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Heroes Community > Heroes 5 - Temple of Ashan > Thread: Secrets of destruction revealed - playing Dungeon faction
Thread: Secrets of destruction revealed - playing Dungeon faction This thread is 61 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 10 20 30 40 50 ... 57 58 59 60 61 · «PREV / NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted March 26, 2007 03:10 PM

Oh, I wouldn't call it that way I've lost with a melee dungeon two times because the enemy was a puppet master abuser. puppet on raiders ends the game if you're not focused on destructive, as I said a few times And it seems true!

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Famous Hero
Keeper of GrongGrong
posted March 27, 2007 07:35 AM

I'm surprised to hear people talk about inferno as a weak castle.  I have not yet had the opportunity to play dungeon vs Inferno, but in most of my matchs with inferno I do very well with or without Deleb, you don't need her if you know what your doing.. the only major problem I have with inferno is Quick Combat is possibly worse than if I let hamster run on my keyboard.

I am always trying to take magic resistance with inferno, cause again puppet master or big nukes can kill you easily.  The only town I have come up against real trouble with so far is Sylvan, a couple initiative artifacts from these guys and your force is decimated before you get much chance to deal with their dmg dealers.. Anyway this is not an inferno thread, but I would say I'll be happy to challenge a dungeon with my inferno any time.

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Supreme Hero
posted March 27, 2007 08:20 AM
Edited by feluniozbunio at 08:22, 27 Mar 2007.

I'm looking forward to it. By the way, i know it will be offtopic but could you say is it possible and how to creep with inferno without war machines? I can creep lvl 1s not using deleb but every thing else is a pain in the a$$(grok's teleport may be useful against some other shooters too)

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Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted March 27, 2007 09:04 AM

I used to love inferno.

But inferno is very limited in two things:

1. Might town without light magic and cleansing (even coming from units) ---> Dark magic owns you totally
2. Extremely poor creeping without Deleb

In other words, you HAVE to get Deleb and HAVE to end the game quickly before the enemy gets puppet master or mass suffering.. so you have to do the same thing every game: powercreeping and rush. Sure it can work, but is it fun? I guess not.

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Known Hero
posted March 27, 2007 10:35 AM
Edited by Sanyu at 10:38, 27 Mar 2007.

I used to love inferno.

But inferno is very limited in two things:

1. Might town without light magic and cleansing (even coming from units) ---> Dark magic owns you totally
2. Extremely poor creeping without Deleb

In other words, you HAVE to get Deleb and HAVE to end the game quickly before the enemy gets puppet master or mass suffering.. so you have to do the same thing every game: powercreeping and rush. Sure it can work, but is it fun? I guess not.

Seems like I'm quite lucky then, for I had only played before with other players using either Sylvan or Haven and I won them easily. Dont know how it is like to fight Necropolis...

P.S I never use Deleb, Nebiros and Grok seem better...

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Adventuring Hero
posted March 27, 2007 12:57 PM

Nebiros has nice speciality, unfortunatly due to tactics he cant take power of speed. Grok seems much better because he starts with logistics and pathfinding, so way to swift gating and teleprot assault is short.

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Tavern Dweller
posted March 27, 2007 07:46 PM
Edited by SilverSeraph at 19:48, 27 Mar 2007.

Hello Dungeon fans!

I have several questions about playing Dungeon, which is currently my favorite town because of its pure Destructive Magic awesomeness. Most of these questions don't need a long answer, so please take some time to answer them if you can. There is a catch, however.

I would like to get two answers for each question - one is the general answer, which should be applicable most of the time. The other is for playing against a human Necropolis player on a generic map (Big, Normal difficulty, medium richness, symmetrical, etc.) I know that there are a lot of other factors to consider, but as I said, I don't expect long answers so keep it plain. About giving two different answers... for example, the first (probably the most obvious ) question:

1. Which hero should you take?

It would be best if you could answer who is the best Dungeon hero generally and who's especially good against Necropolis. I personally am torn between Sinitar and Vayshan.

