If you have a problem with your H5 scenario, be sure to read the official Manual first. Then check out the FAQ by Pitsu at Celestial Heavens' mapmaking forum.
Before you start a new topic, please check these informative threads:
Unfortunately, Dragonsister of MapHaven is not accepting submissions anymore and Age of Heroes doesnt have its own map archive. Check out other great sites:
Avoid the sites which host zip files without READ ME files.
A READ ME file should look like this:"The Name of Your Map" version ?
Heroes of Might and Magic ?: expansion ?
by your name/nick
contact: your e-mail
map testers: e-mail 1, e-mail 2
Size: ?
Underground: yes or no?
Type: singleplayer or multiplayer?
Special Win: if any
Special Lost: if any
Total number of players: ?
Maximum number of human players: ?
Maximum number of computer players: ?
Recommended difficulty level: ?
(for H4 only: Recommended guard movement setting: mobile?)
DESCRIPTION: copy/paste the map description
IMPORTANT: other notes for players
SPOILERS: walkthroughs etcUse Notepad to type one and pack it with your map file(s).
P.S. If you are interested in further customization, please visit our Modders Workshop (H5) and Wake of Gods (H3) subforums.