables on day one so you can have more movement for the next seven days. Again it is important to consider which day of the week it is and where the stables are located. It would often turn out to be unwise to spend a lot of movement in order to get there. For example if it is day 5 and you need to spend a whole turn to hit the stable it would actually be better to ignore it as you will practically lose movement.
Other map locations such as Watering hole, Rally Flag, Oasis, Fountain of youth will increase your movement until your next battle or until the end of the day. It is important to note that if you have multiple battles close to such a location you can hit it after each battle and gain the bonus over and over again.
Often the Watering Hole is placed on the road. You should know that you can actually move through it, because it can be visited from 4 or 5 different hexes. By clicking on each of them you can actually not leave the road thus gaining bonus movement.
Beware the Swan Pond. While it will give you a + 2 Luck for the next batlle, it will also deplete your movement points for the current turn.
5. Try to get Logistics early in the game. Logistics is an excellent skill for all heroes and should be valued highly. It is so powerful that heroes with the logistics specialty are often banned in multiplayer games. The 30% increase in movement is an amazing bonus and games are often won by the player who manage to get this skill early. It practically gives you a free turn each third turn.
6. Pathfinding. As we know some terrains have penalty associated with them for moving with nonnative troops. It is 75% for swamp, 50% for desert and snow and 25% for rough. If forced to move with nonnative army on penalty terrain pathfinding actually is better then logistics even on rough (the lowest penalty). On templates like jebus this skill is vital and not having pathfinding on your main often leads to losing games. The skill is also important when hitting hives/conservatories on snow/swamp because chaining is very hard on these terrains. If you do not have pathfinding or a at least some secondary heroes with pathfinding you will often find it impossible to quickly take conservatories/hives and we know these are some of the most important map locations. Therefore this skill is particularly good for fortress and tower and is also a must on maps where there are treasure zones (mostly on desert) or multiple zones with penalty terrain.
7. Spells that save you movement. Obviously Town Portal is an excellent spell and gives you a huge advantage. It is also located in the school of earth magic, which is what you look for anyway. It saves you from the necessity to maintain a chain of heroes to get your new population and allows for quick repositioning on the map, provided you get some castles. It is also a cool way to visit that Mana Vortex in your 15 turns away Dungeon castle to get double mana points.
Less obvious but even more important are the view air/view earth spells which give you near perfect knowledge of the map, in regard of terrain, resources, artifacts and enemy town/hero location. These spells are so good that are sometimes banned because players consider them overpowered.
Early in the game View Earth helps your scouts "find" the resources and gold you need so badly and when on expert all terrain is revealed so you have perfect knowledge of the map structure.
View air reveals artifacts, heroes and towns so it can help you decide which way to go or whether the enemy is close to you, so you can attack him or prepare youeself to be attacked on the next turn.
8. Redwood Observatory. I value this map location very highly and always aim to take it ASAP as it provides you with vision in a good radius around it, so you can save your scouts some movement and plan better what to do and when to do it. The same applies for the Pillar of light in the underground.
Sometimes when you move into a new zone you will find a tower town. If you do not need to build a tavern or a mage guild it is often a very good idea to build the Observatory which will reveal the map in a certain radius around the town. This will help you be more efficient in your planning / movement on the next turns.
9. Plan ahead. It is generally important to move your scouts before your main hero. The reason is that they explore the map and reveal new areas and map locations. Often you will find that what you have planned for your main to do on the next turn should be changed because your scouts have discovered an important locations you want to visit. The main hero should move when you have a good idea of what the best road to take is.
10. Focus on the important things. Your main hero should never try to hit each and every possible location and fight each monster stack. More then 80% of all battles can be done with secondary heroes and some chaining. Early in the game your main hero should focus on visiting stats increasing objects, objects that increase movement or give experience, and fight monsters that give high amount of experience points. What i generally look for are crypts, small treasuries, easy battles versus lots and hordes of dwarves, golems, walking dead and similar creatures.
11. Follow the roads !!! Roads are your best friend. They give you more movement and generally lead to new areas on the map. Hitting map locations far from the road with your main should be carefully considered. Of course, full griffin conservatories, utopias, pandora boxes and such may require your main hero attention but they all give great rewards. Movement is so important in Heroes that often it is better not to take that distant hive/conservatory/utopia because it will cost you too much time to get back. Adding some angels may sound tempting but 3 turns to do so are generally not worth it on most maps.