Hope the intro cleared things up.

The other questions:

2. Which Skills and Abilities to prioritize when leveling up? (remember, I am using the "Über-powered boom-boom spells" approach )

3. Should Warlocks take from the chests:

A. - Always take Gold / Always take Exp.
B. - Take Exp. for the first X days / first X levels, from there on always take Gold
C. - Always take large chests / mid and large chests for Exp. and the rest for Gold
D. - Other (please specify)

4. Which creatures/creature upgrades to skip and which ones to focus on? (e.g. stuff along the lines of "avoid the highly expensive Dragons" or "upgrade Hydras fast" etc.)

5. What would be the optimal battle formation for a big Dungeon army? (e.g. things like "splitting Shadow Matriarchs into a few small groups for casting spells", "placing Blood Furies next to Grim Raiders to benefit from the Lizard Bite" etc.)

6. Apart from the obvious Implosion and Meteor Shower, which other Destructive Spells can be equally useful in the big battle? (I'm especially curious about Ice Bolt/Master of Ice combo against Skeleton Archers )

7. What to creep and what not to creep? (Stuff like which creatures to place when creeping casters / shooters, which stacks to split, where to position them etc.)

8. Which artifacts to be on a lookout for in the Trade Guild? (Except the obvious Luck and Spell Power boosters + Slippers )

9. What is the best build order in the town, assuming the starting town level is 1? (Stuff like how long you should wait before building a Castle or a Capitol, should you build them at all, which buildings you should never build, what should you have at the end of week X, etc.)

It all may seem a bit much, but these are just basics of playing Dungeon so experienced Dungeoners shouldn't find these questions too hard.

I would really appreciate any help

P.S. - I apologize for the excessive use of smilies (sorry, that was the last one.)

couldn't resist...

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Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted March 27, 2007 08:21 PM

It would be best if you could answer who is the best Dungeon hero generally and who's especially good against Necropolis. I personally am torn between Sinitar and Vayshan.

Me either. Against necropoly I'd suggest sinitar, though.

Which Skills and Abilities to prioritize when leveling up? (remember, I am using the "Über-powered boom-boom spells" approach )

1.destructive - take it to expert
2.sorcery - expert here too ASAP
3.luck - at least basic to be certain that you'll have it
4.Arcane training - obvious
5.soldier's luck and warlock'ss luck
6.Enlightment (basic)
8.Finish luck to expert
9.Finish enlightment.

Throw in the following, too: Elemental vision,dark ritual,mana regen, erratic mana, secrets of destruction. They have lower priority than those above but still they are very useful.

Should Warlocks take from the chests:

A. - Always take Gold / Always take Exp.
B. - Take Exp. for the first X days / first X levels, from there on always take Gold
C. - Always take large chests / mid and large chests for Exp. and the rest for Gold
D. - Other (please specify)

in general there is a rule to take gold only, but it doesn't apply to warlocks: I'd recommend option "B" - you need to have as high level as possible in the shortest period of time. Later on it's better to take gold, after all the artifacts and creatures cost a bit.

Which creatures/creature upgrades to skip and which ones to focus on? (e.g. stuff along the lines of "avoid the highly expensive Dragons" or "upgrade Hydras fast" etc.)

Get assassins ASAP: They will actually do some damage to level 1-2 units via poison and stall much better than furies. Needed to clear some basic stuff around the castle, and useful later on too. You may want to use scouts instead of assassins if the creeps around your castle are wimpy, but I still recommend the upgrade for creeping purposes later on (more HP - better tanking)
Get blood furies and use them to kill every slow walker you see on the map (especially zombies and golems). You don't need more than 20 of them, though, so don't buy them after that unless you really want to (for truly magic way, they are not very good except for creeping, and 20 is enough here.. some may disagree ofc, but I see it no other way).
next, build hydra dwelling,mino dwelling, witch dwelling and lizard dwelling, in that particular order. Upgrade hydras first, than witches. Upgrading lizards has a small priority. Minos don't need upgrade (it makes them tougher only a TINY bit, so it's worthless - you won't really gain much from their double attack as a true spellslinger.) Dragons are good if you can afford them, though, so you may skip raiders to get dragons if the map is rich enough.

