

Hired Hero
posted April 01, 2003 10:32 PM |
Thanks alot for this cool topic Frank, and also thanks to other tactic submitters here. There's basically everything good about this topic, the only thing I'm bothered about is you'll have to read alot of posts to find the right thing you're looking for. If you have a web page I suggest you organize you tactics on that wep page in sections(A section for general tactics, a section for each castles tactic etc.).
If you don't have a page, I can put them online for you. You just mail them to me, and I'll put them online(and have the link to the webpage in my signature) if you like.
Guitar, black metal and HMM4

Adventuring Hero
posted April 10, 2003 06:01 PM |
How about on other terrains?
Quote: How far a given hero can move is determined by the speed of the slowest creature in their army. This was taken from the H3 help file and is only related to movement in grass terrain and with no roads. When the terrain is diferent some modifiers have to be taken in account.
Slowest Creature / Speed(hexes)
Super Slow - Extra Slow/ (1-4).......15 tiles
Slow/ (5)..................................16 tiles
Swift - Extra Swift/ (6-7)..............17 tiles
Very Swift/ (8)..................................18 tiles
Ultra Swift - Super Swift/ (9-10)....19 tiles
Quick - Super Fast/ (11-21)..........20 tiles
Slowest Creature Speed(hexes)
1-3............................10 tiles
4-5............................11 tiles
6-7............................12 tiles
8..............................13 tiles
9-21...........................14 tiles
I'd like to know exactly how useful pathfinding is compared to logitstics. I know on tough terrains, pathfinding is more rewarding, but couldn't figure out the exact math.
He who attacks seldom defends.

Famous Hero
Banned from opening threads
posted April 10, 2003 10:46 PM |
Re Pathfinding
Pathfinding is more usefull than logistics for a heor not native to swamp that has to go through swamp. At expert it reduces terain penalty by 75% and swamp cuts your movement by 75% so a grass hero with expert pathfinding will move on swamp the same as on grass without logistics ( i think this is right) But i do know that swamp is where you benefit the most.
Retaliation is for the foolish. Silence is wisdom

Famous Hero
Wood cleaner
posted April 11, 2003 11:12 AM |
Something u also should bear in mind is that when playin randoms, there will be roads...and if u dont reach swamp, snow or any other tough terrain in the beginning it might be smart to not chose pathfinding at all.....
Tagged officially as Noobegian two years ago. This typographic material is strictly copyrighted. All situations containing abuse will be brought to court.

Famous Hero
Banned from opening threads
posted April 14, 2003 04:27 PM |
just to change the subject a bit (still tactics) I have never seen anyone post anything about the frenzy spell.
Anyone had any match winning experiences with this?
Retaliation is for the foolish. Silence is wisdom

Famous Hero
Banned from opening threads
posted April 14, 2003 08:16 PM |
Thanks. I was just wandering that if you cast stoneskin before casting frenzy, would the extra 6 defence get that extra 200% so that if 25/31 defence you would get a total attack of 75 or 93? .
Obviously i am talking about expert here.
Retaliation is for the foolish. Silence is wisdom

Known Hero
Dirty MoFo
posted May 18, 2003 01:42 PM |
The last games I played were against Ivor ? What is this rampart madness ? Is this the best town ?

Adventuring Hero
posted May 18, 2003 03:03 PM |
I think rampart is used more often because its the easiest castle to play with early in a game. With ivor, u get wood elves to start the game. If u upgrade wood elves to grand elves day 2 u can be walking around with 10-17 double shooters day 2, and have unicorns with castle by day 7. This allows u to beat some fairly strong creature stacks early in the game. Definately all crypts can be taken day one, as well as small treasuries (in my opnion). I used to use ivor but now i believe mephala is much better. I played against ivor with mephala one time and this was the result. My oppenent had a slightly better hero than mine (stats wise). He had my home castle and when we met day 1 he had an extra weeks worth of creatures than me. Magic was pretty even. I took his shooters out in round one (ivors speciallty gone!). It was a pretty close fight but because of mephalas speciallty i won the battle. I thought i was gonna lose for sure but she sure surprised me. Now when i play this castle, its either mephala or kyrre that i use. Personnally i like the archangel castle myself, but rampart is very enjoyable and easier to play.
Life is full of frustrations, heroes should help release it!

