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Heroes Community > Library of Enlightenment > Thread: HOMM3 Tactics
Thread: HOMM3 Tactics This thread is 71 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 10 20 30 40 50 60 ... 67 68 69 70 71 · «PREV / NEXT»

Known Hero
posted November 28, 2002 08:34 AM
Edited By: Frank on 28 Nov 2002

Why doesn`t XP allow me to put message board members on read only ?

I do appreciate everyones input about... tactics.

Everyone knows how to use them?  If archers suck for you, then you obviously don`t know all about archers and you should practice some more    True enough, on very selective closed maps, archers don`t have the same impact as they can have on all open maps / random maps and most closed maps.

I can relate a 160% random game in which I made Wystan my main hero over alkin and day 10 I was killing throng dwarfs guarding a fly hive...  That game, that simply couldn`t be done with any other fortress hero.  With another hero, I simply waste 5 more days doing far less rewarding tasks.

The key to fighting well with archers isn`t that obvious, but the reward doing it well is great.  Getting twice as many secondary skills in the same time may just allow you to enter a main fight with the expert earth/air/tactic edge.

PS I had nothing but good comments about this topic so far and I`m very pleased about it.  Hopefully it can stay that way ?

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Known Hero
posted November 28, 2002 09:04 AM

8) Opening a monk dwelling tactic

A very efficient way to open a monk dwelling:  You have to kill 9 monks in a single stack.  That`s 270 hps or, 6 magic arrow doing 50 damage, or 4 m arrows doing 70, etc...!  In the first week it`s usually possible to train a magic hero well enough to have the proper stats.  You should seek one of the following skills: air/earth/fire or water to lower the cost of casting magic arrow from 5 to 4 mana points.  Seek intelligence to.  Then all you need is 7 imps !  If the monks ever get high morale and you have to retreat you have to know that what you will have to fight when you return is the monks you left when you fleed.  You don`t have to kill 9 monks again.  Of course you could use your main hero to do the same job but monks don`t pay much xps and you will lose your precious archers for nothing.  That way of fighting with a properly trained magic hero works wonderfully for all fights involving one group of a fixed number of units.  For example, the titan on the island guading a quest item on hg3, don`t waste time with your main hero getting it, use 7 imps to kill that titan !

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Known Hero
from the Carribean
posted November 28, 2002 02:57 PM

But no one answered what the townbug is!
-Largo has spoken-

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Known Hero
posted November 28, 2002 04:37 PM

But no one answered what the townbug is!

On opps turn:
go in town Rclick on icon of your town on Rhand side of screen.
You will be able to see your opps town, whether he has (townhall, cityhall or capitol) built, (fort, citadel or castle) built and any troops he has left in town.

But beware! If u have more towns than your opp..DON"T Rclick on the extra one.
ie: lets say I get 2nd town before u..if I Rclick on my 2nd town icon before u get a 2nd town...the game automatically crashes.

I think it's ok to post this, since all experienced players know of this and use it.
I know when I was a newbie, nobody told me of this bug for 2 months, resulting in many games lost when outcomes might have been different if not for the advantage my opps had over me.


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posted November 29, 2002 03:57 AM

Frank, When are we gonna see all these tactics with illustrated Pics for the noobs? Fantastic Job Nevertheless deserves more than a QP

P.S. just here showing of my new Guitar if ya need any help with screen shots or other just gimme a shout bud


Roy Orbison: Only The Lonely


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Supreme Hero
Jebus maker
posted November 29, 2002 07:24 AM

But no one answered what the townbug is!

Theres an even worse bug too, but I donīt think anyone is using it, apart from ppl that would do anything for a win. Itīs calle dthe herobug and I donīt know how to use it, but I have heard it exists. Itīs usually hushed down pretty quickly though, because if word of it got out ppl would think it sucked. So the ones with the info are trying to put a cap on it

A good tactic I use..  when u get castle town in a random map XL or larger.. (hehe)  donīt go for troops. Build straight to capitol day 1 and then u can get full town week 2 day 7. That means u have (and can buy) 3 angels day 1 week 3. If you donīt think you can get angels any other way, thats a valid option.

Building for gold isnīt always wrong, specially with castle.

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Hired Hero
posted November 29, 2002 01:29 PM

in utops for example they cant get morale, there are of two towns, so they will get no bonus and will not freeze. i think this is what andi ment.

does everyone know the order the dwarfes or imps move in caches or treasurys?

they move (if all have same speed) from ne, se, sw, nw, and last the 5. in the right middle

u stay:

   1 2
 3  4  5
   6 7

sometimes it could help to know that :-)

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Hired Hero
posted November 29, 2002 01:35 PM

a word to the demon making. i think the rate depends on how many lords u have. with a huge stack like 500 or 5k pits u will make demos with a rate of 1,4 but with normal stacks between 10 and 30 for example the rate will only be 1,3.

dunno why, but thats my experience.