What would be the optimal battle formation for a big Dungeon army? (e.g. things like "splitting Shadow Matriarchs into a few small groups for casting spells", "placing Blood Furies next to Grim Raiders to benefit from the Lizard Bite" etc.)

I'm working on it, but generally you want the enemy to kill units like furies, minos, raiders and assassins first: Hydras are needed to stall. The longer they are alive, the more chances you have. If all hydras are alive after the strongest enemy damage dealers have fallen, you will most probably win: Hydras with defend command activated all the time and with possibly some DEF arties are insanely tough, they won't fall easily after each faction's main killers are dead. And that means more implosions. If the enemy is dumb, he will ignore the hydras since they do low damage and focus on furies and raiders as the potentially most dangerous units: if he does, good for you. If he realizes that it's the most defensive units that are the most "dangerous", contrary to what logic says , he will his most powerful stack to destroy them ASAP. That's why it's good to split hydras into two stacks. Say, if the enemy paladins charge and hit the hydras for 8000 damage, all of them will die. But if you split them to two stacks, 4000 damage will get wasted, the paladins will die in the next turn due to i.e. lucky implosion, and the other part of the hydra stack will remain alive and healthy.

Apart from the obvious Implosion and Meteor Shower, which other Destructive Spells can be equally useful in the big battle? (I'm especially curious about Ice Bolt/Master of Ice combo against Skeleton Archers )

Skeleton archers are not a threat anymore: They rarely appear in big numbers. Kill the wraights and liches ASAP, the rest of the army won't pose a big threat to you. About the spells, I think doing more damage is better than freezing:
If you kill the stack via implosion, it will deal 0 damage cuz it doesn't exist anymore.
If you icebolt it instead, it will get penalty to initiative, but deal the damage anyway.
So, destroying it completely, if possible, is the better way IMO, so always use the strongest spell. It doesn't need to be implosion to be honest: Use the spell you've found the +50% artifact for. It's always the best solution.

What to creep and what not to creep? (Stuff like which creatures to place when creeping casters / shooters, which stacks to split, where to position them etc.)

You will love zombies, golems, squires etc: they give a considerable ammount of exp and you can kill them without a single spell, with furies only.
Against shooters, use several stacks of 1 assassin or scout. If you have sorcery, you will probably kill them before they will killa ll of your meatshields.
Against casters, you need to be certain that you CAN kill them with 1 spell: they often have AoE spells that can toast your meatshields faster than you can kill them. Meteor shower is especially handy here, since you can kill 3 stacks of shooters immediately.
Things that can resist your spells, or immune ones, should be only fought if you have great spellpower and expert irresistable magic. Take great care against dragons.

Which artifacts to be on a lookout for in the Trade Guild? (Except the obvious Luck and Spell Power boosters + Slippers )

All kind of +50% elemental dam arties, not just slippers; knowledge and spellpower arties; luck arties; special stuff like staff of netherworld or the cursed ring (helps with staying alive);def arties may do too if there's nothing interesting.

What is the best build order in the town, assuming the starting town level is 1? (Stuff like how long you should wait before building a Castle or a Capitol, should you build them at all, which buildings you should never build, what should you have at the end of week X, etc.)

Scout dwelling, fury dwelling, guild level3, city hall,artie merchant, hydras, minos, matriarchs, (capitol as soon as you can get it), level 4-5 guild, dwelling upgrades, dragons. Not necessarily in that order, but something around that.

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Supreme Hero
posted March 27, 2007 10:27 PM

The way i play is very similar although not exactly.