12. Use a chain of heroes. Your main hero should almost never pick up resources, fight small monster stacks away from the direction he wants to move in or need to come back in order to get some additional army. Clearing roads in multiple directions, gathering resources, hitting imp caches/treasuries and other resource giving locations that are far away is the job of your secondary heroes and not your main. With proper chaining you can do multiple battles each day and gather a lot of resources/army/artifacts. Bringing army to your main is also the job of your secondaries. In general your hero should focus on doing only highly rewarding things like opening pandora boxes/utopias/libraries of enlightment and fighting strong stacks of monsters that guard critical map locations (zone passes) or artifacts.
13. Poor man's town portal. You will often find your main hero many turns away from your main castle. For example you are playing jebus and in the first week your main has followed the road towards one of your second castles because your scouts have found a lot of crypts, dwellings, pandoras and artifacts that you can take. At the end of the week you wish your hero is in your main town so he can move towards the break to the treasure zone or open a big conservatory/hive/pandora in another direction. If you move back it will take several turns and you will lose too much time. What you can do is to maintain a chain of heroes between your main hero and the town closest to where you want him to be. If you have heroes set in such a way you can then take all army with the hero closest to your main and then chain back the army to your castle. The main hero then attacks a neutral guard with only a single faster troop or multiple slower ones so he can retreat and you can buy him in the tavern in your town. This is so helpful that i have had games when my main has done so like 5 or 6 times in the first week or two. It saves you tons of movement and allows you to develop your hero and economy much better.
14. Taverns on the map. Often overlooked, they are a great location to use in your favour. Say it is day 1 and you move a secondary hero down a road to explore. If you see a tavern you can then buy a hero from there and continue to explore further, which would have taken you two turns for each hero starting from your castle. Another example is if you really need to break to a treasury zone (say on jebus) but your town is so far away it would take you several days to reach it. If you have a tavern close to the break you can plan a chain of heroes and use a version of poor man's town portal to do the job. Your secondaries bring the army and you recruit your main from the tavern, gaining several turns worth of movement.
15. Scouting. Generally underestimated, this skill can sometimes provide great advantage. While it is by no means a must for any main hero if you somehow end taking it, it can help you. The extra vision is important, particularly when you move into an unscouted area and do not want to stray from the road. The extra 3 hexes can help you spot that utopia/relic/enemy hero that you would have else missed. Scouting artifacts are also great because they provide a bonus and you only need to use them when you are moving. This means that at the end of each turn you can have other artifacts equipped (morale/luck/archery/mana regen) and when you begin moving you just replace them with those so you can see further. Then you reequip the other artifacts before battle or when you end your turn.
That's all for now, hope some of you find it helpful.
I will update this post if i recall anything else worth including.
16. Deny your opponent's movement. Sometimes you will be in a situation when your hero has a few movement points left and is close to a monolith or is on a road that has obstacles on both sides. If you want to prevent your opponent from entering the monolith or moving up the road you can simply stand on the monolith or on the only passable square on the road and the enemy will have to fight you or go around.
In the same way you can block your enemy chaining and prevent him from getting army via a chain of heroes.
Another possible situation is when you are near a critical map location, utopia for example. You have fought the guards and you have seen it is maxed out. You do not want to fight it this turn because you need some more army or upgrade or whatever. If you want to deny your opponent entering the utopia you can simply stand in the entrance point without fighting the dragons.
17. Creature specialty increase your movement points. For example if you have Ivor with 1 grand elf it will count as a 8 speed creature and not a 7 speed creature. The bonus is small but every step counts.
18. If you have multiple artefacts for one slot, for example Sandals of the Saint and Boots of Speed you can use them both. You only need the boots to be equipped at the end of your turn to gain the bonus. Then at the beginning of your next turn you can replace them with the sandals and gain more stats. This also works with mana regen artifacts, scouting artifacts or artifacts that give resources.
Not related to movement but still nice is to know how to gain maximum mana. If you are sleeping in town to gain mana with no possibility of being attacked it is actually better to put on all knowledge boosting artifacts instead of better artifacts that give less or no knowledge. In this case + 12 knowledge is actually worth 60 mana more then + to all stats Heavenly Helm.
And you believed that?
Supreme Hero
The last hero standing
posted December 27, 2011 11:30 AM |
We all know that speed is a major factor in Heroes III. Blah ....
13. Poor man's town portal. Best way is to use tactics on main hero, so u can flee anytime (even against Phoenixes or else)....
Letīs see if i can manage that on my old days. First of all, forget everything in the manual.
OK...here it goes:
The basicspeed depends on the battlespeed of the slowest creature on the day before.