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posted November 29, 2002 02:50 PM
Edited By: TheEverLiving on 29 Nov 2002

Theres an even worse bug too, but I donīt think anyone is using it, apart from ppl that would do anything for a win. Itīs calle dthe herobug and I donīt know how to use it, but I have heard it exists. Itīs usually hushed down pretty quickly though, because if word of it got out ppl would think it sucked. So the ones with the info are trying to put a cap on it

The Hero Bug = a hero runs around with full movement bar with no creatures, I havnt seen it for god know how long and I myself havnt used it, In my opinion its a form of cheating.

Theres far more leathel bugs than the hero bug too, Imagine being able to see into your opps spellbook and what skills he/she has aquired also be able to see if they are wearing the recanters cloak or pendant for instance, Another bug I will never use.

P.S. Dun ask me about these bugs as I won't tell ya shiat for simple reasons it would breed cheating of all kinds


Bob Dylan: Idiot Wind


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Known Hero
posted November 30, 2002 08:02 AM


I never look at a crypt the same..
Or any fight in Wk 1

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Hired Hero
posted November 30, 2002 10:34 AM


top left moves first..bottom left moves next..
then top right..then middle right ..then bottom right..

nope, its like i described it.

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Known Hero
posted November 30, 2002 07:06 PM bonus applied.
Edited By: notmytohhandle on 2 Dec 2002

Hi Frank and u all.

I just love tactics, so after seeing this thread i had to post my own alternetive tactic for dealing with utops under circumstances where u dont have access to a huge army. Some of u allrdy heared about it so i thought i would make it public in hope that its used more in real games.
(let me know if u do  


this is a situation not very common in games but when u have the option to use it, IT ROCKS.Ivor is not wearing all of his 2nd week army (alltho he had an external elf dwelling) He only use what he thinks he needs to master the dragons may their be 5 blacks or only 1. that dont matter to ivor

The blacks and gold had their go now its the pegasis turn

Cast haste and move pegasis to the left flank out of reach for the greens and reds, note that hasted grands go b4 reds and greens since they now have a speed of 12 (grass / ivor speed 14)Move grands to top left corner.

Next round start. Hasted pegasi go first. Cast force field and let the Grands do their stuff. Dragons kill the loose pegasis but cannot hurt the main stacks behind field. Beaware that force field only lasts 2 rounds so when spell expires be sure your pegasis are still hasted, if they are not hasted, the blacks or golds will go first. Thats why i suggest u kill blacks and golds first (since it would be sad to retreat, when u allrdy got the deadlock) Just keep casting force field and maybe throw in a bless on grands if u got it (helpfull in 5 black topes).

Not alot of casulties and even the 3 pegasi can prolly be saved if used another set up, this was only a 1 black utope but army was capable of 5 with exatly same casulties. The trick is to have the proper set up so drags dont hit ranged units round 1. this can be done in a few different ways depending on quantity of ranged units and other potential targets for the dragons. U will need to do some research to understand the AI completly, thus knowing what set up to use with different armies.

This tactic (set up) used here i made for 130 setting or higher so if u play on less it wont work. The dragons will actually play smarter on that setting in this regard. Tactic works great with castle and tower aswell.

Hope u enjoy the tactic and get to use it in a real game.

/ ARCHIE a true fan of tactics.


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Known Hero
posted November 30, 2002 08:12 PM
Edited By: notmytohhandle on 30 Nov 2002

yes stats are good i know but u could have 0 defense wouldent matter alltho i suggest u have a similar attack rating. and yes u need some stuff. preferably atelast advanced air and exp earth, but if using a single angel with castle (or a conservatory angel with any town) instaed of pegasi and ramp u can get away without earth magic, since the force field then will only be 2 squares (fits an angel but not a 2hex pegasi)

no they are only protected from hand to hand combat.

Its not they awnser to taking down a utope week 2 every game. but its an intersting alternetive strategy and when u succesfully use it, its great.

/ archie

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Famous Hero
posted December 01, 2002 05:34 PM

I am always afraid of drags hitting my stronger units. They do sometimes and when do they do it?

I remember once I had 5 arch. I then summonned lots of earth ele. and then the drags attacked my arch instead.

Lemme contribute... a tactic one can usse ,as I did in bob2 , was to have first the water book. in battle I brought in only 1-1-1-1-1-1-1. Then in battle summonned water constantly. After reducing the arch dev.(or any other lvl 7s you may concounter) to 1 or 2 I retreated before coming back a second time wif full army to take out everything thats left.

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Famous Hero
Keeper of GrongGrong
posted December 02, 2002 02:06 AM

I've found that creatures in general will behave in a few ways..

First on 130% or higher I am reffering to..

Most of the time creatures will attack the weakest unit.  NOw in some cases, this might not be that honking stack of lv1's..  AI units are afraid of dying, and therefore tend to attack the stack that poses the least amount of threat to their numbers.