1 If i have choice i take Yrwanna first, against all factions. She has hers pros and cons. Sinitar is fine hero as well.

2 My general rule of thumb is to get right basic skills ASAP.Only exception for this is taking Empowered Spells ASAP for Yrwanna, before you start too many skill trees. When I have them my priority is soldier luck and warlock's luck(inteligence if im sinitar). Than i take into consideration when i may meet my opponent and if this can happen quick i take only basic skills and leave some useful perks. Not Having Expert basic skills is far worse than not having perks.

3 Some time ago Ive been taking mostly Exp or first exp than gold. Ive noticed i really lack gold all game, most of times i could buy only 50%!?!?! of my armies. Then i Switched to gold only. Nowadays I take gold only right from the start. To be honest i don't have any particular problems with creeping problems because of this. I'm not sure if this is the right solution. I still haven't played as many games as i would like to be sure(although there were MANY of them). But i've tried every possibility and i think its very map dependant and i guess there is no only right way.

4 Nop matter what map im playing i always build Furys ASAP and unlicke Doomforge i don't use assasins as a damage dealers. I dont even upgrade them. Generally i build hydras and raiders ASAP then i focus on Capitol then castle then matrons and minos. Building mage guild lvls are somewhere in the middle , or later depends on the map and what do i need/have.If i dont need any powerful spell (or i have it from secret of destructions) guild can wait. Ive beed building dragons (second week even , along with castle) when i play Battle for glory but i think ill leave them . they just cost too much. In their place you can buy more other stuff(units/arties). Hydras and Raiders upgrades are must for final fight. Don't need to upgrade them fast tho.I dont upgrade scouts and matrons. Upgrading matrons don't give u much but costs much, assasins are pure crap. When i got money/resources i upgrade minos, their double attack can be handy in some situations.

5 I never take my assasins with me for final fight. Sometimes i don't take other units just to split matrons. Like Doomforge said , Against necro you may don't want to take your raiders with you. (This, and taking as much magic resistance as you can is only overall remark for games against Necro)

6 I just use whatever area spell i can get that matches my +50% arties, nothing more usually. I always try to get 2 of them at least just to be prepared for anti magic artifacts. I don't use any destructive magic perks nowadays don't have skill slots for them.

7 Like Doomforge said. For Casters Shooters you need to have certain spells/skills (sorcery , area spell) then you place 7 stacks of 1 scout (or 5 and hide furies and rest of scouts). Rest creatures i kill using 5 stacks of 1 scout and one stack of furies ( rest scouts hidden) you place then like i've done it in my main post. You can kill everything using the later. I've even killed horde of black dragons using 6 scouts and bunch of furies and lost scouts only. You just need to work out how to move them when facing creatures that attack unit behind.

8 Exactly as Doomforge said.

9 Build order is somewhere higher.


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Famous Hero
posted March 28, 2007 12:32 PM

Against necro you can simply meteor shower grim raiders after they attacked. Splitting raiders into 2 stacks helps a lot too.

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Tavern Dweller
posted March 28, 2007 04:30 PM

Thanks go out to everyone for such thorough replies

I definitely have some more questions, but it's late here and I don't have time to post them now. Just wanted to thank all you guys

@ Doomforge:

How did that game against Haven go?

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Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted March 28, 2007 04:32 PM

you can check it here

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Famous Hero
Keeper of GrongGrong
posted March 29, 2007 06:57 AM

Ok I have been lazy in reading some threads, but I'll give you my offtopic Inferno approach for creeping without ballista.

First Inferno is a might town.. Plain and simple.  

Hero -- Preferably Grok (over even Deleb) 2nd normally deleb but since we are not discussing her here lets go with my other choices, Nymus or Nebiros.  These are the heros you will want to use as a main.

Grok -- Logistics... always great, teleport at 4 mana WOW and starts with it?! Perfect.

Nymus -- Starts with luck is a bonus, but his special is Amazing when combined with some gate enhancing perks.

Mebiros -- Attack is good. +1 luck is good.. No enemy tactics is good.

Other acceptable heroes.. but not ideal are Jezebelle (Sorcery can be useful for might believe it or not) And Marbus (This hero will be chosen with priority vs Dungeon)


Now to the creeping..