Battlespeed of the slowest creature = basicspeed
3 Speed = 1500 movement points
4 Speed = 1560 movement points
5 Speed = 1630 movement points
6 Speed = 1700 movement points
7 Speed = 1760 movement points
8 Speed = 1830 movement points
9 Speed = 1900 movement points
10 Speed = 1960 movement points
>11 Speed = 2000 movement points
The basicspeed doesnīt raise anymore, when the battlespeed of the slowest creature is 11 or higher.
Those movement points will be reduced by every single "field value" depending on the terrain.
Field values:
Cobblestone road 50
Gravelstone road 65
Field road 75
(rivers donīt have any influence)
Dirt 125
Desert, Snow 150
Swamp 175
(cursed and holy ground donīt have any influence)
You donīt have to remind anything else. Every other kind of terrain reduces by 100 points.
For example: With a creature of speed 4, u can travel 15 times on Lava and one step on a cobblestone road (15 *100 + 50= 1550). The remaining 10 points arenīt to be used.
Additional to the basicspeed is the logistic skill. It is only calculated from the basicspeed.
If u have an angel with speed 13 for example, which means a basicspeed of 2000, and expert logistics, u have to add 30% of these 2000, which makes 600. U can use 2600 movement points though.
The raise of the logistic skill affects not before the next day, while raising the pathfinding skill affects immediately.
All further things which give movement points will be added aswell (stables, gloves, boots, miscellaneous buildings/places etc..)
Gloves 300
Boots 600
Stables 400
To wear 2 pair of gloves wonīt give u more speed. And also artifacts which raise the battlespeed have no influence on the movement points (e.g. cape, ring).
Creature specialits give a speedbonus on the battlefield for the creatures and raise the basicspeed of them as well.
For example Ivor with creature speciality Elves:
Normaly, elves have a battlespeed of 6, which means a basicspeed of 1700. You would be able to travel 17 steps on grass though. However, Ivor raises the speed up to 7, which means a basicspeed of 1760. Ivor could travel 17 steps on grass and one more step on the cobbelstone.
Something special is Sir Mullich. He gives +2 speed to the battlespeed of all creatures, but no extra speed on the map.
Something special as well are the logistic specialists (Gunnar, Dessa, Kyrre):
Here u can see how it works exactly, the unprecise circumlocution in the game, on the means of an example:
Kyrre Level 20 with titans and expert logisics has visited the stables and wears the gloves.
Kyrre level 20 speciality:
20*5% = 100%
100% of 30% expert logistics = 30%
30% logistics + 30% speciality = 60%
Speed of titan = 11 is equivalent to 2000 basicspeed
plus the 60% makes 3200 movementpoints
additional the 300 points for the gloves and 400 points for the stables makes 3900 movement points in summary.
As a formula:
Movement points = basicspeed + (basicspeed * logistic skill) + (logistic skill * hero level * 5%) + miscellaneous)
Itīs normal that u donīt want to calculate everytime like this. But there are some reference points. For the fact, the hero should always be speed optimized (means = minimum speed 11), u could say he can travel
20 normal steps
26 with expert logistics
30 with expert logistics and stables
And a specialist has DOUBLED his skill when reaching Level 20!
A further speciality is the "Ghost hero". Thatīs a hero who travels without any troops. Without troops a hero has 1900 movement points. There are different ways to get a ghost hero, but up to 90% it happens when using known bugs, which i wonīt explain here...thatīs cheating for me.
There are many charts and calculation humbugs related to the pathfinding skill. But it is very easy. Every skill level reduces the distraction by 25 points, but it wonīt fall below 100.
Just as easy:
Snow -150 points distraction
Advanced pathfinding (2*+25)
Snow only -100 points distraction
Personally, i rarely give pathfinding on my main, coz it influences only on 4 kinds of terrain, it is easy to prevent and itīs an ineffective skill in the endfight. (not to mention all the streets)
Easy to prevent, coz the distraction wonīt count when u only have troops of that native terrain.
For example:
The main hero has used all his movement points and stands on snow terrain. At the and of the turn, a scout gives him creatures with a minimum of battlespeed 11.
At the beginning of the next turn he will have maximum movements though. To prevent the distraction of the snow terrain, the scout gives a Tower creature (e.g a gremlin) to the main hero. Now the main hero can travel without any distraction. With the help of a scoutchain, all the troops were given to the next and on the final to the main again. Summary:
Fullspeed without any distraction but without having lost a skill to pathfinding.