Supreme Hero
Supreme Noobolator
posted May 19, 2003 11:16 AM |
personally i think that the underground towns are a bit disadvantaged because when playng on random there are not nearly as many creature dwellings as on the surface for instance castle and all the conservatories once a friend of mine harvested 26 angels and he also had a hill fort nearby so he didn't needed to build any upgrade whereas i was playng necro and i had only a skell and a wight dwelling anyway rampart and castle are in my opinion the best towns (see the hp and health ratio )

Known Hero
posted May 20, 2003 06:29 AM |
Quote: personally i think that the underground towns are a bit disadvantaged because when playng on random there are not nearly as many creature dwellings as on the surface for instance castle and all the conservatories once a friend of mine harvested 26 angels and he also had a hill fort nearby so he didn't needed to build any upgrade whereas i was playng necro and i had only a skell and a wight dwelling anyway rampart and castle are in my opinion the best towns (see the hp and health ratio )
Necro vs castle..if ur opp had enuf time to get 26 archies..then u should have enuf time to get at least 3000 skells,,among other things....

Famous Hero
posted May 21, 2003 03:39 PM |
Quote: The last games I played were against Ivor ? What is this rampart madness ? Is this the best town ?
it mostly depends on map
but blacks and goldies rules mostly
Remember random vs vinz.he was rampart and get 2green dwelings lol.no need of ivor.and no tacktics helped me then

Known Hero
posted July 31, 2003 05:24 AM |
Does anyone know of a site which list all the combo artefacts of HOMM complete/sod ?

Supreme Hero
Lee's wifey
posted July 31, 2003 05:30 AM |

Tavern Dweller
posted July 31, 2003 06:50 AM |
SOD PDF Reference for Combo Artifacts
Quote: Does anyone know of a site which list all the combo artefacts of HOMM complete/sod ?
If you have the Game Shadow of Death Or Complete you can use the adobe acrobat reader and open the Shadow OF Death User's Manual and turn to page 26 there is a listing of them here as well also starting on page 19 of this manual are some of the new Neutral Creatures and thier stats. I would take a look here if you are switching to SOD or Complete to gen the new templates and are use to playing ROE. You can see some new creatures and a few from conflux you might have heard of.

Legendary Hero
posted July 31, 2003 11:56 AM |

Known Hero
posted September 10, 2003 07:56 PM |
16) 1st turn in 200% games on random maps and some templates.
With your first hero: You should remove all troops but 1, the fastest one you can keep of course.
Then you move from visible gold to visible gold. There is some planning here. The goal is to get 2500.
1st situation: If you are at 2100 and you can only pick either a campfire or a chest at the end of your movement... pick the campfire !
2nd situation: If you are at 2000 and you can either pick a campfire or a mystical garden. You have to go for the campfire !
3rd situation: If you need 700 gold a pile of gold provides better odds than a chest of gold !
Chest = 59%,
Pile of gold = 60%. 
With your first hero you will uncover sufficient ground to have a good idea of the richness of the map. The only reason why you should buy a town hall before a 2nd hero is if your land looks poor as hell or if you are playing on a template known to be either poor or extremely strong.
Campfire: 400-600 gold.
Chest: 1000-2000 gold, 5% of getting nothing.
Pile of gold: 500-1000 gold.
Water Wheel: 500 gold 1st week.
Mystical Garden: 50% of getting 500 gold.

posted September 16, 2003 07:29 PM |
this post is nice for n00b`s, but you can`t say all of what he needs to be play betther!
btw, nice to see you here again Frank!
i want to say one very important think - betther play honorable and lose not play dishonorable and win!
b/c 90% of good players know all stupid bugs, what can see opoonet and more more thinks!
and all this is bolshet!
play for the game, not for the WIN!
first you need to know what exactly you want, then wish it!

Known Hero
the supreme heroe
posted September 27, 2003 03:02 PM |
like demon farming with ignatius

Tavern Dweller
posted November 13, 2003 11:45 AM |
Quote: Every now and then I will post a tactic here. Most of you will find some of them tactics obvious. Hopefully I can share with you some other less obvious tactics that you will find helpfull.
1) Gold management and building tactic with rampart.
There is a building I`ve seen few Rampart addict ever build. I do it every games that last 3 weeks+. The Treasury building. 5000 gold 5W 10Ore might seem a lot but if you do all that you should do you will get 5K + gold the very first week change it comes into play. Day 7 you should build a market in every cities you own. Trade every ressources you don`t need. Let`s say you are playing a random XL map and you have 100 gems-sulfur-mercury to trade. Depending on the number of markets you own that`s easily +15k gold before the new week. Also do not upgrade your green dragon dwelling just now, wait until day 1. In fact, all major expenses should wait until the next day with the exception of going to a new month. You can still gamble it but plagues may occur every other new months and so you might consider buying all that you can to save as much as possible. Week 3 should be your goal to build the treasury else I suggest you wait until week 5 unless you want to gamble it.
Hi Frank,
Great advise here, I really appreciate it.

Supreme Hero
u can type so much text in her
posted November 24, 2003 02:03 PM |
Well... I think I play about all the things Frank mentioned, accept that one. I never bought one in my life.
I'm still not convinced it's not a joke. hehehe
People used to call me crazy, but now that I'm rich I am excentric.