Early week 1 battles will be difficult, especially if you have shooters to contend with.  

For regular walker style army (any speed) Use a 3rd heroes troops for tanks.  PLace 2 stacks of inferno troops in corner blocked in by the non native army.  You then gate both demons and imps into very central battlefield.  If you have adv gating, the imp stack will be quite strong.  I will often build the gating booster building in town on day 1 or 2.  By plaving the gated stacks in the middle of the battle field you will lure the enemy troop there, reduce numbers with hero and summoned creatures as they are fighting in the middle you can open up the ranks of your tanks and let the big stack of imps out.  At max range they can run in and usually clean up whats left without loss.

Vs Shooters, you obviously need to spend turn 1 gating your imps beside a shooter.  This unfortunately is where you will lose a few imps.  If you are using grok shooters are not a problem thanks to cheap teleport.

After the first week depending on where your town level started at you should either be going out with imps, demons, and pit feinds. Or Imps, demons, and cerberus.

Useful perks -- Hellfire, COnsume Corpse, Battle Frenzy, Swarming gate (Luck), Mark of the damned ( This is great for casting while your gated stacks are attacking)  
Leadership is a use at own risk skill for inferno.  Although its very good for you for both creeping and final combat, it will inevitably fill a slot that, for me, at least is needed elsewhere, although the perk gate master here is very nice.

I wish there were a horned demon specialist.

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Famous Hero
The lone peasant
posted March 29, 2007 08:33 AM


I wish there were a horned demon specialist.

linkTouched by His Noodly Appendage

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Famous Hero
Keeper of GrongGrong
posted March 29, 2007 07:23 PM

I suggest you try a map and put a stack of lets say 40 horned demons set to join at your castle gates which would be approximately what a specialist would start the game with.  

Horned demons are probably the most effective creeping unit inferno has for a number of reasons.

1) They are durable
2) With their weekly population so high they are wonderful gated.
3) They are very expendable for creeping purposes, not like imps or dogs.
4) and most importantly they don't really serve a purpose in a final fight(except as a teleport stack to annoy shooters.) But I often will be carrying hundreds of these in final combat.  +10 att/def would make them useful.

My inferno methods may not be the best way, but they work extremely well for me, I am very fast in my creeping and large creature clears.  For example 38 titans week 4 without losses is a common battle on a map I play regularly.  Another map is a week 6 battle vs a garrison 300 assasins, 20 black dragons, 10 magma dragons. No losses.

I'll usually end week 1 between level 10-14 on a player made map.  ON a random more like level 6-8 (town level 2)

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Supreme Hero
posted April 02, 2007 12:46 AM
Edited by feluniozbunio at 19:36, 22 Apr 2007.

OK i think the time has come to add a comment about Academy vs Dungeon matchup. First thing i can say that for me its the worst one. Against no other factions i've had so one sided matches that i lost. This may not be a good start for someone who is going to give directions how to play a faction but i think that every advise counts

I think those matchups can be divided into 2 cathegories. First, rushing   games/maps. Second late game/closed maps. Although there is not much difference (1-2 weeks) between them it still counts because you may not be able fully develop your hero on rush maps (until 3rd week) whereas you should do it on big maps(until 4th week).