A little bit different are the movement points on water. It doesnīt matter which creatures the hero has, he will always have a basicspeed of 1500. The navigation skill does NOT raise the movement like described in percent (50, 100, 150), but is settled like this:
Without = 1500 movement points
Basic = 2250 movement points
Advanced = 3000 movement points
Expert = 3750 movement points
(As a comparison = expert logistics = 2600)
It will get extremely fast, when the navigation specialits show up (Sylvia, Voy). On level 20, the reduplication of the skill comes again, which means the hero gets added 300% of 1500 = 4500, 6000 in summary.
Additional there are the artefacts (necklace 1000, hat 600). Additional 500 for every lighthouse, as they work cumulative.
So you can see, those heroes can easily get 7000 to 8000 movement points. And here comes the big hit:
At the start of the turn, the hero flees from a battle on water and is rebought immediately from a tavern. You additional get those 400 points from the stables in the town eventualy (if it is castle) and can travel 83 (!!) steps across the adventure map, 3 circles around the enemy and back again.
You can see, these heros are brilliant suited for surprise attacks, even if they wonīt be leveled up to 20, they still have 40-50 movement points (In comparison: Level 20 Kyrre with expert logistics, stables and gloves = 39)
The movement over land...
....can be imagined like this. Ater the movement points have been set by the troops on the day before, the movement point distraction depending on the terrain is made. Important to know, the steps donīt include the starting field, however, the distraction is calculated from the field the hero comes. If u walk on cobblestone and make the last step on swamp (-50) and want to travel back the same way, u start from the swamp with -175, which means you will have 3 steps less! That is important to know when u want to arrange a backchain.
You can imagine the whole thing like a distraction-chain. If u ran over snow, then a bit over cobblestone and finaly get to the swamp, it looks similar to this:
-150 -150 -150 -150 -150 -50 -50 -50 -50 -50 -175 -175 -175 -175 = 1700 movement points
(14 steps)
...if u get only swamp creatures at the end of the cobbelstone road (native terrain = no additional distraction), the whole thing changes and it looks like u have some additional movement points:
-150 -150 -150 -150 -150 -50 -50 -50 -50 -50 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 = 1700 movement points (17 steps)
You would get 2 additonal steps if u would only have Tower creatures at the start of your turn.
It says, your movement gets reduced by 1 step when u collect resources, attack wandering creatures or an oponentsī hero. Thatīs not correct. If you collect resources or attack a hero, your movement gets reduced by the value of the field the resources/hero lays/stands on. So if u were in money problems and have different possibilities of collecting resources, you should remind that. If you want to block an opponentsī hero, sometimes it is better to place a scout on swamp than directly on the road. If the opponent attacks the scout now, he gets reduced his movement points by THREE. Wandering creatures donīt reduce movement points, no matter if the hero clicks directly on them or places him in front of them.
Buildings which u can travel "over" (e.g. magic shrine) donīt reduce your movement, on buildings which u have to visit (e.g. dwarven treasury), you will lose 1 extra step. But there are buildings which give you some movement points:
Stables = 400 per day during the week of visiting
Waterhole = 400
Fountain of Youth = 400
Ralley flag = 400
Oasis = 800
It says, those places give the travel bonus per day, correct is, you can get some new movement points after every fight. Especially on the oasis u can get many movement points, if u refill after every fight. The other 3 are to be thought of to visit, coz u surely lose some movement points to get there.
I hope i donīt have forgotten anyhting on that topic......thatīs all.
Known Hero
posted January 09, 2012 02:10 PM |
we miss you very much frank. I am so impressed how you kept all these strategies for yourself until final season of toh was over. you are an amazing player and we will all miss your great honor. not 1 player was better than you that did not cheat. you were very talented and it was a pleasure to all those that faced you.
Famous Hero
posted January 15, 2012 01:32 PM |
I was a veteran . I share mine.
Making use of secondary scouts.
You can upgrade the experiences of scouts with estates. Sometimes the estates comes with the heroes themselves, other time it is from picking up the skill at a post. WIth expert estates, in twenty days you may have 10000 extra.
You can upgrade scouts with scholar and wisdom too. This can help when you need not your main to travel back to a town.
Also, not many people realise you can take on a utopia which is not full, at 100% difficult in week one if you have tower, and the map is medium to rich. This at certain times or many times is a game breaker, with the artefacts the utopia gives.
Famous Hero
posted January 16, 2012 10:37 PM |
Sorry for posting this here, but is there any spread-sheet with data of the average attack/defense/Hit Points and so on for each castle? ( comparing with the weekly growth )
Known Hero
posted January 21, 2012 11:13 AM |
Good evening
I have not played homm3 for several days or weeks because I haven't had time... So I decided to start a new scenario after a long time
I found a nice trick against opponent who has much more troops than me
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
As you can see, he had expert tactics so he moved his behemonths out. Firstly, I blinded them and then destroyed his other troops. Destroying own catapult will make the work much easier and relaxed.