As an example I was quite baffled the other day.

I attacked "lots of centaur captains" with a day 3 stronghold army and Dessa. Lots of captains is normally a walk in the park, with little loses.  However this time the captains moraled in rd1. Rather than hitting my stack of 98 goblins, which in retaliation would kill a good number of the centaurs, so instead they attacked my rocs.  THis is very odd behavior, as normally any enemy would attack your goblins.  However since the rocs were the smallest possible dmg dealing unit I had within reach of the centaurs they chose to attack them, killing 1. My goblins moved up and finished the stack off. BUt a battle that could have been easily no loss, was all of sudden a major loss. Simply because I had more units..

After saying this, I have also tried the summoning in utopias, with success and without.
Often times if your hero is capable of summononing large numbers of elementals say 80+ earths.. those dragons would much rather attack your stronger units, as the dmg ratio is much less.  So sometimes less is more if you know what I mean

I'll give another nice example for a week 1 utopia take This is very situational and I derived it from a map archie had sent me to attempt it. well not exactly what he had in mind, but I figured out a new way

Its yet another force feild trick..

With a haste specialist hero, using a conflux town and your sprites.. having exp air magic, and being about lv8 or 9 your sprites, hasted will actually go faster than the gold dragons on grass terrain.

SO basically your going to need.. exp air magic, prolly exp intel, and Force feild spell. (I'd also recommend over 90 sprites.) I'd provide pictures but I am way to lazy to do it.  Anyway, a Elementalist hero at lv8 with exp intel has a knowledge score of about 7, so you need to find some boosts, or artifacts to help your mana, you need 200.

Then basically.. its just a wait, attack, return.. You don't need earth magic for this tactic, because the sprites go faster than the drags, and they can stand in a proper position to be blocked by a non skilled feild.
This trick is recommended only for 1 or 2 black utopias, you need also to kill the blacks and golds first here.. reason being, your sprites can actually outrun them, and if worse comes to worse.. Mana wise, wait for morales.. CAUTION: Advise opponent to grab a book as they may see that active sign a few times

This can also be done with a haste specialist and conflux early if your lucky enough to find a summon spell, which still works on the same principle, with you sprites hidden in the force feild, just continue to summon, when feild disolves recast..

No pictures cause I am too lazy right now.

The Dead Walk!!!

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Known Hero
posted December 02, 2002 03:39 AM
Edited By: notmytohhandle on 2 Dec 2002

HI again

Well since there have been alot of talk about learning to use your ranged units i sumbmit another tactic (similiar to the utope tactic in the sence that one use ranged units in places where u first thought is, one shouldent bring them)

Taking down a midsize hive 12x5 dragflies can be a tough job for a small week 2 army since at this stage of the game u depend alot on yr ranged units (i never get lvl7 monsters built the first(weeks)

This tactic works great for both HIVES as explained here, but can easily be used in CONSERVATORIES aswell with small changes.

A lvl 2 ivor with a week 2 army fitted for the job at hand.
Not even a spellbook is required for the purpose of opening a midsize Hive even with a lvl "1" or "2" might hero.

Dragflies had their turn and they targeted nothing but the fodder even tho 2 of stack got morale first round.

So now its ivors troops turn to move. the setup used allow him to move his ranged units into the corner and the blocks reach just far enough to block them (upg. dendroids in troops slot 6)

The 10 dwarvs and the remaining archers keep the dragflies from not all attacking the block at once. Ivors Kents and dends take care of the stack infront of them as the grands continues to wear down the stacks that is left with the dead dwarvs.

The casulties of 9 kents and 10 dwarvs in this case is acceptable since u now got 8 wyerns to fight in yr army.

In the games i play i find that speed is the key to succes.
There is no doubt that u can take this hive later with a better hero without casulties at all but. but since speed is such a major factor in the random maps i play, i find this and similar tactics very effective.

Once again this tactic is specificly for 130 setting or higher it wont work with less difficulty.

/ ARCHIE. oh btw ARCHER RULES (archery or no archery)


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Famous Hero
posted December 02, 2002 03:57 AM

Has any1 noted that you cant seem to get lvl 7 creatures wk 1 in gw from the red's refugee infront of castle?

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Famous Hero
Keeper of GrongGrong
posted December 02, 2002 01:51 PM

Actually Cas,

I've got a devil or arch devil a number of times..

The Dead Walk!!!

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Famous Hero
posted December 02, 2002 02:37 PM

Actually Cas,

I've got a devil or arch devil a number of times..

The Dead Walk!!!

hehe yeah same here . i got a lvl 7 a couple of time. but talkin bout camps : i just seem to get pikeman EVERY game on BOB 2 on the island camp week 1. anyone a clue why ?


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Hired Hero
posted December 02, 2002 03:42 PM

not only w1, every first visit, if u dont visit the camp w1, u will get the pikes in w2, but dunno why either.

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