Small maps
Assuming you did chose heroes when starting most often you will face Havez (i will not say here how broken he is because i did it already in some other topics) The scenario goes more or less like this. In week one (and two perhaps)you do some creeping. You meet on week 2 or early week 3 when you are already around 15 (or 19). Its really about players skill here. Usually you dont have too much forces with you so you will eventually run after killing something with your spell.
If he has flaming arrows ability along with balista its not good. You cant take all your troops with you because he will just rape them with one shot. For that reasson you cant have even one mighty stack. (to be honest ive played only once against such wizard so dont have any reliable anwser for this) Solution to this may be in destroying his ballista in hit & run raid(because it is destroyed permanently while having flaming arrows skill) and attack him quickly again before he gets it again(although it may be easier said then done)
If he doesnt have flaming arrows you may take your army with you. But you cant be passive because he has spells too and his destructive magic along with motw deals a lot damage so you need to be very agressive with your units. Relaying on magic only isn't good solution here. You may kill all gremlins but golems and gargoyles die hard and that buys him much time to kill your units.Remember that he always can retread the same way you can! Bad thing is that Dungeon, despite of no-one-knows-why-to-be-called-ofensive-castle has worts attacking creatures ever. Assasins atacking crap, after being halved by ekstensive creeping they do nothing , furies die from single shot, minos and hydras are too slow to be a threat. Dragons are too expensive in most games. This leaves you with one attacking creature only Grim Raiders. Of course flood-them-with-mass-hit-points strategy works sometimes and those minos and hydras will reach his troops eventually.

Another scenario is long game. Here you should be prepared for few things. One is mini artifacts. Resistance artifacts help him a litlle but they aren't that big threat. Ive found out that +att/+init are bigger problem here. Ive had a game that guy had 30+ knowledge  and even his genies with +7/+7 artifacts were killing machines. I just couldn't believe my eyes when he was killing me with his creatures in a blink of an eye. Wizards magic isn't much worse from warlocks you can't allow his creatures to be too strong in comparison to yours. After this game ive said to myself that i cant allow such artifacts to be made next time and I need to end game before he will get all necessary resources.

EDIT: I forgot to mention one thing, wizards ability: Counterspell. It really ruins your hero. To counter his counter you need few things. First you need expert sorcery , when you cast your spells , even when they are countered you use your sorcery skill and he is not. So once for a while you may cast a spell even if he is countering only. But this strategy is really your last hope. Your first line of defense are witches. Cast spells with them to waste his counter, then cast spell with your hero. This strategy, however has a basic flaw. If your witches will die fast and you are left with a tactic above only. Thats why it is even more important to not allow academy to build their artifacts, you need a creature advantage over them.

Beside that there is armageddon-resistance combo. If you are set up on long game vs academy you want to have an eye on protection from fire/earth(motwed implosion,meteor shower)/lightning(motwed chain lightning) artifacts. If you are able to get the MAKE SURE you do it.

Puppet master and frenzy is a pain as usual. Other spells arent that much of a threat, phoenix can be killed with 1-2 spells. Motwed arcane armor is nice but it doesn't kill you.  

Well, to conclude wizards have good magic , but there is one thing that they don't have . Dungeons racial skill , so you should pursue resistance skill/artifacts as they nullify their most threatening spells. Unfortunately they is VERY few artifacts which increase magic resistance and taking elemental damage resistance artifacts blind may be a tough call when you have +spellpower artifact for the same slot, still, you should pick resistance artie over +spellpower one.

EDIT: Only exception for this can be fire cape when you planing to Armageddon his hero.

EDIT: Id like to notice that Black Dragons are very good units vs Academy. If you manage to reduce number of his troops he wont have many ways too kill your BDs. He will be forced to use hero attacks.
But this usually can only be applied in very late stages of the game if you manage to survive the initial battle and do some damage to his units.

I haven't found out the best tactic against Academy yet and it was always my worst matchup. Its sad that dungeon has so poor attacking creatures and his secondary stat is attack. It just doesn't make sense to me.In most of games i either dont use attack (after raiders are dead you dont have units to atack with) or I dont even want to have that attack (because puppet maste+frenzy combo)


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Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted April 02, 2007 08:47 AM

Well, exactly. After raiders are dead, the overgrown ATT stat is worthless. And we all know they are the priority for either a focus or puppetmaster.
Of course DEF instead of ATT would be a milion times better, but it won't happen anyway.