When his troops are destroyed, I teleported my own units inside his walls. Then I cloned my AAs and resurrected my whole army back. After this I used forcefield to block my ammocart which is very important. Without the ammo cart winning the battle without losses is impossible. The opponent has expert resistance so using implosion on behemoths is sometimes useless and will waste a lot of mana. I had only limited manas so when my manas run out I have to face his behemoths with my troops by melee (which means game over because my troops aren't enough.. ). But having ammo cart it allows me to win with the shooters easily
The map is called "Fantasy Conquest" and you can download it from map4heroes for example Nice map and the beginning of the scenario is very tricky
Famous Hero
posted January 21, 2012 11:41 AM |
We do not know your game but it seems to me there are lots of variables to call it tactics. Like if he had artillery he can shoot the ammo arts , or GIven his massive number of ancient behemoths I might have cast counter strike, then cast anti magic. There were too many variables to call it tactics.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 21, 2012 12:12 PM |
Useless complications. If have blind, battle is over. Blind, then disrupting ray (common spell) until def=0, then shoot, battle over. Don't even need ammo card or force field. If he has expert resistance, then force field is handy, in rare cases blind fails.
Era II mods and utilities
Legendary Hero
posted January 21, 2012 12:16 PM |
It is obviously not useless since it worked. It may be more complicated than it needed to be, but it's still a useful tactic all the same.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 21, 2012 12:21 PM |
Once I have blind, I can show you 1 million possible tactics just for fun. Each one a waste of time still.
Era II mods and utilities
Supreme Hero
posted January 21, 2012 01:16 PM |
Edited by Ecoris at 13:18, 21 Jan 2012.
Is the AI really too stupid to move back inside?
Edit: Oh, and:
Quote: I hope i donīt have forgotten anyhting on that topic......thatīs all.
Diagonal movement??
Famous Hero
posted January 21, 2012 03:57 PM |
He seems to say he has limited mana. if I am not wrong he needs to recast blind after every hit by arch a
Quote: Useless complications. If have blind, battle is over. Blind, then disrupting ray (common spell) until def=0, then shoot, battle over. Don't even need ammo card or force field. If he has expert resistance, then force field is handy, in rare cases blind fails.
Supreme Hero
posted January 21, 2012 04:50 PM |
Quote: He seems to say he has limited mana. if I am not wrong he needs to recast blind after every hit by arch a
No. He just needs to blind it once. Then he can spend the next X rounds casting Disrupting Ray until the ABs defense reaches 0. There is no reason to dispel the blind by shooting at them during these rounds.
The fact that he cast Force Field every second round for a lot of rounds (judging from the screenshot) and even considered using implosion on 776 ABs suggests that he has more than enough SPs to pull that off.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 21, 2012 05:23 PM |
People still underrate disrupting ray and quick sand. In single play they are your best friends.
Era II mods and utilities
Famous Hero
posted January 21, 2012 05:30 PM |
Quote: He seems to say he has limited mana. if I am not wrong he needs to recast blind after every hit by arch a
No. He just needs to blind it once. Then he can spend the next X rounds casting Disrupting Ray until the ABs defense reaches 0. There is no reason to dispel the blind by shooting at them during these rounds.
The fact that he cast Force Field every second round for a lot of rounds (judging from the screenshot) and even considered using implosion on 776 ABs suggests that he has more than enough SPs to pull that off.
He himself said he has little mana. What I was referring to is that after the disrupting rays have been cast, after the first blind, when he attacks, the blind will be gone and he needs to cast it again. No?
Like I said, this tactic depended on a lot of variables. Like what if the opponent had teleport or resurrection too?
Supreme Hero
posted January 21, 2012 09:03 PM |
Edited by Ecoris at 21:07, 21 Jan 2012.
He just shoots it.
Take a look at the screenshot: The Zealot have a base damage of 528 * 12 = 6336 (they are apparently blessed). That's reduced to 1.8k by the high defense rating of the ABs.
If the Zealots just have 40 attack they'll deal triple damage once the ABs defense reaches 0. So each shot will kill 60+. Even of the enemy hero has armorer (seems likely) the Zealot's have plenty of shots to finish the ABs, Ammo Cart or no.
Edit: He won by casting Force Field over and over to protect his Ammo Cart. Apparently the enemy just lets the ABs do nothing.