About the genies with mini arties, well, it's scary, but believe me, it's not even half as scary as paladins of a well-developed haven hero. Those can kill ALL your hydras in one blow, even if they are divided into two stacks (EACH one can do it @_o). Not to mention griffins and angels which do exactly the same thing. Hasted griffins with morale can hop endlessly at your hydras and shooters, and are safe in the air from your spells. Archangels are almost as good as paladins, just come in much smaller stacks, but still pack quite a punch. And even the full marksmen stack can actually kill a lot with luck. There is no way physical academy can match physical haven.

Academy has strong magic too, though.

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Supreme Hero
posted April 02, 2007 09:53 AM
Edited by feluniozbunio at 00:16, 09 Apr 2007.

Well..although i haven't faced fully developed heaven army i know what are you talking about, but this kind of situation is only possible in very late stages of a game (week 6+). I've read the thread about your have vs Heaven lately but as you said in that topic, it was only your fault to let him develop that much. I have been playing against one of top toh players, he was Heaven. He didn't even have cavaliers not saying about angels when we fought. Well, he won the game even without them. But it was very close one, and he was little bit more lucky with morale and luck than me, but i admit his gameplay was impressive. Im sure if he did make those angels and cavaliers he would have lost because he wouldn't have resources for other upgrades or mage guild which helped him very much and those few angels or cavaliers would die to a single spell anyway.
This is the power of pace, you must be quick in order to disrupt his strategy. I've lost some games just because i was attacked few days before i was ready to fight (i were 18 lvl and one lvl away from expert destructive magic)

What i want to say is that Dungeon doesn't have very good end game. Hit&runs may be cool but they don't work each time. You need to kill your opponent while he haven't achieved his full potential.

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Famous Hero
posted April 07, 2007 10:44 PM
Edited by ChaosDragon at 23:05, 07 Apr 2007.

What i want to say is that Dungeon doesn't have very good end game. Hit&runs may be cool but they don't work each time. You need to kill your opponent while he haven't achieved his full potential.

No, i don't think so, use Yrbeth, the strongest dungeon end game hero besides sinitar and vayshan, maybe stronger than those two, she has dark magic, but she has very weak start.

Still, dungeons end game are not that bad, if you can score a BD's breath attack (better if with luck), your enemy will almost lose 2 stacks, imho Black Dragons's breath attack are more useful than warlock endgame destructive spell, emerald dragon and magma dragon also have that great special, sadly no something like Arc breath attack, Hydra six headed attack also great and very useful in endgame, if you can make use of it.

Who is the best dungeon heroes? (i personally prefer vayshan, sinitar and yrbeth)

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Supreme Hero
posted April 07, 2007 11:41 PM
Edited by feluniozbunio at 17:57, 08 Apr 2007.

Still, dungeons end game are not that bad, if you can score a BD's breath attack (better if with luck), your enemy will almost lose 2 stacks

That is true. BD are very good. But you must take other things into consideration. Those things is mainly cost. They are extreamly expensive and most of times unachievable. Shadow dragons are more likely to get but they are more vurnerable which is another drawback. In my experience they proved to be really good but if you play against smart opponent they wont survive long and you lose tons of gold which you might use in some other ways.

imho Black Dragons's breath attack are more useful than warlock endgame destructive spell,

No way. In late game you easily get 1k+ dmg area spells which bypass defense and hits few units. Usually one spell kills whole lvl 7/6 stack(if the game lasts reasonable amount of time). Speaking about potential ive had 3k+ meteor shower few times in my career , try to beat that.

About Yrbeth being good hero. Um, it might be true if only warlock had Dark magic instead of summoning in his mage guild. Whats the point in getting dark magic if you dont have spells? Of coutse you can try to get soem from map locations but i think its too much of a gamble.

I like yrwanna best because she is fastest in creeping and you got 100% to have enlightenment. Sinitar is very good too: fast expert destructive and secrets of destrustion is very handy and gives significant creeping power.
Vayshan. I never liked the guy. You dont need warlocks luck early on and i like 3 furies more instead of 14 scouts. Besides his special is useless.
Rest heroes have skills that don't fit to uber-hero-mage approach so i don't even consider starting with them.

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